January 2008 Archives

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George's Thoughts on the Economic Stimulus Bill

Today the House of Representatives passed a landmark Economic Stimulus bill that George helped craft in response to the housing crisis and other serious economic troubles. The bill will provide rebates to 13.3 million households in California and will also help some families suffering from the sub-prime mortgage crisis.

George submitted a statement to the House floor and here is a quick excerpt from his speech:
"The economy may be complicated, but the reasoning behind this bi-partisan bill is not. By putting money into the hands of low- and middle-income families who will spend it quickly, we will inject demand back into the economy. While we can’t know for sure what the future holds for our economy, we know that we can make a difference if we pass this stimulus package quickly."

Read George's whole statement after the jump.

Posted by PDP-Staff at 09:25PM | Comments () | TrackBack (0)

Use web widgets to track Congress

The Sunlight Foundation's Open Congress Project has created a "make your own widgets" feature allowing you to keep better tabs on what Congress is up to.

You can create widgets for your website to publicize: bills you support and/or oppose; the status of particular bills; or new bills under a specific topic like education.

This looks like a great way to tell the world where you stand on the issues as well as keep your friends and others up to date on legislation you find important.

We created a widget to track the latest education bills (see below), and it took under a minute to design, cut, and past it into this post.

open congress sunlight foundation widget

Posted by JTH-Staff at 09:25PM | Comments () | TrackBack (0)