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Kerr-McGee Corporation's Cushing Refinery Site

1.0 Site Identification

Location:Cushing, OK
License No.:SNM-1999
Docket No.: 70-3073
License Status: Active License
Project Manager: John Buckley

2.0 Site Status Summary

Contamination at the site consists of uranium and thorium in the soil and groundwater. The licensee submitted a DP for the site, in April 1994, that included a request for onsite disposal. The licensee revised the DP on August 17, 1998. The licensee is requesting unrestricted release of the site. In place of onsite disposal, the licensee proposed to ship the waste exceeding the SDMP Action Plan Criteria to Envirocare, for disposal. The staff completed its review of this revised DP (license amendment 10 dated August 23, 1999). The licensee has completed shipping all of its radioactive contaminated waste to Envirocare. The licensee has release portions of the site for unrestricted use (license amendments 13 and 16). The licensee estimated the remaining cost of decommissioning in 2003 to be approximately $9.8 M. Decommissioning is now complete at the site and all final status survey reports have been submitted to the NRC. On June 13, 2005, with revisions on May 11, 2006, the licensee requested that the license be terminated. NRC terminated the Kerr McGee Cushing site license on May 18, 2006.

Kerr McGee used part of the former Cushing Refinery Site from 1962 through 1966 to process natural thorium and natural, depleted, and enriched uranium under two Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) licenses. The site was decommissioned and the licenses terminated in 1966. Contamination on-site resulted from the disposal and spraying of contaminated solid and liquid waste on portions of the site during operations, and the burial of wastes during decommissioning.

3.0 Major Technical or Regulatory Issues

4.0 Estimated Date For Closure


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Friday, September 26, 2008