Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Directions: The Hydraulic Investigations and Laboratory Services Group is located in Building 56 on the Denver Federal Center. Use the lobby entrance, Door W1. You will need to check in with the security guard in the lobby (driver's license or other photo ID required). If you are attending one of our workshops, we usually hold those in the Blue Mesa Room, which is accessible directly from the lobby. To visit our office area, proceed south out of the lobby into the hydraulics lab. Walk about 100 yards and our offices will be on your right, (west side of the building) in the 1300 wing. A sign above the entrance to our offices says "Water Resources Research Laboratory" (our old name). If you need assistance as you arrive, please call our secretary at 303-445-2150.

Parking: The third map at the bottom of this page shows most of the parking areas around our building in light blue. There is limited visitor parking in the circle-drive on the west side of Bldg. 56, near the W1 entrance. Otherwise, the best locations for visitors to park are either on the north side of Bldg. 56, south of Bldg. 56, or south of Bldg. 67 on the west side of Sixth Street.

Federal Center Map

Graphic: Maps to the WRRL

Last reviewed: 01/08/07