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Exotic/Invasive Species

Exotic Species - what are they
Sturnis Vulgaris

Exotic species are species of plants and animals that did not occur naturally in the US prior to colonization by Europeans in the 1600s. Since that time thousands of species have been brought to this country for a variety of purposes including food, pets and nursery stock and some have been introduced without an invitation. Most of these species of plants and animals do not create any problems for our native species. Unfortunately some of these species have the ability to live outside of cultivation or captivity and compete with our native species for space. The species that can invade our natural areas and displace native species are called invasive species. These species are a big problem!


In addition the movement of native species from one location to another (such as moving fishes from one drainage to another) can cause problems. Species that were once isolated now have to compete with newcomers and sometimes they lose the battle. Because the problem of invasive species has become so severe, a consortium of government agencies, other organizations and individuals has been formed in the state and is called the West Virginia Invasive Species Working Group. This informal working group meets twice a year to share information about projects and problems relating to invasive species.
For more information email: ccoffman@ag.state.wv.us


The following articles present an introduction to problems related to invasive species. Searches on the Web, by species name, will supply you with a large amount of information relating to every aspect of the problem including control measures.


Click on Link For More Information on Invasive Plants in West Virginia


Click on Link For More Information on the Dirty Dozen - West Virginia Top Invasive Plants

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