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Jones Votes Against Out Of Control Pork Barrel Spending
December 8, 2003: "In 1994 I promised to come to Washington and do my best to eliminate this kind of wasteful spending, not expand it." More...
Jones And The Army Corps Of Engineers To Expedite Dredging Of Oregon Inlet
December 4, 2003: "The situation at Oregon Inlet is unacceptable for North Carolina fishermen and boaters, but help is on the way." More...
Congressman Jones To Host Town Hall Meeting To Discuss Prices Of Prescription Drugs
December 3, 2003: More...
A letter sent to the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding Bluefin Tuna management
December 1, 2003: December 1, 2003 Asst. Administrator William T. Hogarth, Ph.D. National Marine Fisheries Service 1315 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 More...
Jones Requests Congressional Hearing On Navy Chaplain Corps
December 1, 2003: "Congress and the Armed Services Committee in particular, has an obligation to ensure that the spiritual needs of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard are met, and that the delivery of those services is done in a manner free from discrimination and retribution." More...
Jones Calls Medicare Drug Bill "Bad Deal For Senior Citizens," Votes Against Passage
November 21, 2003: "There are ways to address current concerns with our nation's healthcare problems – but I do not believe H.R. 1 is the correct vehicle to bring us to a solution." More...
Jones Votes To Send Veterans' Benefit Package To The President's Desk
November 20, 2003: "There is never a sufficient way to thank those who courageously serve our country in battle. Nonetheless, I believe casting a vote in their favor is a strong start." More...
Jones Applauds Decision To Protect Against Unfair Chinese Imports
November 18, 2003: "It is my hope that today's announcement marks the beginning of a renewed emphasis by the Administration on the need to support industries beleaguered by unfair import practices." More...
Jones Reacts To Massachusetts Supreme Court's Ruling On Same Sex Marriages
November 18, 2003: As more and more bricks are removed from the wall of America's morality, we must stand together to defend the values upon which this country was founded." More...
Jones Introduces Bill To Protect Tobacco Communities By Stopping Quota Cut
November 17, 2003: "Enough is enough. We've had a 50 percent quota cut in the last 5 years, and another major cut is expected in December." More...
Constituent Inspired Jones Provisions Pass House Through DOD Bill
November 7, 2003: Overall Bill contains Jones sponsored language that will directly affect Eastern North Carolina bases and families. More...
House Passes Jones Provision For Wetlands Protection That Has BeenTen Years In The Making
November 7, 2003: "Today's passage of the Wetlands bill signifies Congress' commitment to protecting wetlands nationwide while reinforcing the need for the military to be strong environmental stewards." More...
House Approves Jones Bill Enhancing Ability Of Coast Guard Commandant To Make Recommendations To Congress
November 6, 2003: Passage will create level authority among all branches of the military – including the Coast Guard. More...
Jones, House Set To Pass FY04 Military Construction Appropriations Bill
November 5, 2003: Contains more than $200 million for Seymour Johnson, Camp Lejeune, and Cherry Point More...
Jones Language Eliminating Tax On Military Death Gratuity To Be Sent To President
November 5, 2003: Legislation also contains long backed Jones provision to restore capital gains relief for military personnel. More...
Jones Votes To Approve $500 Million In Aid For Isabel Recovery, California Fires
October 31, 2003: "These funds will help ensure that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has sufficient funds to continue to aid recovery from Isabel in North Carolina." More...
Jones Language To Repeal The Tax On The Death Gratuity Passes House
October 29, 2003: "I applaud my colleagues for working together to find an appropriate solution to an issue that was long overdue for serious attention." More...
Jones Introduces Bill To Restore Hazard Mitigation Funding For Hurricane Victims
October 28, 2003: "The federal government can either help mitigate the damage now, or pay more recovery costs in the future." More...
Jones Announces Food Stamp Aid To Those In Heavily Hurricane Affected Counties
October 25, 2003: "I am proud to announce our state's department of Health and Human Services' desire to help those ensure they are able to put food on the table following this tragic storm." More...
Jones Recognized For His Defense Of Faith, Family And Freedom
October 24, 2003: More...
Jones Calls On Federal Agencies And State To Restore Beaches On Hatteras & Ocracoke
October 23, 2003: "We ought to make every effort to use the dredge that's filling the breach to also protect the roads, property and natural habitat of the Outer Banks from future storms." More...
Jones To Attend Ceremony In Honor Of Beirut Soldiers
October 22, 2003: "This day will recognize those heroes who lost their lives to restore peace in a war torn nation and were some of the first victims of terrorist attacks." More...
Jones Lauds Passage Of Bills To Better Our Nation's Education System
October 22, 2003: "When I cast a vote in support of education, I know I am casting a vote to support our country's future. The students of today are America's leaders of tomorrow. I commend my colleagues for the passage of these important bills." More...
Jones Applauds Significant Role Of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base In Current War On Terror
October 21, 2003: At a time when the Department of Defense is preparing for another round of base closures, I am pleased to hear the encouraging message that Seymour Johnson Air Force Base has served an important and undeniable part in Operation Iraqi Freedom." More...
Jones Joins The Battle To Remove Partisan Politics From Universities And Schools
October 20, 2003: "Students go to college to learn and make independent, educated decisions. Incorporating an Academic Bill of Rights in our colleges will help ensure public education is not clouded by partisan curriculum." More...
Jones Votes To Support Our Troops; Seeks To Reign In Iraq Spending
October 16, 2003: "I believe it is important to provide the necessary money for our troops, but we must balance Iraqi reconstruction funds with our needs at home." More...
House Passes Vietnam Veterans Memorial Visitors Center Bill Cosponsored By Jones
October 15, 2003: "This center will enhance the existing memorial, and help tell the story of those who sacrificed everything for the freedoms we enjoy." More...
Jones Votes For Bills To Better Serve Our Military, Veterans
October 9, 2003: "There is never a sufficient way to thank those who courageously serve our country in battle. Nonetheless, I believe casting a vote in their favor is a strong start." More...
Congressman Jones Receives FRA's Highest Award
October 1, 2003: More...
Jones Urges FEMA Director To Expedite Temporary Housing Assistance
September 26, 2003: "Families in Eastern North Carolina are suffering, and FEMA must move quickly to ensure they have adequate shelter." More...
Jones Bill To Protect Cape Lookout Horses Unanimously Approved
September 24, 2003: "Today's action was a win for the horses of Shackleford Banks." More...
Jones Gets First Hand View Of Hurricane Isabel's Aftermath
September 19, 2003: "Right now my greatest concern is for the families who are in need of shelter, food and reassurance …" More...
Jones Reacts To Navy's Decision On The Olf And Super Hornet Squadrons
September 10, 2003: More...
Jones Introduces Bill To Protect Prayer In Our Military Academies
September 4, 2003: "I find it incredibly ironic that liberal organizations like the ACLU are attempting to take away the very freedoms that these students are willing to go to war to protect." More...
Jones Mourns The Moral Decay Of America
August 21, 2003: Congressman Jones reacts following the news that Chief Justice Roy Moore of Alabama is being forced to remove the Ten Commandments monument from their courthouse. More...
FRA Commends Congressman Jones for Introducing Final Month's Pay Legislation
August 5, 2003: More...
Jones Calls Lighthouse Decision 'Reckless'
July 30, 2003: Congressman Jones issues the following statement regarding the decision to recommend that the Currituck Lighthouse be awarded to the Outer Banks Conservationists More...
Rep. Jones Seeks To Provide Relief To Survivors Of Military Retirees
July 28, 2003: "While they may not face the perils of combat, they often raise families alone, endure long separations, and provide a mutual safety net for other military families. This legislation seeks to recognize that sacrifice." More...
