"Medicines in My Home" (MIMH) is a new, interactive
OTC educational program, for middle school students, which was
launched on Monday, June 19, 2006 at a workshop conducted for the
Montgomery County Maryland Public School's Safe & Drug Free Schools
2006 Symposium. Details about the program, including PowerPoint
slides, presenter's notes, and downloadable classroom and take-home
materials for students, can be found at www.fda.gov/medsinmyhome.
MIMH is a 45- minute, single-class program, targeting 6th-8th grade
students in middle school. As per the program's objectives, after
completing this lesson, students will:
- Understand similarities and differences between prescription medicines and OTC medicines.
- Understand that OTC medicines and prescription medicines can be harmful if they are not taken according to the directions
- Be able to identify the active ingredients in an OTC drug product and what those active ingredients treat (the purposes and uses)
- Be able to identify the warnings sections on the Drug Facts label and explain why there are warnings on the Drug Facts label
- Be able to identify the Directions section on the Drug Facts label and know how to measure a dose correctly.
- Understand that a person should not use two medicines that contain the same ingredient at the same time.
- Understand how to get more information about their medicines.
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