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Topic: Home > Executive Acts > Appointment

Document appointing person to a position or announcement of the appointment.

Presidential Nomination: Vincent Ventimiglia
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Vincent Ventimiglia Position: Asst Sec (Legislation) Department .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Michael Melville Wood
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Michael Melville Wood Position: Ambassador to Sweden US Ambassadors (.. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Robert King Steel
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Robert King Steel Position: Under Sec (Domestic Finance) Department ... - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Otis D. Wright
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Otis D. Wright Position: Judge - California C US District Court Judges ... - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: James R. Stoner
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination James R. Stoner Position: Member Humanities, Natl Council On the (26) Neh .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Alejandro Daniel Wolff
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Alejandro Daniel Wolff Position: US Dep Rep in Security Council of UN Un, .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Linda Marie Springer
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Linda Marie Springer Position: Director Office of Personnel .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Jeffrey Allen Taylor
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Jeffrey Allen Taylor Position: District of Columbia US Attorneys (.. - 3.2KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Jon Calvert Strauss
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Jon Calvert Strauss Position: Member Natl Science Board (24) Nsf .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Andrew Bart Steinberg
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Andrew Bart Steinberg Position: Ass't Sec (Aviation &.. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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