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8.4F TITLE IV-E, General Title IV-E Requirements, Criminal Record and Registry Checks

Items with a star (*) and gray background have been modified from previous record.

Question Number 25:
09/20/2007 - Current
Question*Do States have to request information from a child abuse and neglect registry of an Indian tribe in which a prospective foster or adoptive parent has resided within the last five years in accordance with section 471(a)(20)(C)(i) of the Social Security Act (the Act)? Do Indian tribes have to comply with such a request from a State according to section 471(a)(20)(C)(ii) of the Act?
Answer*No to both questions. The references to a "State"-maintained child abuse and neglect registry in section 471(a)(20)(C)(i) and (ii) of the Act do not include an Indian tribe, as an Indian tribe is not considered a "State" for title IV-E pursuant to 45 CFR 1355.20.
Source/DateApril 13, 2007
Legal and Related ReferencesSocial Security Act - section 471(a)(20)(C)

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04/13/2007 - 09/20/2007 (Original Record)
QuestionDo States have to request information from a child abuse and neglect registry of an Indian tribe in which a prospective foster or adoptive parent has resided within the last five years in accordance with section 471(a)(20)(C)(i) of the Social Security Act (the Act)? Do Indian tribes have to comply with such a request from a State according to section 471(a)(20)(C)(ii) of the Act?
AnswerNo to both questions. The references to a State-maintained child abuse and neglect registry in section 471(a)(20)(C)(i) and (ii) of the Act are literal and do not include an Indian tribe.
Source/DateApril 13, 2007
Legal and Related ReferencesSocial Security Act - section 471(a)(20)(C)

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