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House Democratic Budget

House Budget Materials (including):

  • Summary of the House Budget
  • Top Five Reasons to Support the Democratic Budget: Rebuilding America's Future
  • President's 2009 Budget: More of the Same Failed Policies; No Solutions for the Future
  • Debt and Republican Budgets: The Mountain of Debt Continues to Grow
  • Nonpartisan Budget Groups Agree That House Budget Resolution Does Not Raise Taxes


Democratic Leadership on the Budget:

Hoyer: Democratic Budget Resolution a Blueprint for Strengthening Economy, Making America Safer 

Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James Oberstar on FY09 Budget Resolution 


Support for the House Democratic Budget:

Blue Dog Co-Chairs Applaud Chairman Spratt for Including Key Blue Dog Principles in Budget Resolution 

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Claim that Congressional Budget Plan Calls for "Largest Tax Increase in History" Is Inaccurate 


The Chairman's Mark:

Chairman Spratt Statement on Committee Passage of FY09 Budget Resolution 

Key Features of the Chairman's Mark 

Legislative Text 

Tables of Numbers - Chairman's Mark