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Reporting Adverse Reactions and Other Product Problems

by John Henkel

The Michigan consumer knew right away that something was wrong with the pretzel he had just eaten. His mouth was burning as if it had been exposed to a caustic chemical. After being treated at the hospital, he contacted the local Food and Drug Administration office, which found that the pretzel company had put lye cleaning pellets on the pretzels instead of salt. As a result, the company recalled all the snacks.

By contacting FDA like the Michigan consumer did when adverse reactions or other problems occur with products the agency regulates, consumers can play a crucial public health role. FDA is responsible for ensuring that foods are safe, wholesome, and correctly labeled. The agency also oversees medicines, medical devices (from bandages to artificial hearts), blood products, vaccines, cosmetics, veterinary drugs, animal feed, and electronic products that emit radiation (such as microwave ovens and video monitors), ensuring that these products are safe and effective.

The testing that helps to establish the safety of products such as drugs and medical devices is typically conducted on small groups before FDA approves the products for sale. Yet some problems can remain unknown, only to be discovered when a product is used by a large number of people.

When problems with FDA-regulated products occur, the agency wants to know about them and has several ways for the public to make reports. Timely reporting by consumers, health professionals, and FDA-regulated companies allows the agency to take prompt action. The agency evaluates each report to determine how serious the problem is, and, if necessary, may request additional information from the person who filed the report before taking action.

Reporting an Emergency

If the situation is an emergency that requires immediate action, such as a case of food-borne illness or a drug product that has been tampered with, call the agency's main emergency number, (301) 443-1240, which is staffed 24 hours a day,

You also can report emergencies to an FDA consumer complaint coordinator for the geographic area in which you live.

Non-Emergency Reports

If you experience a problem that does not require immediate action--such as a non-emergency adverse reaction to a food product or an over-the-counter medical device that doesn't work as advertised--you can report it to the appropriate consumer complaint coordinator.


FDA's MedWatch program is designed to monitor adverse events and other problems with medical products to ensure that new safety information is quickly communicated to medical professionals. Products covered under the MedWatch program are medicines (prescription and over-the-counter), medical devices, blood products, and special nutritional products (dietary supplements, infant formula, and medical foods). The program aims to enhance postmarketing surveillance of medical products as they are used in clinical practice and to rapidly identify serious reactions and hazards associated with those products.

If you or a family member has experienced or witnessed a serious adverse reaction or other problem with a medical product, call MedWatch at 1-800-FDA-1088 (1-800-332-1088) to request that a reporting form (one-page, return postage paid) be mailed to you. A reaction is considered serious if the product caused, or is suspected of having caused: death, a life-threatening situation, admission to a hospital or a longer-than-expected hospital stay, permanent disability, a birth defect, or medical care to prevent permanent damage.

Forms and instructions also can be downloaded from www.fda.gov/medwatch/ on the agency's Web site.

FDA encourages consumers to take the form to their health professional (doctor, dentist, pharmacist, or nurse) to complete. This person can provide much more detailed clinical information, such as laboratory results, which can help FDA evaluate the report. However, if they prefer not to go to a health professional, consumers can complete the form themselves and mail it to the FDA address on the form or fax it to 1-800-FDA-0178 (1-800-332-0178).

Because reporting by health professionals is voluntary, consumers are encouraged to file a report on their own if the health professional chooses not to report the problem.

FDA also welcomes reports through MedWatch of product quality problems. For example, you can report product contamination (suspicious foul odors or unusual "off" colors), defective components, labeling concerns (such as mix-ups due to similar names or packaging), or questionable product stability.

Other Products

John Henkel is a staff writer for FDA Consumer.

General Guidelines About Reporting

What FDA Doesn't Handle

Reports and complaints about the following should be made to the agencies listed. Phone numbers can be found in your local phone directory:

