Photo Gallery

In Washington, D.C.

July 16, 2003 -- U.S. Representatives Mike Doyle and Richard Neal address visiting students from the Children's Friendship Project for Northern Ireland, a non-profit organization that pairs up Protestant and Roman Catholic teenagers to spend a summer in the United States with host families in a long-term initiative to help promote an end to the sectarian violence in Northern Ireland.
July 16, 2003 -- U.S. Representatives Mike Doyle and Richard Neal address visiting students from the Children's Friendship Project for Northern Ireland, a non-profit organization that pairs up Protestant and Roman Catholic teenagers to spend a summer in the United States with host families in a long-term initiative to help promote an end to the sectarian violence in Northern Ireland July 16, 2003 -- U.S. Representatives Mike Doyle and Richard Neal address visiting students from the Children's Friendship Project for Northern Ireland, a non-profit organization that pairs up Protestant and Roman Catholic teenagers to spend a summer in the United States with host families in a long-term initiative to help promote an end to the sectarian violence in Northern Ireland  

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The 110TH CONGRESS (2007-2008) The Library of Congress: THOMAS


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