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Welcome to HHS HealthBeat. Launched on July 11, 2005, this service provides health promotion and disease prevention tips 5 days a week in audio and text formats. - Consumers—choose a HealthBeat tip below to listen. Be sure to visit the Take the Next Step link, too, because it provides more information to help you take action to improve your health.
- Radio stations and other media—you can download tips for broadcast use. Please attribute HealthBeat tips to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For audio clips from Secretary Leavitt and other HHS officials, visit the Broadcast News Service.
You will need an audio player to listen to the tip. Each MP3 audio file is 59 seconds long and about 1 megabyte in size. Documents in PDF format require the Adobe Acrobat Reader®. If you experience problems with PDF documents, please download the latest version of the Reader®. December 31, 2007 - "Smoking, drinking and hearts" [read tip]
December 28, 2007 - "The payoff for fit kids " [read tip]
December 27, 2007 - "Shoes and knees" [read tip]
December 26, 2007 - "Good stuff about the kids " [read tip]
December 25, 2007 - "Moving with the holiday spirit" [read tip]
December 24, 2007 - "Drinking sugar" [read tip]
December 21, 2007 - "Walking it off with a pedometer" [read tip]
December 20, 2007 - "Cutting the odds" [read tip]
December 19, 2007 - "Seniors paying attention" [read tip]
December 18, 2007 - "Weighing on your blood vessels" [read tip]
December 17, 2007 - "Women’s drinking; children’s problems" [read tip]
December 14, 2007 - "Fear of fat " [read tip]
December 13, 2007 - "Healthy living and babies" [read tip]
December 12, 2007 - "Move more, eat better" [read tip]
December 11, 2007 - "Active kids, good blood pressure" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Steve Blair of the University of South Carolina says
December 10, 2007 - "Growing into heart trouble" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
We Can! (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) -
December 07, 2007 - "Activity and disability" [read tip]
December 06, 2007 - "Fighting a strong bug" [read tip]
December 05, 2007 - "Walking away from the side effects" [read tip]
December 04, 2007 - "Risky cocktails" [read tip]
December 03, 2007 - "Eat right, Baby " [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Julie Mennella of the Monell Chemical Senses Center says
November 30, 2007 - "Unequal asthma" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Asthma (National Library of Medicine) -
November 29, 2007 - "Personal foul!" [read tip]
November 28, 2007 - "Low-fat eating versus ovarian cancer" [read tip]
November 27, 2007 - "Huffing and suicidality" [read tip]
November 26, 2007 - "Working with arthritis" [read tip]
November 23, 2007 - "Weight, sickness and death " [read tip]
November 22, 2007 - "So how’s the family?" [read tip]
November 21, 2007 - "Doing right, not smoking" [read tip]
November 20, 2007 - "Yoga and breast cancer" [read tip]
November 19, 2007 - "On an average day" [read tip]
November 16, 2007 - "Strong as iron" [read tip]
November 15, 2007 - "The parenting mind" [read tip]
November 14, 2007 - "Thinking about exercise" [read tip]
November 13, 2007 - "Healthier kids through immunizations" [read tip]
November 12, 2007 - "Too little sleep, too much weight" [read tip]
November 09, 2007 - "Buckling knees" [read tip]
November 08, 2007 - "Make the kidney connection " [read tip]
November 07, 2007 - "Breastfed baby benefits" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Nisha Parikh of Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center says:
November 06, 2007 - "The early bounce-back" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Tom Kimball of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center says:
November 05, 2007 - "Breathing and breastfeeding" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Hawley Montgomery-Downs of West Virginia University says:
November 02, 2007 - "What kids eat at school" [read tip]
November 01, 2007 - "Men, women, and hearts" [read tip]
October 31, 2007 - "They sense your fear" [read tip]
October 30, 2007 - "Having a plan about a health plan" [read tip]
October 29, 2007 - "Keeping weight off kids" [read tip]
October 26, 2007 - "Growing old with diabetes" [read tip]
October 25, 2007 - "Surviving breast cancer" [read tip]
October 24, 2007 - "Breastfeeding and cavities" [read tip]
October 23, 2007 - "Taking one for the family" [read tip]
October 22, 2007 - "Quit, wherever you are" [read tip]
October 19, 2007 - "What binge drinkers drink" [read tip]
October 18, 2007 - "Millions of doses" [read tip]
October 17, 2007 - "Shrinking cases of breast cancer" [read tip]
October 16, 2007 - "Apples and asthma" [read tip]
October 15, 2007 - "Cleaning your kids’ air" [read tip]
October 12, 2007 - "Not just a craving" [read tip]
October 11, 2007 - "Updates on asthma" [read tip]
October 10, 2007 - "Thinking twice about smokeless" [read tip]
October 09, 2007 - "Too heavy before pregnancy" [read tip]
October 08, 2007 - "Talk with the doc" [read tip]
October 05, 2007 - "Stress stealing years" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Stress (National Library of Medicine) -
October 04, 2007 - "What marks a successful quitter" [read tip]
October 03, 2007 - "Survivors work" [read tip]
October 02, 2007 - "A life of worry" [read tip]
October 01, 2007 - "Teens who start to smoke" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Joseph DiFranza of the University of Massachusetts Medical School says
September 28, 2007 - "NSAIDs and colon cancer" [read tip]
September 27, 2007 - "Blocked before the college gate" [read tip]
September 26, 2007 - "Statins and lifestyles" [read tip]
September 25, 2007 - "Encouragement to drink" [read tip]
September 24, 2007 - "Better health and breastfeeding" [read tip]
September 21, 2007 - "Living with a good example" [read tip]
September 20, 2007 - "Check your levels" [read tip]
September 19, 2007 - "The colon cancer survivor diet" [read tip]
September 18, 2007 - "Soy and blood pressure" [read tip]
September 17, 2007 - "Breast cancer and active living" [read tip]
September 14, 2007 - "Drinking mothers, premature babies" [read tip]
September 13, 2007 - "Watch Your Feet" [read tip]
September 12, 2007 - "Trouble with fats" [read tip]
September 11, 2007 - "Look beneath the surface" [read tip]
September 10, 2007 - "Children with high blood pressure?" [read tip]
September 07, 2007 - "Tell your doctor what to do" [read tip]
September 06, 2007 - "Keep your head in the game" [read tip]
September 05, 2007 - "Odds on the flu shot " [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Elizabeth Lewis of Mass General Hospital for Children says
September 04, 2007 - "Moms smoke - babies don’t sleep" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Julie Mennella of the Monell Chemical Senses Center says
September 03, 2007 - "Stay sharp" [read tip]
August 31, 2007 - "Heads up" [read tip]
August 30, 2007 - "What is Healthy Living?" [read tip]
August 29, 2007 - "Babies’ hearing" [read tip]
August 28, 2007 - "When germs get in the food" [read tip]
August 27, 2007 - "Born in the U.S.A." [read tip]
August 24, 2007 - "Men, women, dying and diabetes" [read tip]
August 23, 2007 - "Don’t bring back malaria" [read tip]
August 22, 2007 - "Old but on their feet" [read tip]
August 21, 2007 - "Kids with diabetes " [read tip]
August 20, 2007 - "Pet the bunny? Wash your hands" [read tip]
August 17, 2007 - "Learn the signs" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Autism (National Library of Medicine) -
August 16, 2007 - "The meat-sweet diet" [read tip]
August 15, 2007 - "Girls on ‘roids " [read tip]
August 14, 2007 - "Four healthy habits, and what they get you" [read tip]
August 13, 2007 - "Read the Yellow Book before you turn green" [read tip]
August 10, 2007 - "More weight, more diabetes" [read tip]
August 09, 2007 - "Young and wanting to quit" [read tip]
August 08, 2007 - "Playing with the kids" [read tip]
August 07, 2007 - "Fruits, veggies and breast cancer" [read tip]
August 06, 2007 - "Kids heading for adult problems" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Courtney Gray-McGuire of Case Western Reserve University says
August 03, 2007 - "Whispering stroke" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher George Howard of the University of Alabama, Birmingham says
August 02, 2007 - "Cutting our risk of heart disease" [read tip]
August 01, 2007 - "Heads-up on flu season" [read tip]
July 31, 2007 - "Staying fit and trim" [read tip]
July 30, 2007 - "More whole grain goodness" [read tip]
July 27, 2007 - "No smoking in this home" [read tip]
