Our goal is simple: build a green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty
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Take a Stand for both People and the Planet

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The last few years have made it clear to everyone that the fate of our planet and the fate of our species are woven together and cannot be separated.

In the painful grip of the worst global economic crisis since the Great Depression, we can see that caring for the people who inhabit the planet cannot be isolated from caring for the planet. Fortunately, we can do both - at the same time.

Be the face of the movement for an inclusive, green economy, by showing us who you are and where you stand. Make a Green Jobs Icon today.

Featured Stories

Reflections from the 3rd Green For All Academy
May 14, 2009
Reflections from the 3rd Green For All Academy
Last week, something magical happened here in Oakland. A group of 48 activists, artists, community leaders, spiritual leaders, and other folks who are integral to creating, growing, and sustaining an equitable and green economy gathered.
Pathways out of poverty in Denver - Mile High Youth Corps poised to get Stimulus Funds
May 12, 2009
Pathways out of poverty in Denver - Mile High Youth Corps poised to get Stimulus Funds
When La’Kyla Byrd cleared trails and tended to trees in Denver’s City Park this past year as a member of Mile High Youth Corps, she also cleared a path for herself and three siblings out of the violent and drug-infested neighborhood of their childhood into college and service-oriented futures.
State Spotlight: Triple play green jobs bill becomes law in Washington!
May 11, 2009
State Spotlight: Triple play green jobs bill becomes law in Washington!
Yay! Washington State signed SB 5649 into law! This legislation will roll out a great Energy Efficiency program, get millions to low-income communities for weatherization, and create a lot of good green jobs. Community leaders - including leaders from faith-based organizations, nonprofits, and unions - worked tirelessly on developing and passing this legislation alongside their state legislators.
Join May 19th Conference Call: Retrofitting America's Cities
May 11, 2009
Join May 19th Conference Call: Retrofitting America's Cities
Are you working on energy efficiency policies or programs in your city? Do you want to learn about city-scale energy efficiency retrofits? Please join Green For All's first Community of Practice Learning Call: Retrofitting America's Cities. Tuesday, May 19th. 1pm pacific / 4pm eastern