Comment Number: 527026-00004
Received: 2/24/2007 9:18:57 AM
Organization: Independat
Commenter: Scott Nelson
State: FL
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Proof Positive: New Directions for ID Authentication
No Attachments


The reason we have an identity theft problem is totally the fault of credit card companies and their cavalier lending practices. Why should some one who has my date of birth and my ss number be able to adversely affect my credit and cause me hours of repair. Because of some preditory banker. I think I would have a legitimate cause of action to a lender who is negligent in establishing my identity and intent to obtain credit. Their requirements are less than a handshake really. What good would knowing my ss number and date of birth be if it were not for their actions? Why should I have to pay to monitor my credit report because of their Actions Why dosen't anyone stand up to them. $$$$$$ Lobby. .