Commission Actions for March 1998

March 31, 1998

  • United States of America (at the request of the FTC) v. The Loewen Group Inc. and Loewen Group International, Inc.(District of the District of Columbia)
  • File No. 971 0004
    In the Matter of The Associated Octel Company Limited, and Great Lakes Chemical Corporation.

March 30, 1998

  • Federal Trade Commission Report to Congress Concerning the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (March 1998).
  • File No. 971 0118
    In the Matter of Degussa Aktiengesellschaft, and Degussa Corporation.

March 27, 1998

March 26, 1998

  • Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On "Internet Privacy"
    Presented by David Medine, Associate Director for Credit Practices, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Before the Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives

March 25, 1998

  • Twentieth Annual Report to Congress Concerning the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

March 24, 1998

March 18, 1998

  • FTC and People Of The State Of New York v. Trans-Asian Communications, Inc., RAJ Telekom, Inc., Trans American Systems, Inc., and Rajesh Kalra (Southern District of New York)

March 17, 1998

  • Federal Trade Commission Report to Congress for 1996, Pursuant to the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act

March 16, 1998

  • Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission Concerning Home Equity Lending Abuses in the Subprime Mortgage Industry
    Presented by Jodie Bernstein, Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate

March 12, 1998

March 11, 1998

  • Commercial Weight Loss Products and Programs: What Consumers Stand to Gain and Lose: A Public Conference on the Information Consumers Need to Evaluate Weight Loss Products and Programs
    • Report of the Presiding Panel
  • Protocol for Coordination in Merger Investigations Between the Federal Enforcement Agencies and State Attorneys General

March 9, 1998

  • FTC v. Cardinal Health, Inc. and Bergen Brunswig Corp. (District of the District of Columbia)
    • Complaint for Preliminary Injuction Pursuant to Section 13(b) of the Federal Trade Commission Act
    • Public Version of Trial Brief [PDF] (117k)
    • News Release
  • FTC v. McKesson Corp. and AmeriSource Health Corp. (District of the District of Columbia)
    • Complaint for Preliminary Injuction Pursuant to Section 13(b) of the Federal Trade Commission Act
    • Public Version of Trial Brief [PDF] (117k)
    • News Release

March 6, 1998

  • File No. 981 0011
    In the Matter of Federal-Mogul Corporation, and T&N PLC

March 5, 1998

  • United States Of America v. Andrea L. Christie, d/b/a B & J Enterprises, Ltd., AAA Credit Assoc., AAA Credit Services, and A Credit Services (Dist. of South Carolina)
  • United States Of America v. Jack Schrold (Dist. of Florida)

March 4, 1998

March 3, 1998

  • Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Advertising, Marketing and Antitrust Issues in the Global Tobacco Settlement
    Presented by Robert Pitofsky, Chairman, Before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate
  • Federal Trade Commission Staff Summary of Federal Trade Commission Activities Affecting Older Americans During 1995 and 1996

Last Modified: Tuesday, 18-Nov-2008 18:30:00 EST