Jones Says Our Veterans Should Be Congress' Top Priority
July 25, 2003: Congressman Jones speaks today on the House Floor concerning the sacrifice of the men and women who have given their lives for our freedom. More...
Jones Lauds Recommendation To Bring Super Hornets To Cherry Point
July 18, 2003: "As we face another round of base closure in 2005, there is no question that this is a very positive sign for the base and the community." More...
Jones Lauds Generous Grant To Aid Literacy Education In NC Schools
July 14, 2003: "Our youth are the future of this nation, and a solid education provides a better foundation for the next generation. This grant is well founded and much appreciated." More...
Jones Denounces The Cost Of Government
July 12, 2003: "It's a shame that Eastern North Carolinians spend over half the year working to pay for a bloated government and more red tape." More...
Jones Votes To Fund Men And Women In Uniform, Eastern North Carolina Defense Priorities
July 8, 2003: Defense Appropriations bill earmarks more than $360 billion for the advancement of our nation's military, including pay raises and basic housing allowance. More...
Jones Announces $4,877,680 Grant Award For Nc Department Of Environment And Natural Resources
July 7, 2003: More...
Funding Secured For Textile Tagging Technology
June 26, 2003: "I am proud to have played a major role in securing this funding and will continue to fight to protect the jobs of Eastern North Carolinians who work in the textile industry." More...
Congressional Hearing On Jones Bill To Protect Cape Lookout Horses A Success
June 25, 2003: "H.R. 2055 will help protect the viability of the Shackleford herd so that people can enjoy them for years to come." More...
Rep. Walter Jones Votes To Kill The Death Tax
June 18, 2003: "I am proud to vote to put the IRS's grim reaper out of business." More...
Jones' Language To Protect Immigrant Spouses Of Fallen Soldiers Passes House
June 4, 2003: Jones' Bill, the Fallen Heroes Immigrant Spouse Fairness Act was included in HR 1954, the Armed Forces Naturalization Act of 2003 More...
Jones Votes To Reaffirm The Sanctity Of Our American Flag
June 4, 2003: "I have always stood behind the true intention of the Constitution, and I believe this resolution echoes the significance of one of our Nation's proudest symbols." More...
Jones Encourages Constituents To Submit Ideas For Homeland Security
May 29, 2003: Web sites and email address provided for submission of ideas on how to keep America safe. More...
Jones Urges President Bush To Protect Military Academies' Rights To Pray
May 27, 2003: "By virtue of educations rooted in the principles of our Founding Fathers and steeped in the traditions of our great military services, our future officers gained respect for God and country. Now one of those traditions… is under serious attack..." More...
Rep. Jones Applauds Veterans Bills Passed By House
May 27, 2003: "These are the kinds of legislative victories that make my job worthwhile. The passage of the four bills to aid our Veterans is just a small indication of the immense gratitude Congress has for our military heroes." More...
Congressman Jones Announces Veterans History Project In Eastern North Carolina
May 26, 2003: "The greatest gift we can bestow upon future generations of Americans is to ensure that the heroic efforts of our veterans are never forgotten. The veterans of Eastern North Carolina valiantly placed themselves in harms way to protect the freedoms we enjoy." More...
Jones Provisions For Military, Eastern North Carolina In DOD Bill Pass House
May 22, 2003: "I count it a great privilege to represent men and women in uniform. These are the heroic Americans who are willing to die to protect the very laws we create. The least we can do is work together in Congress to offer them the best benefits possible." More...
Congress Approves Jones Study Of Tar-Pamlico River Basin
May 21, 2003: "This study will provide a roadmap for improving Eastern North Carolina's water quality and supply, protecting its ecosystems, and drastically reducing the damage caused by catastrophic floods." More...
Jones Votes To Cut Taxes, Create Jobs
May 9, 2003: "I came to Congress to help create more jobs and get the federal government off the backs of working men and women in Eastern North Carolina. The tax relief package I voted for today takes a needed step in that direction by lowering the burden of excessive taxation on families and small businesses." More...
