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Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM)

Staff Requirements Memoranda (SRM) for 2008

Document number File Type Description Date
SECY-08-0176 HTML Icon PDF Icon Report to Congress on the Health, Safety, and Environmental Conditions at the Diffusion Plants Located Near Paducah, KY, and Portsmouth, OH 12/02/2008
SECY-08-0158 HTML Icon PDF Icon Proposal on the Potential Program to Pay Credit Monitoring Services 12/17/2008
SECY-08-0154 HTML Icon PDF Icon Proposed Agreement Between the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Commission Pursuant to Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended 11/05/2008
SECY-08-0115 HTML Icon PDF Icon Proposed Rule: 10 CFR 51.22, Criterion for Categorical Exclusion; Identification of Licensing and Regulatory Actions Eligible for Categorical Exclusion or Otherwise not Requiring Environmental Review 09/11/2008
SECY-08-0099 HTML Icon PDF Icon Final Rulemaking - Power Reactor Security Requirements (RIN 3150-AG63) 12/17/2008
SECY-08-0098 HTML Icon PDF Icon Request to Increase the Number of Fellows in the Graduate Fellowship Program 09/15/2008
SECY-08-0093 HTML Icon PDF Icon Resolution of Issues Related to Fire-Induced Circuit Failures 09/03/2008
SECY-08-0083 HTML Icon PDF Icon Proposed Rule Establishing Criminal Penalties for the Unauthorized Introduction of Weapons into Facilities Designated by the NRC 08/12/2008
SECY-08-0080 HTML Icon PDF Icon Proposed Rule: Medical use of Byproduct Material - Amendments/Medical Event Definitions (RIN 3150-AI26) 07/25/2008
SECY-08-0077 HTML Icon PDF Icon Options for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Involvement with the Navy’s Remediation of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Site in California 06/26/2008
SECY-08-0073 HTML Icon PDF Icon Denial of a Petition for Rulemaking Submitted by David Lochbaum on Behalf of the Project on Government Oversight and the Union of Concerned Scientists (PRM 50-83) 08/21/2008
SECY-08-0056 HTML Icon PDF Icon Estimated Costs for Broadcasting Public Meetings over the Internet (Web Streaming) 06/16/2008
SECY-08-0036 HTML Icon PDF Icon Denial of Two Petitions for Rulemaking Concerning the Environmental Impacts of High-Density Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Spent Fuel Pools (PRM-51-10 and PRM-51-12) 06/19/2008
SECY-08-0033 HTML Icon PDF Icon Approaches for an Integrated Digital Instrumentation and Control and Human-Machine Interface Test Facility in the United States 05/15/2008
SECY-08-0031 HTML Icon PDF Icon Proposed Rule: Expansion of National Source Tracking System (RIN 3150-AI29) 03/26/2008
SECY-08-0029 HTML Icon PDF Icon State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses — Reporting Offsite Health Consequences 09/10/2008
SECY-08-0028 HTML Icon PDF Icon Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year 2007 04/17/2008
SECY-08-0024 HTML Icon PDF Icon Delegation of Commission Authority to Staff to Approve or Deny Emergency Plan Changes That Represent a Decrease in Effectiveness 05/19/2008
SECY-08-0018 HTML Icon PDF Icon Renewal of Full-Power Operating License for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 02/21/2008
SECY-08-0008 HTML Icon PDF Icon Section 274b Agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 02/12/2008

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008