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Anchors stay home for Gaza story

NEW YORK – ABC, CBS and NBC haven't sent their top news anchors to the Middle East to cover Israel's conflict with Hamas, even though each network did so in 2006 when Israel fought a war with Hezbollah. The networks said their decisions had nothing to do with economics, but with a busy news period and restrictions placed on coverage of the fighting.

No 'King Lear' nude scene for McKellen on PBS

UNIVERSAL CITY - Ian McKellen says his on-stage "King Lear" nude scene is discreetly avoided in the upcoming public television version of the play.
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TV recycles 'American Idol' and other reality shows that have come down the pike: Tuesday marks the return of the most popular reality show in recent TV history. It also marks the return of the most popular show in recent TV history. It is no coincidence that both shows are the same show.
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