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8.2D.3 TITLE IV-E, Adoption Assistance Program, Payments, Non-recurring expenses

Items with a star (*) and gray background have been modified from previous record.

Question Number 1:
06/25/2007 - Current
QuestionPlease summarize the requirements for the nonrecurring expenses of adoption.
AnswerThe State must enter into an adoption assistance agreement prior to the finalization of the adoption and reimburse (up to $2000, or at State option a lower limit) the nonrecurring adoption expenses incurred by any parent who adopts a child with special needs. The only eligibility criterion to be applied for reimbursement of the nonrecurring expenses of adoption is that the State determine that the child meets the definition of special needs, in accordance with section 473 (c) of the Act. A child does not have to be eligible for Aid to Families with Dependent Children, title IV-E foster care, or Supplemental Security Income in order for the adoptive parents to receive reimbursement for their nonrecurring adoption expenses. Nor does the child have to be under the responsibility for placement and care of the State agency in order for the adoptive parents to be reimbursed for the nonrecurring expenses of adoption.

The term "nonrecurring adoption expenses" is defined as the reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs, attorney fees and other expenses which are directly related to the legal adoption of a child with special needs, which are not incurred in violation of State or Federal law, and which have not been reimbursed from other sources or funds.

Federal financial participation is available at the matching rate of 50 percent for State expenditures up to $2000 for each adoptive placement.

Source/DateACYF-CB-PA-01-01 (1/23/01)
Legal and Related References*Social Security Act - section 473(a)(6); 473(a)(1)(B)(i); 45 CFR 1356.41

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07/18/2000 - 06/25/2007 (Original Record)
QuestionPlease summarize the requirements for the nonrecurring expenses of adoption.
AnswerThe State must enter into an adoption assistance agreement prior to the finalization of the adoption and reimburse (up to $2000, or at State option a lower limit) the nonrecurring adoption expenses incurred by any parent who adopts a child with special needs. The only eligibility criterion to be applied for reimbursement of the nonrecurring expenses of adoption is that the State determine that the child meets the definition of special needs, in accordance with section 473 (c) of the Act. A child does not have to be eligible for Aid to Families with Dependent Children, title IV-E foster care, or Supplemental Security Income in order for the adoptive parents to receive reimbursement for their nonrecurring adoption expenses. Nor does the child have to be under the responsibility for placement and care of the State agency in order for the adoptive parents to be reimbursed for the nonrecurring expenses of adoption.

The term "nonrecurring adoption expenses" is defined as the reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs, attorney fees and other expenses which are directly related to the legal adoption of a child with special needs, which are not incurred in violation of State or Federal law, and which have not been reimbursed from other sources or funds.

Federal financial participation is available at the matching rate of 50 percent for State expenditures up to $2000 for each adoptive placement.

Source/DateACYF-CB-PA-01-01 (1/23/01)
Legal and Related ReferencesSocial Security Act - section 473(a)(6); 45 CFR 1356.40 (i)

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