July 26, 2007 - "Is obesity contagious?" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher James Fowler of the University of California, San Diego says
July 25, 2007 - "Getting it off, keeping it off" [read tip]
July 24, 2007 - "Have a soda" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Dr. Ramachandran Vasan of Boston University School of Medicine says
July 23, 2007 - "Are hair relaxers the cause?" [read tip]
July 20, 2007 - "Summer drinking time" [read tip]
July 19, 2007 - "Clean water" [read tip]
July 18, 2007 - "Weighing in" [read tip]
July 17, 2007 - "Nailed" [read tip]
July 16, 2007 - "Being a player?" [read tip]
July 13, 2007 - "Breastfeeding versus breast cancer" [read tip]
July 12, 2007 - "Women and arthritis" [read tip]
July 11, 2007 - "To use it or not" [read tip]
July 10, 2007 - "Making old genes young again" [read tip]
July 09, 2007 - "Moms’ drugs and kids’ speech" [read tip]
July 06, 2007 - "Does everything cause cancer?" [read tip]
July 05, 2007 - "Guns in the home" [read tip]
July 04, 2007 - "Smoking and wrinkles" [read tip]
July 03, 2007 - "Heavy breathing" [read tip]
July 02, 2007 - "Bad to the bone" [read tip]
June 29, 2007 - "Going swimming?" [read tip]
June 28, 2007 - "Lifestyle and a woman’s heart" [read tip]
June 27, 2007 - "No help for the colon" [read tip]
June 26, 2007 - "A woman’s heart" [read tip]
June 25, 2007 - "Fruit versus cancer" [read tip]
June 22, 2007 - "Done yet?" [read tip]
June 21, 2007 - "Marriage and motherhood" [read tip]
June 20, 2007 - "Diabetes and memory" [read tip]
June 19, 2007 - "Buying what they see" [read tip]
June 15, 2007 - "Sun safety" [read tip]
June 14, 2007 - "Trashing old drugs" [read tip]
June 13, 2007 - "High-fat and breast cancer" [read tip]
June 12, 2007 - "Multivitamins and lung cancer" [read tip]
June 11, 2007 - "Hope to keep it off" [read tip]
June 08, 2007 - "Worried life" [read tip]
June 07, 2007 - "Overweight and injury-prone " [read tip]
June 06, 2007 - "Staph trouble" [read tip]
June 05, 2007 - "Tomatoes" [read tip]
June 04, 2007 - "Whole grain wholesomeness" [read tip]
June 01, 2007 - "Life after breast cancer" [read tip]
May 31, 2007 - "Death by overdose" [read tip]
May 30, 2007 - "Doesn’t take much" [read tip]
May 29, 2007 - "Older folks, vitamin D and active living" [read tip]
May 28, 2007 - "Tai chi versus shingles" [read tip]
May 25, 2007 - "Aspirin and colon cancer" [read tip]
May 24, 2007 - "The handoff" [read tip]
May 23, 2007 - "Doing something about high blood pressure" [read tip]
May 22, 2007 - "Tough teens" [read tip]
May 21, 2007 - "Ever heard of aerobics?" [read tip]
May 18, 2007 - "Magical moose" [read tip]
May 17, 2007 - "Breast cancer, high risk, and black women" [read tip]
May 16, 2007 - "What’s in a name" [read tip]
May 15, 2007 - "Going strong" [read tip]
May 14, 2007 - "Smoking in the movies" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Nicotine (National Institute on Drug Abuse) -
May 11, 2007 - "Who goes home" [read tip]
May 10, 2007 - "Need an antibiotic?" [read tip]
May 09, 2007 - "Fruits, vegetables, exercise? Who, me?" [read tip]
May 08, 2007 - "A video childhood" [read tip]
May 07, 2007 - "Timing eating and fast food" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Cara Ebbeling of Harvard-affiliated Children’s Hospital Boston says
May 04, 2007 - "Losing the pregnancy weight" [read tip]
May 03, 2007 - "Gut fat" [read tip]
May 02, 2007 - "Twitch on" [read tip]
May 01, 2007 - "Rabies" [read tip]
April 30, 2007 - "Huffing" [read tip]
April 27, 2007 - "Violence and older women" [read tip]
April 26, 2007 - "Cutting the odds of cancer" [read tip]
April 25, 2007 - "Coping with tragedy" [read tip]
April 24, 2007 - "Good habits and healthy blood pressure" [read tip]
April 23, 2007 - "Walking Works" [read tip]
April 20, 2007 - "Stressed families, feverish kids" [read tip]
April 19, 2007 - "More smoke, more cancer" [read tip]
April 18, 2007 - "Early weight, early puberty" [read tip]
April 17, 2007 - "What heavy smokers breathe" [read tip]
April 16, 2007 - "The skinny on diet pills" [read tip]
April 13, 2007 - "Learning from their parents" [read tip]
April 12, 2007 - "What to watch for in a woman's heart" [read tip]
April 11, 2007 - "Do you tell the doctor what you take?" [read tip]
April 10, 2007 - "Tobacco, race and kids" [read tip]
April 09, 2007 - "Life in black and white" [read tip]
April 06, 2007 - "Half the students" [read tip]
April 05, 2007 - "Sleepless in America" [read tip]
April 04, 2007 - "Hard-working back" [read tip]
April 03, 2007 - "The vaccine and HPV" [read tip]
April 02, 2007 - "The prostate and losing weight" [read tip]
March 30, 2007 - "Did the exercise do it?" [read tip]
March 29, 2007 - "Tai chi and good nerves" [read tip]
March 28, 2007 - "Low carbs " [read tip]
March 26, 2007 - "Older and fatter" [read tip]
March 23, 2007 - "Getting teens to quit" [read tip]
March 23, 2007 - "HIV and Native Americans" [read tip]
March 22, 2007 - "The stages of grief" [read tip]
March 21, 2007 - "Skipping and snacking" [read tip]
March 20, 2007 - "Fruits and veggies – more matters" [read tip]
March 19, 2007 - "Breast cancer and a good workout" [read tip]
March 16, 2007 - "Out in the park" [read tip]
March 15, 2007 - "Questions are the answers" [read tip]
March 14, 2007 - "Healthy as the Healthier Feds" [read tip]
March 13, 2007 - "Exercise versus breast cancer" [read tip]
March 12, 2007 - "Still too many" [read tip]
March 09, 2007 - "Should the baby get cold medicine?" [read tip]
March 08, 2007 - "The heart and a bowl of cereal" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Luc Djoussé of Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital says
March 07, 2007 - "A Call to Action on underage drinking" [read tip]
March 06, 2007 - "Kids, weight and TV" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Sonia Miller of Harvard Medical School says
March 05, 2007 - "Teens, working, hours, and safety" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Carol Runyan of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill says
March 02, 2007 - "Light reading" [read tip]
March 01, 2007 - "Teens, fruits and vegetables" [read tip]
February 28, 2007 - "Working down the risk " [read tip]
February 27, 2007 - "Folic acid works" [read tip]
February 26, 2007 - "Listen to Donkey" [read tip]
February 23, 2007 - "Bigger older brains" [read tip]
February 22, 2007 - "Loving care" [read tip]
February 21, 2007 - "Deadly drugs" [read tip]
February 20, 2007 - "More help from folic acid" [read tip]
February 19, 2007 - "Sprawled out" [read tip]
February 16, 2007 - "Finding a balance" [read tip]
February 15, 2007 - "Kids swallowing magnets" [read tip]
February 14, 2007 - "A drink or two" [read tip]
February 13, 2007 - "Losing weight, keeping bone" [read tip]
February 09, 2007 - "Keeping up with Steve " [read tip]
February 08, 2007 - "Take stroke seriously" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Virginia Howard of the University of Alabama-Birmingham says
February 07, 2007 - "Church air" [read tip]
February 06, 2007 - "Looking harder for breast cancer" [read tip]
February 05, 2007 - "Parents' fights" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Janice Probst of the University of South Carolina says
February 02, 2007 - "Hep B" [read tip]
February 01, 2007 - "Working it off" [read tip]
January 31, 2007 - "Growing toward trouble" [read tip]
January 30, 2007 - "Lead hurts" [read tip]
January 29, 2007 - "Cold comfort for hot flashes" [read tip]
January 26, 2007 - "Mind games" [read tip]
January 25, 2007 - "Weighted odds" [read tip]
January 24, 2007 - "What a difference" [read tip]
January 23, 2007 - "Low fat and breast cancer" [read tip]
January 22, 2007 - "Do what the feds do" [read tip]
January 19, 2007 - "Happy and healthy" [read tip]
January 18, 2007 - "Weight on the knees" [read tip]
January 17, 2007 - "Taking the test" [read tip]
January 16, 2007 - "Smoking, genes and cleft palate" [read tip]
January 15, 2007 - "Radon: Can you tell it's there?" [read tip]
January 12, 2007 - "Keeping going" [read tip]
January 11, 2007 - "Diabetes and getting glasses" [read tip]
January 10, 2007 - "Sleeping easier" [read tip]
January 09, 2007 - "Safer in many ways" [read tip]
January 08, 2007 - "Smoke-free around the nation" [read tip]
January 05, 2007 - "Scared to be active" [read tip]
January 04, 2007 - "Weight and the prostate" [read tip]
January 03, 2007 - "Eyes and exercise" [read tip]
January 02, 2007 - "Drinking, bingeing, and more teen trouble" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Dr. Jacqueline Miller of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says
January 01, 2007 - "Left in the medicine chest" [read tip]
Last revised: January 18, 2009 |