Jones Language To Aid Immigrant Spouses Of Fallen Soldiers Included In Larger Bill
May 7, 2003: "These widows and widowers have incurred enough heartache and my hope is to give them some small peace by allowing their green card process to continue unhindered." More...
Jones Receives Letter Of Support For His Immigrant Spouse Act
May 2, 2003: HR 1799 would permit surviving immigrant spouses of fallen active duty military members to continue with their citizenship process More...
Elizabeth Dole and Rep. Walter Jones Call for Administration Action on Oregon Inlet
May 1, 2003: More...
Jones Sends Request To President Regarding Vietnam's Inflated Import Rates
April 25, 2003: "Mr. President, at a time when our textile industry continues to suffer in a troubled economy…the very least we can do is guarantee that our negotiated quota levels are based on accurate levels of legal trade shipments." More...
Jones Announces Art Contest Winners
April 24, 2003: Winner receives a scholarship to the Savannah College of Art and Design More...
Jones Makes Request To Rumsfeld On Behalf Of Mourning Military Families
April 15, 2003: "Of course I respect the deadlines of the media, but first and foremost we must respect the hearts of the mourning." More...
Jones Introduces Bill To Protect Immigrant Spouses Of Fallen Soldiers
April 14, 2003: "We should not punish the families of our soldiers simply because they are unfortunate enough to have incurred the greatest loss of all with the death of their loved one in the service of our country." More...
Jones And Colleagues To Take Calls In Live Broadcast From Washington
April 7, 2003: Congressman Jones invites the constituents of the Third District to call in and speak with him and other Members about today's current events. More...
Jones Encourages The Tradition Of The Blue And Gold Star Banners
April 1, 2003: "Thousands of men and women from Seymour Johnson AFB, Camp Lejeune MCB, Cherry Point MCAS, and the Coast Guard are serving on the front lines in Iraq or elsewhere in the global war on terror. Sadly, many of the casualties from Operation Iraqi Freedom have most recently come from Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point." More...
Jones Calls For P.O.W. Captors To Be Treated As War Criminals
March 27, 2003: "The resolution passed today joins the President in calling the prosecution of potential war criminals and I strongly believe the War Crimes Act of 1996 is one such vehicle that should be used." More...
Jones Language To End Tax On Military Death Benefit Passes House
March 20, 2003: "In light of the current war we are fighting, the possibility of the loss of life is undesirably on the forefront of our minds. While there is no price that can be paid to recover a lost loved one; this proposal was intended to help ease the burden for those who have already sacrificed the most." More...
Jones Reintroduces Bill To Enhance Military Education
March 18, 2003: "I firmly believe that the education offered by the GI Bill has not only improved the military force that serves our nation, but has improved our overall society as educational opportunities are provided to those who would have not had the opportunity otherwise." More...
Jones And Colleagues Seek To Transfer Funds To Support Homeland Security
March 6, 2003: "I came to Washington to try and fight excessive spending. If I can't get the Government to stop this spending, then maybe I can at least help direct it somewhere beneficial." More...
March 1, 2003: More...
Congressman Jones Reintroduces Legislation To Aid Military Retirees
February 27, 2003: "These retirees have given our Nation over 20 years of dedicated service. They have helped protect the very freedoms we all hold dear." More...
Jones Introduces Commemorative Stamp Bill Honoring Heroes Of Beirut
January 31, 2003: "We must not forget that the soldiers who lost their lives in Beirut were some of our first victims of terror. They went to restore peace in a war torn nation." More...
Jones Expresses Sympathy Towards Those Affected By Kinston Explosion
January 29, 2003: "The loss of lives affects all of us who live in Eastern North Carolina. We are a close knit community that behaves more like family than neighbors." More...
Joe Ann Jones, Wife Of Rep. Jones, Will Travel To Carteret County For The Round Up
January 6, 2003: Joe Ann Jones, an avid horse lover, will attend the round-up with the Congressman's district director, Millie Lilley. More...

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