News Item

Shadegg Introduces McCain Companion Resolution In House Calling For Troop Support In Iraq
Rep. Shadegg – “When some claim to support the troops, but not the mission, our enemies can see that such political equivocation is nothing short of craftily worded defeatism.”

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Washington, Feb 8, 2007 -  As America’s military men and women continue to fight in Iraq, Congressman John Shadegg (R-AZ) introduced the Victory in Iraq Resolution today in the House of Representatives. Unlike the Democrat resolution set to be voted on next week, the Shadegg Resolution sends the clear message that Congress is committed to our troops and will ensure they receive the necessary resources to carry out their mission.

“Americans recognize that Iraqis must begin to help themselves if they are to achieve our shared goal of establishing a stable government in Iraq,” said Shadegg, the author of the resolution. “That goal cannot be achieved if Congress chooses to bring a meaningless resolution to the floor for a vote that serves no purpose, other than to embolden the enemy.”

The resolution sets forth 11 benchmarks that Iraq’s leaders must strive to achieve in taking responsibility for their own security. It also requires the United States Ambassador to Iraq and the Commander of Multinational Forces in Iraq to report each month to Congress on Iraqi progress with respect to the benchmarks.

“If the Democrat-led Congress wants to condemn the war while our troops are in the field then they should stand by their convictions and call a vote to cut off funding. When some claim to support the troops, but not the mission, our enemies can see that such political equivocation is nothing short of craftily worded defeatism,” Shadegg said.

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