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State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)

Expanding children’s health insurance has been a top priority of the New Direction Congress.

Statements from Leadership:

Hoyer Statement on State Children's Health Insurance Program (1/14/09)

Pelosi: SCHIP Vote Brings Us One Step Closer to Providing Health Care for 11 Million Children (1/14/09)

Clyburn on Passage of Health Care Insurance for 11 Million Children (1/14/09)

Ways & Means Democrats Support Legislation Providing Health Coverage for 11 Million Children (1/14/09)

Pelosi: ‘Passage of SCHIP Is a Monumental Achievement for Our Children and Our Country’ (1/14/09)

Pelosi Statement Following House Introduction of SCHIP Legislation (1/13/09)

House Democrats Introduce Legislation To Expand Health Care Coverage to Millions of Children (1/13/09)


Fact Sheets and Additional Information:

Bush Legacy: Millions of Children Denied Health Insurance (1/13/09)

Bill Summary: Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (1/13/09)

H.R. 2, Bipartisan Children’s Health Bill, Will Provide Coverage to 11 Million Children (1/14/09)

Children’s Health Bill Already Meets Principles Laid Down by House GOP Leaders (1/14/09)

Number of Children Enrolled in SCHIP – FY 2007 (1/14/09)

Read the full text of the bill (1/13/09)



State-by-State Table on Uninsured Children Who Can Gain Coverage Under H.R. 2, SCHIP Reauthorization (Families USA, 1/14/09)


SCHIP Bill Enjoys Broad Support:

List of Organizations Supporting the Reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (1/14/09)


Video Clips on SCHIP:

» Hoyer Statement on SCHIP Reauthorization, January 14, 2009
...If I can find the most efficient use of our health care dollars, I'd insure more children. I think 80% of Americans agree with us on that...


Clearinghouse: Additional documents from 2007 on the Children's Health Insurance Program