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Kaiser Aluminum

1.0 Site Identification

Location: Tulsa, OK
License No.: STB-472 (terminated)
Docket No.: 40-02377
License Status: Terminated License
Project Manager: John Buckley

2.0 Site Status Summary

The Kaiser facility is located at 7311 East 41st Street in Tulsa, OK. The 14 acre site is divided into three parts; the unaffected freshwater pond, the affected retention pond/reserve pond, and the flux building and paved area. The known affected area covers approximately 9 acres.

On March 7, 1958, NRC issued Source Material License No. C-4012 to Standard Magnesium Corporation (Standard Magnesium), a Division of Kaiser Chemical Company, for possession of magnesium-thorium alloy. Standard Magnesium purchased magnesium-thorium scrap metal for reclaiming purposes. The end product from Standard Magnesium?s manufacturing process was magnesium anodes used for cathodic protection on items such as tanks and pipelines. NRC License No. STB-472 superceded License No. C-4012 on November 22, 1961. On June 5, 1968, License No. STB-472 was amended to include the possession of uranium, so that Standard Magnesium could process magnesium slag containing uranium. There is no evidence to indicate that uranium was ever received or processed on site. On March 16, 1971, License No. STB-472 was terminated at the licensees request. On November 17, 1993, an NRC inspector surveyed the Kaiser facility to assess the potential for residual contamination at the site. The inspector found contamination on the surface, indicating that waste magnesium-thorium slag was improperly disposed of in the past. Off-site residual thorium contamination was first identified during a subsequent NRC inspection conducted on June 29, 1994. The off-site thorium contamination is due to slag dumping in areas to the east and south of the current Kaiser property boundary, on property which belonged to Standard Magnesium during licensed operations. The NRC added Kaiser to the SDMP on August 19, 1994. Kaiser began decommissioning the site after approval of its DP in June 2003, and completed decommissioning in September 2006. NRC approved Kaiser's remediation activities at the Tulsa site on December 29, 2006.

3.0 Major Technical or Regulatory Issues

4.0 Estimated Date For Closure


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Friday, September 26, 2008