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Rep. Jones Supports Largest Defense Budget In More Than A Decade
November 13, 2002: "I stand behind this bill because I believe it provides our military with the foundation it needs and deserves. We are living in a time of war, and must act accordingly." More...
Congressman Jones Lauds Unanimous Passage Of Iraq Resolution
November 8, 2002: "The United Nations is speaking with one voice. As a world united, we will work together to rid the world of the danger Saddam Hussein presents." More...
Rep. Jones Fights For Military Retirees
October 17, 2002: Jones sends letter to President urging him to reconsider veto threat over disability payments for military retirees More...
Rep. Jones To Vote To Increase Benefits For Our Nation's Veterans
October 7, 2002: "America's veterans are also America's heroes. They deserve the best we can offer. I believe HR 4085 continues to ensure that those heroes receive the support they have earned." More...
Rep. Jones Vows To Continue The Fight To Restore Freedom Of Speech To Houses Of Worship
October 2, 2002: "This legislation goes beyond party lines and theological debates. We must not allow a government institution to have this kind of chilling effect over America's churches." More...
Rep. Jones Vows To Continue The Fight To Restore Freedom Of Speech To Houses Of Worship
October 2, 2002: "This legislation goes beyond party lines and theological debates. We must not allow a government institution to have this kind of chilling effect over America's churches." More...
Jones Encouraged By Groundswell Of Support For The Houses Of Worship Bill
October 1, 2002: New poll results reveal overwhelming evidence of belief in the First Amendment rights of religious leaders. 81% of Americans agree First Amendment rights should extend to the pulpit. More...
Rep. Jones Introduces Resolution Calling On Chinese Government To Pay U.S. Bondholders
September 25, 2002: More...
Jones' Investor And Taxpayer Friendly Voting Record Honored
September 25, 2002: "We need more representatives like Walter Jones to protect investors and enhance economic growth in America." More...
Congressman Jones Anounces Grant For Craven County's Economic Development
September 24, 2002: More...
Rep. Jones Reflects On The Anniversary Of September 11, 2001
September 11, 2002: "This is a day to come together, leave our differences at the door, and remember the day that united a nation." More...
Rep. Jones Reflects On The Anniversary Of September 11, 2001
September 11, 2002: "This is a day to come together, leave our differences at the door, and remember the day that united a nation." More...
Rep. Jones And Mayor Pate Announce An Eight Million Dollar Loan And Grant For Mt. Olive
August 14, 2002: More...
July 29, 2002: More...
Reps. Crane, Jones and Pitts criticize IRS rules for church advocacy
July 16, 2002: More...
Jones Introduces Legislation To Facilitate Effective Shore Protection
July 16, 2002: "Congress needs to take steps to ensure an adequate and responsive shore protection program, and my legislation will help forge a path to guarantee those steps are taken." More...
Rep. Jones' Legislation To Amend The Tax Code For Our Nation's Military Members Passes House
July 9, 2002: The legislation was included in H. R. 5063, the Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act of 2002 which passed on the House Floor this afternoon More...
Rep. Jones Reacts To California's Pledge Of Allegiance Decision
June 26, 2002: We must put judges back on the stands who respect our Constitution." More...
Congressman Jones Introduces Legislation To Aid Military Retirees
June 14, 2002: "These retirees have given our Nation over 20 years of dedicated service. They have helped protect the very freedoms we all hold dear." More...
Jones Asks O'Neill For Answers Regarding The $17.3 Billion In Missing Tax Dollars
June 12, 2002: "The American Taxpayers look to us to be the leaders who protect and spend their money wisely." More...
Jones Introduces Bill To Protect Our Nation's Senior Citizens
June 6, 2002: "Millions of people reside in assisted living facilities. We need to ensure the staff of these communities have been properly screened and are qualified to be there." More...
Jones Votes To Permanently Repeal The Death Tax
June 6, 2002: "Americans should not have to visit the undertaker and the IRS on the same day." More...
Memorial Day in a Post 9-11 World By: Congressman Walter B. Jones (R-NC-03)
May 27, 2002: More...
Jones Announces News For Veterans Who Receive Fee Basis Aid
May 24, 2002: "I have been assured that 'no veteran in need of fee services who is entitled to receive such services will have their authorizations cancelled.'" More...
Rep. Jones Votes Against Increasing The Debt Limit
May 24, 2002: "I did not come to Washington to increase the debt on our children. I came to decrease it." More...
Rep. Jones Votes To Increase Benefits For Our Nation's Veterans
May 21, 2002: "America's veterans are also America's heroes. They deserve the best we can offer. I believe HR 4085 continues to ensure that those heroes receive the support they have earned." More...
Jones Votes To Pass Welfore Reform
May 16, 2002: "This legislation will build on the successes of the reform passed in 1996, and help a greater number of Americans help themselves." More...
Rep. Jones Moves Forward To Ensure Freedom For America's Pulpits
May 13, 2002: "For almost a year I have said, 'All I want is a hearing on this issue.' Tomorrow, that goal will be attained. I now look forward to seeing what comes next." More...
Rep. Jones Lauds Passage Of The Defense Authorization Bill
May 10, 2002: Includes significant funding for district priorities, works to end penalty against military retirees who are also disabled veterans More...
Congressman Jones Anounces Grant And Loan For A Craven County Community Facility
May 10, 2002: More...
Houses of Worship Bill Hearing Scheduled for Tuesday
May 9, 2002: Congressman Jones seeks support from Americans of Faith More...
May 2, 2002: "I am thoroughly pleased that the committee has chosen to recognize the inseparable nature of the Navy and Marine Corps. They are indeed one team, with one fight, in need of one coach." More...

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