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National Human Services IT Resource Center

Internal Environment Data Collection Plan Worksheet  

Click here to download the MS Word (32.0 KB)

  1. Purpose:
    1. To plan the collection of environmental data about the HS Agency's internal entities and their interfaces, responsibilities, and dependencies.
  2. Instructions:
    1. Column 1 lists the internal entities.
    2. Column 2 lists the individual that is responsible for the collection of the entity information.
    3. Column 3 lists the individuals that will support the collection of the data.
    4. Column 4 lists sources of data (e.g., documents and points of contact).
    5. Column 5 provides schedule information, such as when the information is expected to be collected
    6. Column 6 gives the current status.
  3. All of the internal stakeholder entities must be listed in the table.
  4. Example (TANF )

1. Internal Entity

2. Strategy Team Member

3. Support Personnel

4. Potential Sources of Information

5. Date Collection Completed

6. Current Status

1. County ABC

- Director CSE IS

- County CSE Mgr.

John Smith (a member of the Core Strategy Team)

- Jane Doe (from the Extended Strategy Team)

- A county CSE Program person

- State IT Strategic Plan

- Federal CSE Strategic Plan


Internal Environment Data Collection Plan Worksheet

1. Internal Entity

2. Strategy Team Member

3. Support Personnel

4. Potential Sources of Information

5. Date Collection Completed

6. Current Status



Last Updated: May 4, 2005