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October 3, 2003

For: The Commissioners
From: William M. Dean, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO

Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B
Nuclear Regulatory Research C
Nuclear Security and Incident Response D
General Counsel E*
Administration F
Chief Information Officer G
Chief Financial Officer H*
Human Resources I
Small Business & Civil Rights J*
Enforcement K*
State and Tribal Programs L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Office of the Secretary O
Region I P
Region II P
Region III P*
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R
Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste S
*No input this week


William M. Dean
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

Contact: L. Roche, OEDO

Enclosure A

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Mode 3 Test

On September 22, 2003, Davis-Besse achieved normal operating pressure and no-load normal operating temperature using reactor coolant pump heat. The plant is in Mode 3, Hot Standby, and the licensee plans to maintain this pressure and temperature for seven days and then cooldown and inspect for leakage. Specifically, the licensee will inspect for leakage from the reactor vessel bottom head nozzles and from the reactor vessel top head.

The licensee's schedule is to have the plant ready for restart between 4 and 6 weeks following successful completion of the Mode 3 test.

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Power Uprate Amendment

On September 24, 2003, the NRC approved a measurement uncertainty power uprate amendment request by Southern Company to increase by 1.5 percent the generating capacity of the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2. The power uprate will increase the generating capacity from 2763 megawatts thermal to 2804 megawatts thermal. The licensee intends to implement the power uprate within 90 days.

Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 2.206 Petition Review Board Meeting

The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation staff met with representatives of the Union of Concerned Scientists and Riverkeeper (collectively, the Petitioners) on September 24, 2003, to discuss their September 8, 2003, 10 CFR 2.206 petition regarding potential sump screen clogging for Indian Point Units 2 and 3. The Petitioners requested that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) take enforcement actions against Entergy Nuclear Northeast, the licensee for Indian Point Units 2 & 3 in Buchanan, New York, to immediately shut down Indian Point Units 2 and 3 and to maintain the reactors shutdown until the containment sumps are modified to resolve the Generic Safety Issue 191. The Petitioners requested, as an alternative enforcement action, that the NRC prevent the plant to restart until certain conditions have been met with additional interim restrictions.

ASME Crane Committee Meeting

From September 16-19, 2003, representatives from Division of Systems Safety and Analysis (DSSA) and the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards attended the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Cranes for Nuclear Facilities Committee meeting in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The Committee continued its comparison of NRC guidelines for highly reliable load handling systems contained in NUREG-0554, "Single-Failure-Proof Cranes for Nuclear Power Plants," with the standard for Type-I cranes in ASME NOG-1, "Rules for Construction of Overhead and Gantry Cranes." The purpose of this review is to ensure reasonable consistency between the documents, which would support future NRC endorsement of the standard. The Committee also toured the Duane Arnold Energy Center to view the heavy load handling systems used for spent fuel transfer from the storage pool in the reactor building to the independent spent fuel storage installation located at the site.

Industry Forum on Fire Protection

On September 15-17, NRC staff, from the Division of Systems Safety and Analysis (DSSA) and the Division of Inspection Program Management (DIPM) along with regional and other headquarters staff and management, attended the Nuclear Energy Institute-sponsored Fire Protection Information Forum (FPIF), in Baltimore MD. Topics discussed included the Nuclear Regulatory Commission rulemaking for manual actions, endorsement of the National Fire Protection Association 805 Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants as an industry option for meeting fire protection general design criteria, and development of inspection guidance for manual actions and associated circuits. The next FPIF will be held September 20-22, 2004, in Key Biscayne, FL and it will address risk-informed applications.

Industry Conference on Corrective Action Programs

On September 16-17, 2003, the Division of Inspection Program Management staff attended the Corrective Action Owners Group conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, and made a presentation entitled "Organizational Barriers to Effective Risk Significant Issue Identification." The presentation included a synopsis of significant technological issues that involved failures in a corrective action program. Also discussed at the conference were the recent changes to IP 71152, "Identification and Resolution of Problems."

Public Meeting on Radiation Dosimetry

The Division of Systems Safety and Analysis conducted a public meeting on September 17, 2003, between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff and the newly formed Nuclear Energy Institute Working Group on Radiation Dosimetry. Thirteen power reactor radiation specialists met with Senior Health Physicists from the Offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards to discuss several radiation dosimetry topics. The topics discussed included: (1) the use of effective dose equivalent instead of deep dose equivalent for demonstrating compliance with the total effective dose equivalent dose limit; (2) the ongoing (industry-funded) research for determining effective dose equivalent from hot particles; (3) the difficulties encountered in determining the dose from recent events involving the intake of alpha radiation emitting nuclides; and (4) possible changes to the radiation dose reporting requirements.

Enclosure B

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

10 CFR Part 72 Final Rule

On September 16, 2003, this final rule was published in the Federal Register (final rule, 68 FR 54143). This rule amends 10 CFR Part 72 licensing requirements for dry cask modes of storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and power reactor-related Greater than Class C waste in an independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) or in a Department of Energy monitored retrievable storage installation (MRS). The rule updates the seismic siting and design criteria, including geologic, seismic, and earthquake engineering considerations. The final rule allows NRC and its licensees to benefit from experience gained in the licensing of existing facilities and incorporate rapid advancements in the earth sciences and earthquake engineering. The rule makes NRC regulations that govern ISFSIs and MRSs more compatible with the 1996 changes that addressed uncertainties in seismic hazard analysis for nuclear power plants. The rule allows certain ISFSI or MRS applicants to use a design earthquake level commensurate with the risk associated with a specific ISFSI or MRS. The rule also specifies that general licensees evaluate dynamic loads, as well as static loads, in the design of cask storage pads and areas. This final rule is effective on October 16, 2003.

IAEA Consultants Meeting on Safety Assessments for Fuel Cycle Facilities

On September 15-19, 2003, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards staff participated in a Consultants Meeting at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in Vienna, Austria. The purpose of the meeting was to complete a Document Preparation Profile for a new IAEA guidance document (TECDOC) on the preparation of safety assessments at fuel cycle facilities, and to begin writing the TECDOC. The scope of the TECDOC is ambitious, as the TECDOC is expected to provide guidance for the preparation and maintenance of the safety case for any fuel cycle facility, from a uranium mine to a reprocessing facility, during normal and potentially off-normal and accident conditions, during its entire life cycle. The consultants identified a number of issues during the meeting relating to how the TECDOC would be used, how it should be structured, and where it would take its place among existing IAEA requirements and guidance.

Staff Involvement Related to Licensing Activities in the Russian Federation Plutonium Disposition Program

During the period September 15-20, 2003, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards (FCSS) staff participated in a mixed-oxide (MOX) safety seminar in Paris, France; site tours; and discussions at Cogema's La Hague and MELOX facilities, and meetings with the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Russian Federation Gosatomnadzor (GAN). These activities were to support DOE and GAN in developing safety regulations for the Russian MOX facility under the Russian Federation Plutonium Disposition Program. The site tours and discussions at La Hague and MELOX addressed processes that will be incorporated in the U.S. and Russian MOX fuel fabrication facility designs. The safety seminar meetings addressed regulatory safety requirements and implementation, lessons learned, and status of MOX-related operations at La Hague and MELOX. French, Belgian, and German safety authority representatives made presentations on the status and safety principles of their respective countries' MOX fuel activities. Eight GAN officials, including senior management and staff, and two DOE representatives attended the seminar and site tours. At DOE's request, FCSS staff also participated in a September 20, 2003, meeting with GAN management to discuss: (1) schedule, agenda, and supporting tasks for future DOE/GAN/NRC meetings and workshops; and (2) contractual and technical matters concerning existing and future task orders to be signed by DOE and GAN, related to plutonium disposition.

