Comment Number: 527026-00010
Received: 3/14/2007 3:20:53 PM
Commenter: Claire Davila
State: TX
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Proof Positive: New Directions for ID Authentication
No Attachments


I have just had my purse and Driver's License stolen. I've also learned that one of the first things a criminal will do is find out your SSN and then attempt to get a replacement card. They have all my information (via my DL#) except the SSN which I'm sure they can find out. To avoid anyone obtaining a replacement card, I should be able to put some sort of red flag via on my SSN. There are no pictures in the system to compare to so they can walk in with a fake photo ID and get a copy of SS card. Having my SSN flagged at the Social Security office could help prevent this from happening. I'm frustrated now because although I've followed all the steps/suggestions related to protecting myself after my information has been stolen, I have no way to flag my SSN except with the credit reporting agencies. With all of the identify theft going on, why aren't our SSN's better protected? It's ridiculous!