FDA launches consumer educational program on the safe use of OTC
The US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research (CDER), in cooperation with the National
Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE) and Maryland's
Montgomery County Public Schools, has launched "Medicines in My
Home," an interactive educational program about the safe and
effective use of over-the-counter medicines. The website -- located
at www.fda.gov/medsinmyhome -- provides
classroom materials and resources for teachers and on-line
information for students and their families.
Key concepts students will learn from the program are: the
Drug Facts label tells you what a medicine treats, if it is right for you
and your problem, and how to use the medicine; read the label and
follow the directions carefully and correctly; two medicines with
the same active ingredient shouldn't be used at the same time; and
measure medicines correctly with measuring tools made for medicines.
The program emphasizes that medicines should be used only with
permission from an adult and that if there are questions about
medicine use, ask a pharmacist or doctor. Materials are provided to
encourage students to share what they learn with their families so
that all family members can learn to use over-the-counter medicines
more safely.
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