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2008 Majority Spotlights

December Majority Spotlights
» House Leaders Address Situation in Gaza, December 29, 2008
House leaders released statements addressing the developing situation in Gaza.
» Democratic Leaders Respond to the Bush Administration's Plan to Aid Auto Industry, December 19, 2008
President Bush announced plans to provide government assistance to prevent the collapse of the American auto industry.
» Democrats Support Job Creation Package to Address Increasing Unemployment, December 18, 2008
House Democratic leaders urge immediate action on an economic recovery, job creation package following the Department of Labor's report that 554,000 Americans filed new applications for unemployment benefits.
» Democrats Rebuke Senate Republicans for Blocking Auto Aid, December 12, 2008
Democrats respond to Senate Republicans' blocking of legislation to provide government loans to the auto industry so that it can restructure.
» Democrats Strive to Help Americans Get Back to Work, December 11, 2008
Democrats respond to today’s report from the Department of Labor on rising jobless claims, indicating that an economic recovery package and aid to auto industry is needed to get the economy back on track.
» Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act, December 10, 2008
This week, Congress is expected to consider HR 7321, the Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act.
» Democrats Hold Issues Forum on Economic, National Security, December 09, 2008
The Democratic Caucus held an issues forum today, which convened national experts on the economy and national security, addressed efforts to get the economy back on track and protect the American people.
» Democrats Call for Action After Dismal November Jobs Report, December 05, 2008
Today, the Department of Labor reported that the American economy lost 533,000 jobs in November and the unemployment rate hit a 15-year high.
» Democratic Leaders Respond to Announcement of Economic Recession, December 01, 2008
Today, the National Bureau of Economic Research announced that the U.S. economy has been in a recession since December 2007.
» Democrats Laud President-Elect Obama's Choices for National Security Team, December 01, 2008
President-elect Obama held a press conference today to announce his national security team: Senator Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense, Eric Holder as Attorney General, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano as Secretary of Homeland Security, Susan Rice as Ambassador to the United Nations, and General Jim Jones as National Security Adviser.
November Majority Spotlights
» Democrats Welcome President-Elect Obama's Economic Team, November 24, 2008
Democratic Leaders welcome the President-elect Obama's President-elect Obama’s nominations to his economic team
» Democrats Hold Auto Industry Accountable, Demand Plan for Viability, November 20, 2008
Congressional Democrats held a press conference today stating they will hold the auto industry accountable to the American People and demand they provide a plan for viability.
» Hoyer Delivers Address on Historic Election, Congressional Agenda, November 18, 2008
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) today discussed the ramifications of the historic 2008 election and the agenda for the incoming 111th Congress at the National Press Club.
» Leaders & Experts Respond to Worsening Economic Conditions, November 13, 2008
The Department of Labor reported that jobless claims increased last week to 516,000, the highest level since the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
» House Leaders Observe Veterans Day, November 12, 2008
House Leaders honor nation's veterans on Veterans Day.
» Democrats Respond to Dismal October Jobs Report, November 07, 2008
Leaders respond to the Department of Labor's release of its employment report for October.
October Majority Spotlights
» Democrats Respond to Third Quarter GDP Report, October 30, 2008
The Department of Commerce releases the Gross Domestic Product numbers, which fell at a 0.3 percent annual rate in the third quarter.
» Democratic Leaders Continue Discussions on Possible Economic Recovery Plan, October 27, 2008
House Democratic leaders held a conference call with economic experts on possible economic recovery plan.
» Democrats Continue to Address Economic Crisis, October 24, 2008
House Democrats urge immediate action on deteriorating economy.
» Democratic Leaders and Chairman Bernanke Agree: Economic Recovery Package Needed, October 20, 2008
Democrats in Congress recognize the severity of the economic crisis for American families and will continue to work to put our economy back on track.
» House Democratic Leaders Continue to Address Economic Crisis, October 13, 2008
After meeting with economic experts, Democratic Leaders announce series of hearings to develop economic recovery plan.
» Democrats Respond to CBO Report on Budget and Economy, October 08, 2008
Democrats respond to the release of CBO's September Budget Report.
» Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, October 03, 2008
Text and summaries of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
September Majority Spotlights
» Congress Continues to Address Financial Crisis, September 30, 2008
Hoyer and White House respond to vote on financial recovery package.
» Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, September 28, 2008
Text and summaries of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act

Displaying Majority Spotlights 1 to 25 of 63
» 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-63

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