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Associated Press 

Riding the Inaugural Express

Invoking hope and history, President-elect Barack Obama rolls into Washington pledging to help bring the nation “a new Declaration of Independence” and promising to rise to the stern challenges of the times. He kicked off a four-day inaugural celebration with a rail trip that retraced Abraham Lincoln's 1861 route.

Israel declares Gaza cease-fire

Israel declares a unilateral cease-fire in its 22-day offensive that turned Gaza neighborhoods into battlegrounds and dealt a stinging blow to the Islamic militants of Hamas, but the government says troops will stay in the Palestinian territory for now.
Home prices fall 24% from 2007
San Diego County ends 2008 with the worst real estate downturn on record, with prices dropping more than 24 percent from 2007 levels.

'Superhero' not just a geek
Armed with a belt full of gadgets, Mr. Xtreme patrols the streets of San Diego, one of about 300 comic book fans nationwide who don costumes to do good deeds for their communities.
State jobless rate at 8.4%
The jobless rate in California hit 8.4 percent in November, as retail stores, construction firms, banks and factories laid off thousands of workers. The U.S. jobless rate stands at 6.7 percent.

At the opera

The San Diego season's set to begin.

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A taste of physics
At El Bizcocho, they're blending the art and science of cooking. Molecular gastronomy means high-tech dining.
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Watching the game with Gigi and friends
Fans packed Callahan's Pub and Brewery to watch what turned out to be the close of the Chargers season.
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Brown widow invasion
Learn about a dangerous spider making its way into the San Diego area.
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