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Re: X Windows discussion

From: Bill Laut <>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 04:32:21 -0400

On Wednesday 01 October 2003 01:34 am, Russell Coker wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 06:31, Bill Laut wrote:
> > I do have a concern about the effects on system performance. Unlike
> > general policy enforcement decisions, the X system presents a scenario
> > where multiple tests may have to be made before a decision can be
> > rendered and/or where multiple tests may have to be interleaved to reach
> > a "composite" decision (a screen snapshot, for example, comes immediately
> > to mind in both cases).
> Are many people running systems where screen capture speed is a bottleneck?

No. My citation of the screen capture was intended to illustrate where multiple decisions would have to be made before a "composite" decision could be reached. EG, which windows is the screen capture allowed to record. That sort of thing.

A more realistic system overhead comparison would be to ask the question, "how much overhead would X impose versus, say, copying a large file where every file-I/O operation is being vetted by the kernel AVC?" Just that question by itself answers my concerns. But, as I said previously, these concerns are purely speculative at this point.

> > > The existing SELinux policy in the kernel controls who can connect to
> > > the X server.
> >
> > I was under the impression that the existing SELinux policy only had
> > granularity to the IP/port address, not to the client's source context
> > (unless labeled networking is in effect). Has this changed?
> For local connections we control access to the Unix domain socket and to
> the TCP port. For remote connections the only sensible thing to do is to
> use ssh tunneling. You just have to avoid doing "ssh -X untrusted-host"
> (you would be amazed how many people try to do X forwarding from my play
> machine).

While ssh tunneling would (thankfully) encrypt the TCP stream (and *should* be employed for that purpose), it has no means of passing the client's security context to the server. Let alone pass it to the server in a form that a malicious client couldn't spoof.

> As for labeled networking, requiring IPSEC is a difficult issue, many
> people have deployed networks with other systems and are not in a hurry to
> change.

Whoa, back up! I didn't say we should mandate IPSEC. That is something entirely different. What I said was:

     "I suppose what I'm proposing is something like Labeled Networking with
     IPSec-like key negotiation, etc., but without it actually becoming a
     formal VPN."

What I'm envisioning is an enhanced version of the labeled networking support already extant within the SELinux suite. It would transparently negotiate a session key with its counterpart on the peer as needed, and then exchange encrypted (with the session key) security contexts within the Options field of the IP header as the client and server communicate with one another, so that a security-aware server (X, in this case) would know -which- application on the client _via_the_security_system_calls_ was trying to connect to it, so that it could decide whether to accept that incoming connection request and if so then what access to grant the client.

In effect, we are "tunneling" (so to speak) security/authentication data from one kernel AVC to another within the IP Options field, and thereby know *nonreputably* WHICH client is truly attempting to connect with us.

Finally, let me *emphatically* state that SE-N (Security Enhanced Networking) is an -optional- convenience the user/administrator/whoever may or may not choose to build into their system. Furthermore, it would not as yet rank very highly on my priority list, as we're still ironing out implementation issues on SE-X itself, before (maybe) jumping into SE-N.

Notwithstanding, as I'm proposing stuff I'm looking way, way down the road to what features and options would really be useful. To that end, what I'm seeing in SELinux *in its current form* is the premiere security system for securing -existential- Linux boxes: Boxes whose world exists only within themselves. But what happens when you want to link multiple boxes together, but spread the security power of SELinux across all of them? This is where SE-N comes in.

Let's use SE-X as an example. To use SE-N with SE-X, I'm conjecturing that you would exchange public keys between your X workstation and the various boxes whose clients will be connecting to your Xserver, so that they can mutually authenticate each other to its counterpart when session keys need to be created to support networked communication (IE, a client wants to establish a stream to a server. The SE-N layer on the client machine determines that a session key is needed with the server machine, so before the client's SYN is sent the client SE-N negotiates a session key with the server SE-N. Now, the client's SYN is sent, with the appropriate security context encrypted within the IP Options field. If there is no public key on file for the server, then the client SYN is sent as "unlabeled traffic.").

You can decide which hosts are authorized to connect to your box's services (X being one of possibly many) based on such criteria as: (1) Unlabeled vs labeled traffic, and if labeled (2) which policy-defined clients are allowed to connect to which services. And all of this can be defined within policy.

You posted this question in a different email this evening/morning:

   "The problem we need to solve is how to manage different X connections

     having different privs.  If I login to a trusted-host and want to run a
     trusted application and an IRC client, then how do I make sure that my
     trusted application's X window is protected from my IRC client?"

SE-N is the answer to your question. The exchanging of keys is what defines the client host as being trusted, because when you run the "trusted application" ("trusted" as defined in the trusted-host's policy) and then run the IRC client, the trusted host's SE-N will establish a "tunnel" of sorts within the IP Options field with your workstation so that the Xserver on your workstation can distinguish the differing incoming Xclients.

In fact, you wouldn't even need SSH to establish the initial connections. For example, let's conceptualize a client/server suite: The server clones off whatever Xclients are requested of it, pointing them to the correct Xserver workstations they should connect to (your workstation, in this example); and the server is installed on all the trusted hosts whose Xclients you want connecting to your workstation's Xserver.

The client is a simple program on your workstation that establishes a TCP stream to the server installed on the target trusted host; and all it does is tell the server to clone the requested Xclient, pointing its DISPLAY to your workstation.

The client and server have their own domains within policy, so when you locally run the client (1) your workstation's SE-N first negotiates a session key with the trusted host's SE-N before passing the SYN--with the local client's security context encrypted in the IP Options field--to the trusted host's TCP layer (and from there to the port the server is listening on).

(2) The server receives the SYN, examines your client's security context (as relayed in the IP Options field), determines your client is authorized to access it, and so issues the ACCEPT to your SYN.

(3) Your client requests the server to clone the target Xclient. The server determines your client is authorized to request it, and proceeds to clone it.

(4) The Xclient tries to establish a TCP stream to port 6000 on your workstation. A session key has already been established from (1), so the Xclient's source context is encrypted into the IP Options field along with SYN. (5) The Xserver receives the SYN, determines via policy that the trusted host's Xclient is authorized to connect to it, and so permits the connection to be made. All resources created by the Xclient (such as windows, widgets, gadgets, glyphs, whatever ad infinitum) are labeled with that Xclient's source security context.

(6) Now, should the remote IRC client try to access your trusted remote application, the Xserver can make policy-based decisions on whether or not to allow the trusted Xclient's resources to be examined by another Xclient.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but it's 4:15am over here and I'm ready to keel over. I'll answer your other post in the morning. In short, (imo) SE-N has -tremendous- potential to leverage the power of SELinux beyond its current existential limitations to include Beowulf clusters, load-balancing arrays, etc., etc., etc.

And SE-X is the likely "killer app" to -gently introduce- this power to the Linux community.

> The incompatabilities for administration tools for the different
> implementations of IPSEC in the Linux kernel make this more difficult.
> Also there's the issue of firewalls that block IPSEC.

What I'm envisioning is a facility that borrows techniques from IPSec without actually becoming a formal IPSec. In practice what ultimately we would see is a well-known port reserved to SELinux that SE-N's userland extension would listen on. If (and I emphasize -IF-) the Linux community wishes to use this facility, they would individually have to configure their firewalls to allow SE-N to listen on that port. They would also have to exchange/install pubic keys between cooperating boxes, as well as identify them within their policies. Any resemblance to IPSEC ends at that point.

All that would be seen is the occasional traffic to SE-N's listener port. Everthing else would be "buried" in the Options field of the IP Header.

> If we demand that all networked SE-X users have IPSEC and labeled
> networking running then we'll greatly delay any use of the technology.

Not at all. They can choose to run -unlabeled- traffic, which then they are left to figure out for themselves which incoming Xclient connection requests are trustworthy. Or, they can bring up SE-N and configure their policies to decide which Xclients on which trusted hosts to allow connection to their Xservers, and what those Xclients can do.

     "Oh, and by the way, you can also use SE-N to let your security-aware
     servers decide nonreputably which clients can connect to them, and what
     resources the server will grant access to."

After the Linux community gets SE-N working with SE-X (and which I'll insure won't be hard to do), they'll also see how easily they can integrate SE-N with their own soon-to-be security-aware servers (which is, after all, the end-game) to spread the power of SELinux across clusters and traditional client/server arrangements. In fact, my example of the client/server suite to launch your "trusted app and IRC client" citation could be a useful example program to include with SE-N so as to illustrate SE-N's power to the Linux community.

Anyway, it's now 4:31am and I'm probably becoming incoherent (again), so I will end this post now and resume with your other post in the morning.


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Received on Wed 1 Oct 2003 - 04:30:11 EDT

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service