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National Human Services IT Resource Center

Strategic IT Planning and Management Resources

This consolidated list of resources can be applied to perform Strategic IT Planning and Management activities. The date reflects the last time the item was changed.

Some examples are provided to tailor the document to a specific Agency viewpoint. For example, documents can be specific to the TANF domain, or the CSE domain, etc. Documents listed as "Nonspecific-Agency Example" have not been customized to meet the needs of any particular HS Agency, but rather can apply to all Agencies with some customization.

External Environment Data Collection Plan Worksheet: Nonspecific-Agency Example, TANF Example or CSE Example
To plan the collection of environmental data about the HS Agency's external entities and their interfaces, responsibilities, and dependencies 4/25/01
External Scanning Worksheet: TANF Example or CSE Example
To record and organize information about the HS Agency's external environment, best practices, and initiatives pertinent to the HS Agency IT 4/25/01
Internal Environment Data Collection Plan Worksheet: TANF Example or CSE Example
To plan the collection of environmental data about the HS Agency's internal entities and their interfaces, responsibilities, and dependencies 4/25/01
Internal Scanning Worksheet: TANF Example or CSE Example
To record and organize information about the HS Agency's internal environment to understand the nature of the relationship between the IT division and entities within the HS Agency 4/25/01
IT Division Data Collection Plan Worksheet: TANF Example or CSE Example
To plan the collection of IT Division data about the IT inventory, skills, strengths, weaknesses, and other pertinent observations 4/25/01
Guidelines for Identifying Stakeholders
To identify and prioritize those having a vested interest in the strategy planning and implementation 4/25/01
Technology Trends Scanning Worksheet
To identify significant technology or technology-related trends that may affect the strategic vision for technology use and delivery 4/25/01
Balanced Scorecard Method
Overview of the balanced scorecard approach and some examples and worksheets 4/25/01
Consolidated Guidelines on Typical Strategic Plan Elements
Provides a short list of items typically found in a Strategic Plan 4/25/01
Template for an IT Division Strategic Plan
Provides assistance in developing the Strategic Plan 4/25/01
Guidelines for Forming the Technical Architecture Team
Guidelines on forming the Architecture Team, its authorities, and Core and extended Team member roles 4/25/01
Guidelines for Forming the Strategy Team
To identify individuals to serve as the Core and Extended Strategy Team members 4/25/01
Sample Survey Questions to Explore the Internal and External Environments: TANF Example or CSE Example
A set of survey questions that can be adapted to collect insight into some typical business functions, such as intake/eligibility, case management, Federal reporting, financial, and system interfaces 4/25/01
Vision Statement Workshop
A set of slides to help guide key stakeholders in creating a vision 10/17/01
Guidelines on Brainstorming Techniques
Techniques for hold a brainstorming session 4/25/01
Guidelines for Setting Goals
Techniques to create goals statements 4/25/01
Guidelines on Setting Subgoals
Techniques to create subgoal statements 4/25/01
Initiative Priority Matrix
A worksheet to gain an understanding of the IT initiatives and how they relate to the HS Agency and IT Division's strategic goals 4/25/01
Consolidated Migration Guidance
A set of items to guide technology migration-oriented decisions when establishing the IT Strategic Plan 4/25/01
The Federal Perspective: Requirements for IT Planning
A brief overview of Federal requirements related to planning, and also developing, modifying, or replacing an information system 5/05/01
Unique Factors Worksheet: TANF Example or CSE Example
To identify unique factors affecting the HS environments 5/05/01
External Interface Strengths and Weaknesses Worksheet: TANF Example or CSE Example
To identify strengths and weaknesses affecting the external interfaces of HS environments 5/05/01
Internal Interface Strengths and Weaknesses Worksheet: TANF Example or CSE Example
To identify strengths and weaknesses affecting the internal interfaces of HS environments 5/05/01
Interface Types Worksheet: TANF Example or CSE Example
To identify interfaces of the HS Environments and determine the appropriate interface types 5/05/01
Reporting Worksheet: TANF Example or CSE Example
To assist in reporting HS environmental information 5/05/01
Worker/Manager Satisfaction Worksheet: TANF Example or CSE Example
To help measure worker satisfaction in the HS environments 5/05/01
Guidelines to Baseline the Existing IT
A collection of checklists and guidelines to inventory the HS Agency IT and its use for further situation analysis and identification of IT gaps 4/23/01
Guidelines to Assess Existing IT Qualities
A collection of checklists and guidelines to evaluate the usage and maintenance qualities of the HS Agency IT 4/23/01

Last Updated: May 4, 2005