One Giant Leap for Mankind: The 35th Anniversary of Apollo 11
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Astronaut Comments

The First Lunar Landing: As Told by the Astronauts

Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins' 
address to a joint session of Congress on 6 September, 1969

Kennedy Space Center Press Conference on 16 July 1999 
with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Eugene Cernan, and Walt Cunningham 

Crew Interviews (PDF Format—requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

    Aldrin: 7 July 1970 (1.0 MB)
    Aldrin: 4 Dec. 1970 (452 KB)
    Armstrong: 1966 (1.3 MB)
    Armstrong: 23 September 1971, Mailer refs (323 KB)
    Armstrong: 23 September 1971 with R. Sherrod (1.2 MB)
    Collins: 3 September 1970 with R. Sherod (387 KB)
    Collins: 20 December 1971 (65 KB)
    Collins: 9 September 1974 with R. Sherrod (129 KB) 
    Collins: 8 October 1997 with Michelle Kelly (82 KB)

Apollo: Expeditions to the Moon

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