Meeting with Department of Transportation and Croft, Inc., Regarding Design of Model Croft 2835A Transport Package

On September 24, 2003, staff from the Spent Fuel Project Office met with the Department of Transportation and Croft, Inc., regarding the Model No. Croft 2835A transport package. The package is designed for transport of up to 10,000 curies of iridium-192. The meeting was held to discuss the design of the package and the physical tests that were performed to demonstrate compliance with the transport regulations. The discussion centered on the accident conditions testing Croft performed and the design differences between the test specimen and the 2835A package.

NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Key Technical Issues for the Yucca Mountain Project

On September 23, 2003, NRC held a technical exchange on the Yucca Mountain High-Level Waste Project. The purpose was to discuss the Department of Energy's (DOE's) key technical issue response approach from FY 2003 through FY 2005. Participants at the exchange included NRC and DOE staff and contractors, representatives of the State of Nevada, stakeholders, and interested members of the public. DOE's approach to the grouping of agreement responses that it will send to NRC was discussed. Also discussed was DOE's integrated technical basis approach. This approach summarizes the key features, events, and processes for components of post-closure performance of the proposed repository. Discussions included the development of technical basis documents and how the agreement responses will be addressed within them. To aid the discussions, DOE presented an overview of the current draft of its technical basis document on saturated zone groundwater flow and radionuclide transport.

Public Hearing at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on Proposed Rulemaking for Low-Level Radioactive Waste

On September 16, 2003, staff from the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards attended a public hearing the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality held to receive comments on the proposed revisions to its low-level radioactive waste regulations. Only five members of the public presented comments, and the meeting lasted for approximately 30 minutes. Representative Burnam, from the Texas House of Representatives, representing Fort Worth, indicated that he and his staff were gathering a coalition of groups such as Sierra Club, Public Citizen, and the League of Women Voters, to define a position regarding storing low-level radioactive waste in Texas. A representative from Waste Control Specialists (WCS) indicated that once the proposed regulations had been finalized, WCS would be submitting an application for a low-level radioactive waste disposal facility in Texas. The other stakeholders spoke in favor of the proposed rulemaking.

Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Meeting

On September 16-17, 2003, staff from the Division of Waste Management attended the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board meeting in Amargosa Valley, Nevada. The Department of Energy gave updates regarding the development of technical basis documents, engineered barrier system performance, chlorine 36, flow and radionuclide transport in the unsaturated and saturated zones, performance confirmation, the igneous program, and transportation issues.

Enclosure C

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

Public Meeting on Mitigating Systems Performance Index (MSPI) Pilot Program

In a September 24, 2003, public meeting to discuss technical and implementation issues with the MSPI pilot, RES staff presented revised recommendations for resolving remaining key technical issues. The meeting was attended by participants from the NRC regions, industry representatives (e.g., NEI, INPO), and pilot plant licensees.

The purpose of the MSPI is to monitor the performance of six systems based on their ability to perform risk-significant functions. The index, which approximates the change in core damage frequency, is comprised of two elements - system unavailability and system reliability. Plant-specific PRA models will be used to calculate the contribution of component failures and maintenance unavailability to the index.

7th COOPRA (Cooperative PRA) Steering Committee Meeting

The 7th COOPRA Steering Committee Meeting was held on September 18-19, 2003, at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) offices in Paris. RES staff chaired the meeting which had 15 attendees from 10 countries and a representative from the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). The topics discussed at the meeting included an overview and status of PRA research activities at member countries and reports from COOPRA working groups on: (1) Low Power and Shutdown (LPSD), (2) Risk-Informed Decision Making (RIDeM), and (3) Fire-Included Damage to Electrical Cables and Circuits (FIDECC). Based on the discussion, the use of PRA continues to increase in COOPRA member countries, and there in continuing interest in the activities of the working groups.

One major concern of the Steering Committee was the need to improve coordination between COOPRA and the NEA Working Group on Risk Assessment (WGRisk), especially in the areas of lower power and shutdown and risk-informed decision making. Both groups have ongoing work on these subjects. The Steering Committee unanimously approved a proposal, which was also approved at the 4th WGRisk meeting held on September 22-24, 2003 (see following highlight) to improve cooperation and coordination between the two groups. Also, proposals for new work in areas of common interest between the two groups will be closely coordinated by planning common meetings and reports. This coordination will avoid duplication of work and result in more efficient and effective use of limited resources for both groups and the NRC.

Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Working Group on Risk Assessment (WGRisk)

The 4th NEA WGRisk meeting was held on September 22-24, 2003, at the NEA office in Paris. RES staff attended the meeting which had over 30 attendees from about 20 countries. RES staff presented a proposal from the Cooperative PRA (COOPRA) Steering Committee for increased cooperation and coordination between the two groups (see previous highlight). The WGRisk approved this proposal. Representatives from each of the participating countries presented a brief update on the current status of PRA programs in their country. Representatives from other international organizations (i.e., International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Commission of European Communities (CEC), and COOPRA) gave presentations on relevant activities in their organizations. One of the significant accomplishments that was discussed was a report on the WGRisk Integrated Plan. This report, which has been endorsed by the OECD Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) Program Reviews Groups (PRG) will be published soon. It includes a comprehensive discussion on WGRisk past and current work as well as recommendations and priorities for future work.

Enclosure D

Nuclear Security and Incident Response
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

Preliminary Notifications

  1. PNO-III-03-040, Palisades Nuclear Generating Station - FIRE ADJACENT TO PALISADES NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION.

  2. PNO-IV-03-042, Arizona Oncology Services - MEDICAL MISADMINISTRATION.


  4. PNO-II-03-020, I. Gonzalez Martinez Oncologic Hospital - TWO REPORTED APPARENT BRACHYTHERAPHY MEDICAL EVENTS.

Enclosure F

Office of Administration
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks: NAC International Multi-Purpose Cannister (NAC-MPC); Confirmation of Effective Date (Part 72)

On September 25, 2003, the subject list was published in the Federal Register (68 FR 55304), a document confirming the effective date of October 1, 2003, for a direct final rule that revised the NAC International Multi-Purpose Cannister (NAC-MPC) cask system listing within the list of approved spent fuel storage casks.

Contract Award

A competitive labor-hour task order was awarded to Project Performance Corporation on September 8, 2003. This procurement was awarded under the General Services Administration's Federal Supply Schedule for work involving technical assistance in support of NMSS's development of project planning activities necessary to develop and maintain the High-Level Waste Licensing Support Program Project Plan for Yucca Mountain through at least the year 2010. The period of performance is twelve months with no option periods and has a total estimated cost of $437,429. The streamlining initiatives included setting a deadline for proposer's questions and using electronic transmittal and coordination of the statement of work (SOW).

Enclosure G

Chief Information Officer
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Requests received during the period of September 22 through September 25, 2003:

Workers’ Compensation claim, communications between NRC & Dept. of Labor Workers’ Compensation Programs FOIA/PA-2003-0441
State of Utah: NRC Staff Assessment of Utah’s Proposed Alternative Standard to Use Utah’s Existing Groundwater Regulation in Lieu of the NRC Regulations, copy of Federal Register Notice, August 2003 FOIA/PA-2003-0442
Radiation exposure on named individual FOIA/PA-2003-0443
Exelon Generation Co., LLC, transcript of meeting at Region III Office on 9-18-2003 FOIA/PA-2003-0444
Allegation RIV-2000-A-0114, all communications and correspondence FOIA/PA-2003-0445

Enclosure I

Office of Human Resources
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003


Enclosure M

Office of Public Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

Media Interest

A General Accounting Office (GAO) report criticizing the NRC's oversight of security at nuclear power plants.

Exelon Generation Co. and Dominion Resources Co. ask the NRC for early site permits for possible nuclear plants on land next to existing reactors in Illinois and Virginia.

A ruling by a judge for the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board upholding the NRC's issuance of a license for a commercial irradiator facility in Bucks County, PA. , and a Milford Twp. ordinance aimed at blocking the facility.

Press Releases
03-120 NRC To Hold Public Workshops September 23-25 In Washington, D.C., On Safety Issues At Fuel Cycle Facilities (9/22)
03-121 NRC Meets With Delegation Of India’s Regulators (9/24)
03-122 NRC Approves Power Uprate For Edwin Hatch Units 1 And 2 (9/24)
I-03-054 NRC Judge Denies Request For Stay In Case Of Bucks County, Pa., Irradiator (9/23)
I-03-055 NRC Sends Augmented Inspection Team To Peach Bottom Plant (9/24)

Enclosure O

Office of the Secretary
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

Document Released to Public Date Subject
Information Papers
  1. SECY-03-0163
9/18/03 SECY-03-0163 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 12, 2003
  1. SECY-03-0161
9/15/03 SECY-03-0161 - 2003 Annual Update - Status of Decommissioning Program
  1. SRM-M030910A
9/24/03 Staff Requirements - Meeting with Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD)

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. Nuclear Energy Institute; Denial of Petition for Rulemaking (PRM 52-2).

  2. Notice of Reconstitution - Hydro Resources, Inc. - Crownpoint, NM.

  3. Notice of Reconstitution - Hydro Resources, Inc. - Rio Rancho, NM.

  4. Notice of Reconstitution - Sequoyah Fuel Corporation - Gore, Oklahoma - Docket 40-8027-MLA-4.

  5. Notice of Reconstitution - Sequoyah Fuel Corporation - Gore, Oklahoma - Docket 40-8027-MLA-5.

  6. Notice of Reconstitution - Sequoyah Fuel Corporation - Gore, Oklahoma - Docket 40-8027-MLA-6.

  7. ASLBP - Duke Energy Corporation ASLBP No. 03-815-03-OLA.

  8. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (10/1-4/2003) - Notice of Meeting.

  9. ACRS Subcommittee on Planning and Procedures - Notice of Meeting.

  10. ACRS Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment.

  11. ACRS Joint Meeting of Subcommittees on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Human Factors.

  12. Licensing Support System Advisory Review Panel Notice of Amendment of Charter.

Enclosure P

Region I
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

Peach Bottom

An Augmented Inspection Team has been established to inspect and assess the dual unit reactor scram at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station due to an electrical grid disturbance that occurred on September 15, 2003. Following the shutdown, there were many failures in equipment used to mitigate the event. The seven-person team, consisting of inspectors from Region I, an electrical specialist from NRC Headquarters, and a Region I Senior Reactor Risk Analyst, began on-site inspection activities on September 24, 2003.

The team will develop a sequence of events, assess the performance of plant systems and plant personnel, assess the adequacy of the plant procedures, assess the effectiveness of the licensee's activities related to the event investigation, and independently determine the risk significance of the event. A public exit meeting will be held at the conclusion of inspection activities. An inspection report will be issued within 30 days of the exit meeting.

Calvert Cliffs

The Regional Administrator, the Director of Reactor Projects, and other management and staff performed a site visit at Calvert Cliffs on September 22-23, 2003. The visit to the plant, which included a site tour and interviews with plant staff, also included a discussion between the Regional Administrator and members of the Constellation Generation Group (the plant owner) Board of Directors.

Confirmatory Radiological Surveys at Yankee Rowe

During the week of September 22, 2003, a Region I inspector from the Division of Nuclear Materials Safety accompanied a team from the NRC contractor, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), to the Yankee Rowe plant to perform confirmatory radiological surveys of the licensee's turbine building. The turbine building is scheduled to be dismantled in November 2003 and shipped offsite to a local landfill as clean waste. Since the site license termination plan and derived concentration guideline levels have not yet been approved, these additional surveys were performed to ensure no detectable radioactive contamination is present prior to demolition and disposal.

