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Flag Orders:

The "Stars and Stripes" was designed by Betsy Ross in May 1776. It became the official American Flag on June 14, 1777 by an Act of the Continental Congress. Over the next 225 years, the American flag became the very symbol of our nation's strength and unity. It remains a source of pride and inspiration for millions of citizens. And it has been a prominent icon in our nation's history.

My office can provide you with an American flag flown over the U.S. Capitol. This makes a perfect gift to commemorate a birthday, holiday, or other notable occasion. Flags are available in either nylon or cotton and come in sizes from 3'x5' to 5'x8'. All flags flown over the Capitol are made in America.

Payment for flags must be received before processing your request. Checks and money orders made payable to "Walter Jones Office Supply Account" are the two accepted methods of payment.

Please use this form to submit your flag order online. If you prefer, you may print this form and fax your flag order to our office.

Please allow up to three months for processing time and delivery.

To help you learn more about the proper way to display your flag, the Congressional Research Service has prepared this special report on flag etiquette. I hope it is useful to you.