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Jobs, Economy, and Trade
Child Tax Cut Hoyer and Maryland Family Fight to Give Child Tax Credit Increase to All Working Families
Hoyer with Freshman members Rep. Hoyer speaks with Democratic members about Unemployment Insurance
Child Tax Cut (2) Rep. Hoyer discusses legislation to reintroduce the child tax credit with Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL)
Whip Hoyer, Rep. Spratt, and Rep. Stenholm Whip Hoyer, Budget Cmte Ranking Member John Spratt (SC) and Rep. Charlie Stenholm (D-TX) assail House Republicans for failing to apply pay-as-you-go rules to taxes and spending.
Whip Hoyer helps kick off "New Partnership" Whip Hoyer and House Democrats kick off "New Partnership for America's Future"
Whip Hoyer and Leader Pelosi Whip Hoyer and Leader Pelosi join House Democrats at kickoff event for the "New Partnership with America"
Hoyer Speaks on the Employee Free Choice Act