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Program Instruction CCDF-ACF-PI-2007-03—CCDF Construction and Renovation Procedures for Tribal Lead Agencies

Index: CCDF-ACF-PI-2007-03 | Procedures | Compliance with Environmental Policy | Compliance with Historic Preservation | Application Checklist | Documents and Deadlines | Sample Notice | Regional Program Managers | (Collection available in Word and PDF)

Related Items: 2004 Construction and Renovation Procedures

Documents and Deadlines to be Submitted to the ACF Regional Office




Any time (although to use CCDF funds awarded in a given fiscal year, a Tribe must submit an application prior to July 1 of that fiscal year)


Statement by a licensed engineer or architect as to the cost and technical appropriateness of the construction or renovation, if the project exceeds $100,000


After receiving ACF approval and prior to the start of actual construction or renovation

A copy of the final contract to construct or renovate the facility


Within 10 working days of its execution

Certified copies of the deed, loan instrument, mortgage, and any other legal documents


Within 10 working days of execution

Title insurance policy (not required for a facility on tribal lands held in trust by the U.S. government)



Submitted within 5 working days of the completion of construction or renovation

Physical destruction insurance policy, including flood insurance where appropriate


Submitted within 5 working days of the completion of construction or renovation

Notice of Federal Interest

Submitted within 10 working days of the commencement of construction or renovation


Final inspection report that demonstrates the structural soundness and safety of the facility (unless modular unit)


Within 30 calendar days of the substantial completion of the construction or renovation.


FOR MODULAR UNITS: Inspection report by engineer or architect (or other inspector approved by ACF) on the soundness and safety of the unit

Within 30 calendar days of the modular unit’s installation

Index: CCDF-ACF-PI-2007-03 | Procedures | Compliance with Environmental Policy | Compliance with Historic Preservation | Application Checklist | Documents and Deadlines | Sample Notice | Regional Program Managers | (Collection available in Word and PDF)

Related Items: 2004 Construction and Renovation Procedures