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Republican Failures Clearinghouse

Reports from House committee and leadership offices, videos, charts, and Flash-based web productions, all chronicling the overwhelming FACTS of the Republicans' failed governance


Speech on Failed Conservative Policies, September 25, 2008
The conservative governing philosophy practiced by George W. Bush—with such tenets as prohibiting intervention in free markets—[has] greatly damaged the country... [TRANSCRIPT] 
Democrats Remind Republicans of Their Record - "Republican Failures", September 15, 2008
A web video compiling Democratic members taking the facts of Republican failure to the floor of the House...
Hoyer Statement on Republican Failures, September 08, 2008
The dominant political fact of the last eight years has been Republican failure—serial governing malpractice. This month, we will be holding them to account...

Online Productions

Interactive Timeline: Eight Years of Republican Failure. 


"Republicans’ eight years in the White House, and six years at all the levers of power, have resulted in a faltering economy, a failing energy policy, record deficits and debt, numerous cases of corruption, and an America overstretched and weakened in the world. America cannot afford more of the same from Republicans." - Leader Hoyer

Interactive Online Quiz 


The quiz highlights the consequences of Republicans' Failed Economic Policies.  We challenge you to learn how Republicans’ failed policies have weakened our economy and contributed to the turmoil on Wall Street.

Issue Reports

Overview: The Republican Record of Failure - "While Republicans are trying to re-cast themselves as agents of change, nothing could be further from the truth. They have built a record of failure over the last eight years, and America cannot afford more of the same."

Republican Economic Failures, Housing and Finance - "Republicans failed to enact GSE reform, prevent abusive lending practices, conduct oversight or recognize the warnings of looming financial crisis, all while pushing for more deregulation."

Republican Economic Failures, Failed Policies Leave Most Families Behind - "Over the last eight years in the White House, and for six years at all the levers of power, household income has declined, job growth is among the slowest of any administration in over 75 years, employee compensation has lagged far behind productivity, and 3.4 million more Americans are unemployed than at the start of the Bush Presidency."

Republican Fiscal Failures - "Republicans’ failed fiscal policies turned the largest surpluses in history into record deficits and debt."

Republican Energy Failures - "The result of the Bush-Cheney energy policy has been record profits for energy companies, increased dependence on foreign oil, increased global warming pollution, and
soaring energy costs for American families."

Republican Health Care Failures, Insurance Coverage - "The number of uninsured Americans has increased by 5.9 million people, to 46 million in 2007."

Republican Health Care Failures, Children's Health Insurance - "Nine million children are uninsured. In 2006, nearly 2,000 children lost coverage each day."

Republican Foreign Policy Failures - "Through misguided policies, arrogance, and failure to adhere to the principles that have inspired our country, they have left our nation’s security in a more precarious and dangerous position than when they assumed office eight years ago."

Republican Homeland Security Failures - "As this report demonstrates, the Bush Administration has not delivered on myriad critical homeland and national security mandates set forth in the 'Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act of 2007' (P.L. 110-53)."

Republican Intelligence Failures - "Over the past eight years, the Bush-Cheney Administration and their GOP allies in Congress have damaged American national security by: diverting intelligence resources away from the fight against Al Qaeda; undermining U.S. intelligence community professionals; and politicizing intelligence."

Are you better off? A Third Way Report - "The report is split into two sections. The first asks “Are you better off?” and focuses on individual measures of economic success. The second asks “Are we better off?” and focuses on broad measures of success for the nation."

Are You Better Off? A Third Way State-by-State Report - "A state-by-state comparison of how typical working age families fared From 1993-2000 versus 2001-2008"

Economic Charts

Collection of charts used on the House floor illustrating the failed economic policies of Bush and the Republicans (updated 10/3/08)

Collection of charts from the Joint Economic Committee illustrating the failed economic policies of the Bush Administration (updated 10/16/08)

Floor Statements

Text of Floor Statements by Democratic Members on Republican Failures