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Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE) skip to primary page content


Performance Measures Conceptual Framework

The Performance Measures Conceptual Framework is represented by a pyramid, which is composed of five rows of blocks. Each row represents building blocks and objectives of Early Head Start and is in a different color. The bottom row of blocks (purple) represents the four cornerstones of Early Head Start: Staff, Child, Family, and Community. Directly above this row, and corresponding to the four cornerstones, are four blocks that represent the Management Systems (blue), which ensure well-managed programs that meet standards for high quality. The four Management Systems blocks are Support Staff, Create Child Development Environments, Involve Parents, and Develop Strong Community Partners. Directly above is a row of three blocks that represent the Program Services (green). These blocks are Provide Children with Individualized Services, Develop Relationships with Parents and Children, and Link Children and Families to Community Services. Above Program Services is another row of three blocks, which represent Outcomes (red). The blocks are Enhance Children’s Growth and Development, Enhance Parent-Child Relationships, and Strengthen Families. Finally, the top of the pyramid is composed of just one block (yellow), which is the Ultimate Goal of Early Head Start: Children’s Competence.

(Back to Figure 1)


