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From the Speaker's Office


Countdown to General David Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker's Visit to Capitol Hill - 4/1/08

The Cost of the War in Iraq - Five Years Later - 3/17/08

Looking Back at the President's 'Surge' - 1/10/08

Iraq Update: Longer Tours of Duty Taking Toll on our Troops - 12/5/07

President Bush's Iraq Strategy: More of the Same - 9/13/2007

In the News: Editorial Boards Around the Nation Respond to Petraeus-Crocker Testimony - 9/12/07

Fact Sheet: America Wants a New Direction in Iraq - 9/10/07

More Evidence Raises Credibility Question About White House Report On Iraq - 9/6/07

Cost of Iraq War Rising - 7/12/07



Pelosi Statement on President Bush’s Speech Today on Iraq - 3/27/08

Pelosi Statement on Deaths of 4,000 American Soldiers in Iraq - 3/24/08

Pelosi Statement on Fifth Anniversary of the Iraq War - 3/19/08

Pelosi: Petraeus' Remarks on Lack of Progress in Iraq Prove Bush's Iraq Policy Has Failed - 3/14/08

Pelosi: ‘We Pay Tribute to All of Those Serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Throughout the World’ - 3/13/08

Pelosi Statement on U.S. Troops Levels in Iraq - 2/25/08

Pelosi: Comments by General Casey Demonstrate That Iraq War Continues to Strain Our Military - 2/20/08

Pelosi Statement on Bush Administration Plans to Keep Pre-Surge Level of U.S. Troops in Iraq - 2/11/08

Pelosi: ‘The War in Iraq Has Seriously Undermined Our Nation’s Military Strength and Readiness’ - 2/6/08

Pelosi Statement on Halting U.S. Surge Troop Reductions - 1/31/08

Pelosi on One-Year Anniversary of President Bush’s Surge Policy in Iraq - 1/9/08

Pelosi and Reid: Bush Continues to Deny Reality in Iraq, at Home - 1/8/2008

Pelosi: ‘I Cannot Support Spending Billions More in Iraq With No Strings Attached’ - 12/19/2007

Pelosi: Bush and His Republican Allies Are Preventing Extra Funds from Reaching Our Troops - 11/29/2007

Pelosi: President Should Take Responsibility for His Failed Iraq Policy - 11/26/2007

Pelosi Statement on President Bush and Senate Republicans Blocking Iraq Funding - 11/20/2007

Pelosi: Once Again, Republicans Refuse to Hold the President Accountable for His Failed Iraq Policy - 11/16/2007

Pelosi: Iraq Legislation Will Bring Our Troops Home Responsibly, Honorably, Safely, and Soon - 11/14/2007

Pelosi Statement on 2007 Becoming Deadliest Year in Iraq for American Troops - 11/06/2007

Pelosi: Rising Cost of War Adds to Depth of Tragedy in Iraq - 10/24/2007

Pelosi: ‘Colossal Cost of Iraq War Grows Every Day’ - 10/22/2007

Pelosi: ‘The New Direction Congress is Bringing Much Needed Accountability to Iraq Contracting’ - 10/09/2007

Pelosi Statement on CBO Report That Long-Term Military Presence in Iraq Could Cost $2 Trillion - 9/21/2007

Pelosi: Despite White House Report Showing Little Progress, Bush is Committed to 10 More Years of War in Iraq - 09/14/2007

Pelosi: Bush’s Status Quo Strategy in Iraq Leaves Our Troops in Harm’s Way for 10 Years - 09/13/2007

Pelosi: ‘Choice is Between Democratic Plan for Responsible Redeployment and President’s Plan for 10-Year War in Iraq’ - 09/13/2007“

Pelosi: President’s Policy is a Path to 10 More Years of War in Iraq - 9/11/07

Pelosi on Petraeus Testimony: Continuing Failed Surge in Iraq Until at Least Next Summer Is Unacceptable - 9/10/07

Pelosi on Reported Administration Plan to Leave All U.S. Forces in Iraq

Pelosi: GAO Report Latest Assessment to Conclude That Iraqis Have Failed to Meet Political Benchmarks – 9/4/07

Pelosi and Reid Announce Series of House and Senate Hearings on Iraq – 8/31/07 

Pelosi Statement on Draft GAO Report on Iraq – 8/30/07

Pelosi: President’s Iraq Policy Is Failing to Reduce the Threat of Terrorism in the Middle East – 8/28/07

Pelosi Statement on New National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq – 8/23/07

Pelosi Statement on President Bush’s Speech on Iraq – 8/22/07

Pelosi: September Report on Iraq Must Provide Candid Assessment – 8/16/07

Pelosi: Overstretched Troops Need Time Between Deployments – 8/2/07

Pelosi: President Threatens to Veto Funding Priorities for America but Spends $20 Billion Every Two-Months in Iraq – 8/2/07

Pelosi: President Was Against Pay Raise for Troops Before He Was For It – 7/20/07

Pelosi: Senate Republicans Have Once Again Thwarted the Will of the American People on Iraq – 7/18/07

Pelosi: ‘Iraq Report Describes a Policy Badly in Need of a New Direction’ – 7/12/07

Pelosi: House to Vote to Change Course in Iraq – 7/10/07 

Pelosi: Six Months After Iraq Escalation, Still No End in Sight or a Clear Exit Strategy – 7/10/07