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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families Program

Program Instruction

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children & Families
Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation
Washington, D.C. 20447

Transmittal No. TANF-ACF-PI-99-3 Date: October 27, 1999


State Agencies Administering the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program and Other Interested Parties


Form ACF-199, TANF Data Report, and Form ACF-204, SSP-MOE Data Report, Approved by the Office of Management and Budget through 06/30/2002 (OMB Control Number 0970-0199).


45 CFR Part 265, Data Collection and Reporting Requirements, published April 12, 1999; Section 411 of the Social Security Act (SSA); and Section 103 of Public Law 104-193, the "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA)," enacted August, 1996.


The provisions of the PRWORA, the SSA, and 45 CFR Part 265, cited above, require States and Tribes to collect on a monthly basis and report data to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services on a quarterly basis. These data include disaggregated case record information on the families receiving assistance, families no longer receiving assistance and families applying for assistance from programs funded with TANF funds. In addition, if a State wants to qualify for a high performance bonus or receive a caseload reduction credit, the State must also submit similar data on its separate State programs for which the State claims "maintenance-of-effort" expenditures. A State or Tribal grantee may comply with these requirements by collecting and submitting case record information for its entire caseload or by collecting and submitting the case record information for a portion of the caseload which is obtained through the use of scientifically acceptable sampling methods.


The purpose of this Program Instruction is to provide State agencies with the TANF Data Report (TDR) form and related Instructions and the Separate State Program – Maintenance of Effort (SSP-MOE) Data Report form and related Instructions.


Effective with the October – December 1999 quarter, State agencies must establish new reporting procedures to implement the quarterly reporting requirements in the final TANF rules.


Reports for each sample month in a quarter are due in Central Office of the Administration for Children and Families within 45 days following the end of the quarter. The first quarterly TDR report and, if applicable, the first quarterly SSP-MOE Data Report, are due February 14, 2000. States that miss the deadline for submitting complete and accurate data for the first two quarters of FY 2000 will receive reasonable cause if: (1) they can clearly demonstrate that their failure was attributable to Y2K compliance activities; and (2) they submit the required data by September 30, 2000.

State must file these reports electronically. On August 17, 1999 ACF issued an Informational Memorandum, TANF-ACF-IM-99-3, which provided States with the edits and transmission file layouts for submittal of the TDR and the SSP-MOE Data Report.


October 1, 1999.


Form ACF-199, TANF Data Report and Form ACF-204, SSP-MOE Data Report.


Inquiries should be directed to the appropriate ACF Regional Administrator.



Alvin C. Collins
Office of Family Assistance



Howard Rolson
Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation
