Earth's Moon - Galileo

False-color composite image of the Moon from 425,000 km

Earth's Moon
Galileo false-color composite image of the Moon. The image was created using 3 exposures through different filters. The exaggerated color helps determine surface composition (blue is titanium-rich, orange lower titanium, purple pyroclastic, red iron and titanium poor). Mare Tranquillitatis is the blue area at right, Oceanus Procellarum is the blue and orange area on the left, the 85 km diameter Tycho crater is at bottom center, and Copernicus crater is just above and left of the center of the image. The moon is 3,476 km in diameter and north is up. (Galileo, P-41491)
Full resolution size:

High resolution tiff file (3.1 Mb)

Location & Time Information
Date/Time (UT): 1992-12-08
Distance/Range (km): 425,000
Central Latitude/Longitude (deg): N/A
Orbit(s): Flyby

Imaging Information
Area or Feature Type: Global view
Instrument: Solid State Imaging CCD Camera
Instrument Resolution (pixels): 800 x 800, 8 bit
Instrument Field of View (deg): .46 x .46
Filter: N/A
Illumination Incidence Angle (deg): N/A
Phase Angle (deg): N/A
Instrument Look Direction: N/A
Surface Emission Angle (deg): N/A

Ordering Information
CD-ROM Volume: N/A
NASA Image ID number: P-41491
Other Image ID number: GLL/EM20
NSSDC Data Set ID (Photo): 89-084B-10B
NSSDC Data Set ID (CD): 89-084B-10C
Other ID: N/A

Updated 18 March 2003, DRW.