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"When you give yourself a minute to think, you give yourself a chance to make a better decision."
About Fox: PAUSE


Since 2006, Fox Networks Group and the Kaiser Family Foundation have partnered on PAUSE, a cross-platform public information campaign for young people (ages 15 and older) to promote smart choices and healthy life-styles.


PAUSE addresses a range of pressing issues facing this age group today, including: unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases; alcohol, smoking and substance abuse; nutrition and obesity; depression and self-esteem, among other topics. Content is organized under three main sections: Mind, Body and Relationships.

Campaign Components
The campaign takes a multi-platform approach to providing information, using online and mobile technologies as well as MTV's core on-air assets. Messaging is integrated Presented under the PAUSE brand, the campaign includes targeted public service ads (PSAs) on FOX broadcast, cable and online properties and complementary messaging on FOX entertainment programming. PAUSE also leverages FOX's wide array of new media platforms popular with teens, including Fox.com and MySpace.
The Message

Impulsiveness is part of being young. For a young person, that can mean acting before thinking, or simply following the crowd. The campaign encourages young people to "pause" -- even if just for a minute -- when confronted with a difficult or potentially risky situation to consider their next step. After all, it only takes a minute to make a better decision, and that's the central concept behind PAUSE.


The kinetic vibe of the PAUSE "II" logo -- recognizable to the digital generation -- conveys the core message of the campaign visually and quickly.

The Need

Young people today face an array of challenges that can impact their health as well as their future. One in three young women in the U.S. today will get pregnant before the age of 20. One in four has a sexually transmitted disease; most don't know it, increasing the risk for longer term health consequences. Most Americans who begin smoking do so before age 25. And, other substance use -- including alcohol and drugs -- remain significant problems among teens and young adults. Low self-esteem and depression are also prevalent in this group. These issues are complex, and for many young people inter-related. PAUSE seeks to support young people as they face life's challenges by empowering them with information and resources to make better decisions.


Source: Fact Sheet: Sexual Health of Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States



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