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Federal Employees Health Benefits Program

Quality Healthcare

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FEHB pages:

Satisfaction Surveys
OPM and FEHB plans and enrollees participate in a broad-based survey effort with other public and private employers by using the Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Survey. Before you join a plan, it may help to know what people who use the plan say about it.

Health Plan Accreditation
We show information on health plan accredition by three different independent, private, not-for-profit organizations dedicated to measuring the quality of health care organizations.

Health Plan Report
This National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) web site provides an interactive tool that gives quality information on FEHB managed care plans.

HEDIS Data on FEHB Plans
We have posted HEDIS (Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set) results on the FEHB managed care plans to:

  • allow consumers to reliably compare health plan performance, and
  • spur the health plans to make internal efforts at quality improvement.

You can use this information to see how your plan scored against the FEHB average and against other FEHB plans. HEDIS is developed and maintained by the National Committee for Quality Assurance, a not for profit organization committed to assessing, reporting on, and improving the quality of health care.

Your Guide to Choosing Quality Healthcare
A publication developed by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality to help you make health care decisions using information about quality. The Guide is based on research about the information people want and need when choosing health plans, doctors, treatments, hospitals, and long-term care. A companion Quick Checks for Quality provides a one-page checksheet of things to do to assure that you are getting quality healthcare.

Links to Healthcare Quality Web Sites
Links to non-OPM web sites on the web that provide high quality information on assuring quality in health care.