Enclosure P

Region II
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

Carolina Power and Light Company - Shearon B. Harris Management Meeting

On September 23, 2003, representatives from Carolina Power and Light Company were in the Regional Office to attend a management meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss performance of the Shearon B. Harris Nuclear Power Plant.

Tennessee Valley Authority - Browns Ferry Exercise

On September 24, 2003, Region II participated in the on-site Browns Ferry Emergency Exercise. The regional participation included a Site Team. There was no participation in the Regional Office or in Headquarters. For the exercise, Region II hosted three visitors, two Emergency Preparedness Department representatives from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and a representative from CSN-Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Nuclear Safety Council) Madrid, Spain. The guests were shown the Control Room, Technical Support Center, Operations Support Center, the Emergency Operations Facility, Joint Information Center, and the State/County Emergency Operations Center.

On September 23-26, 2003, the State Liaison Officer participated as a member of the Regional Assistance Committee in the full scale Browns Ferry exercise, involving officials of the State of Alabama, and the applicable local governments.

Enclosure P

Region IV
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

Fort Calhoun Station Notification of Unusual Event

On September 23, 2003, during movement of a fuel assembly in the spent fuel pool, a fuel assembly became disconnected from the spent fuel handling machine and fell approximately 3 feet. In response to the event, the licensee entered their emergency plan and declared a Notification of Unusual Event. On September 24, after stabilizing the fuel assembly so that it would not fall from its position, the licensee retrieved the fuel assembly, placed it in a storage location in the spent fuel pool, and exited the Notification of Unusual Event.

In response to this event, the resident inspectors provided continuous coverage of licensee activities to stabilize and retrieve the dropped fuel assembly. The inspectors also reviewed the licensee's preliminary cause for the event, the corrective actions implemented to address the cause, and observed the resumption of fuel movement on September 25.

Public Meeting with River Bend Nuclear Station Entergy Operations, Inc.

The Regional Administrator, the Director, Division of Nuclear Materials Safety and staff conducted a Category 1 meeting with representatives of Entergy Operations, Inc.,

on September 25, 2003, in Region IV. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Entergy's plans to construct and operate an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation at the River Bend Nuclear Station for the storage of spent fuel.

Enclosure R

Office of Congressional Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

Combs TBA
2123 RHOB
TBA NRC, DOE, Bechtel, NEI Review of the Progress of DOE’s Yucca Mountain Project Reps. Barton/Boucher
Energy and Air Quality
Energy and Commerce
Keeling 09/30/03
2322 RHOB
2:00 TBA

Hearing May Be Closed

Nuclear Terrorism Prevention: Fedl Govt’s Progress Toward Installing Radiation Detection Monitors at U.S. Ports & Borders Reps. Greenwood/Deutsch
Oversight and Investigations
Energy and Commerce
Combs 10/01/03
9:30 Committee Vote


Confirmation of Michael Leavitt to be EPA Administrator Senators Inhofe/Jeffords
Environment and Public Works
Keeling 10/01/03
2247 RHOB
1:00 TBA


Security of the national SCADA systems Reps. Putnam/Clay
Technology Policy, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and the Census
Government Reform
Gerke 10/01/03
2203 RHOB
2:00 TBA Human Capital Succession Planning in the Federal Workforce Reps. Davis/Davis
Civil Service & Agency Organiz
Government Reform

Enclosure S

Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 26, 2003

ACNW Chairman Speaks in Oxford, England

On September 22, 2003, Dr. B. John Garrick, Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste, spoke in the opening plenary session of the 9th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, Oxford, England. Dr. Garrick's presentation was titled "Licensing Yucca Mountain the Risk-Informed Way." The speech focused on how NRC's risk insights initiative has led to a better understanding of the contribution to repository performance made by components of the natural setting and engineered barriers.

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