Second Amendment

Second Amendment

Our Founding Fathers would not have imagined that the right they listed second in the Bill of Rights, the right to bear arms, would be systematically attacked.

The Second Amendment states, “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  This is a vital protection granted to a free people.  It should not be infringed upon by local, state, or federal government.  Citizens may choose to own a firearm for a variety of reasons: hunting, sport, collecting, or personal protection.  Each is a valid, honest reason to own a firearm.  Criminals, by definition, do not respect the law.  They will seek out illegal avenues to obtain guns and other weapons of choice.  Gun control laws do not make our communities safe.   They do not take firearms from criminals, but rather from law abiding citizens.  I have consistently voted to support the right of citizens to own a firearm, and I will continue to support the Constitution and the second amendment. 

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Press Release - Policy Subcommittees Announced 5.25.2005

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