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Technical Service Center
Materials Engineering and Research Lab

Nondestructive Testing Methods to Evaluate Large Anchor Bolts

The goal of this website is to improve communication between researchers and owners about Nondestructive Testing Methods to Evaluate Large Anchor Bolts. Individual infrastructure owners are beginning to get concerned about the long-term strength of these anchor bolts. Researchers around the world are developing solutions that can be applied to this problem. The goal of this website is to improve the communication between the various individuals interested in this problem.

The Problem: How to test large anchor bolts without destroying them
The Solution: How we are working to find testing methods
Where large anchor bolts are used and where they might fail

Researchers working on the problem

Links to other research and websites

NDT Large Anchor Bolts Position Paper (1.2 MB pdf)

Please email or call Bill Kepler 303-445-2386 with your ideas.