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SECY 97-297

December 29, 1997

For: The Commissioners
From: James L. Blaha, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO
Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B
Nuclear Regulatory Research C
Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D
General Counsel E*
Administration F
Chief Information Officer G
Chief Financial Officer H*
Human Resources I
Small Business & Civil Rights J*
Enforcement K*
State Programs L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Office of the Secretary O
Region I P
Region II P
Region III P
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R*
*No input this week

James L. Blaha
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

Contact: L. Trocine, OEDO


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Meeting with Texas Utilities (TU) Electric to Discuss the Proposed Risk-informed Inservice Testing (RI-IST) Program for Comanche Peak

On December 9 and 10, 1997, the staff met with representatives of TU Electric to discuss the proposed RI-IST Program for Comanche Peak. The purpose of the meeting was to obtain clarification of several of TU Electric's responses to staff requests for additional information (RAI). The staff obtained a more complete understanding of the type of testing that would be done for various valve groups (e.g., high and low safety significant motor-operated valves, check valves, and air-operated valves). The staff also identified key aspects of the proposed RI-IST program (i.e., as described in TU Electric responses to staff RAIs) that should be included in the RI-IST Program Description document. This was further discussed with the licensee during a telephone conference call on December 15, 1997. During that conference call, TU Electric indicated that it would complete a draft revision to its RI-IST Program Description by the end of January 1998. The staff will continue to develop a draft safety evaluation (SE) based on the licensee's responses to the staff's RAIs and discussions with the licensee. Assuming TU Electric finalizes its RI-IST Program Description by mid-February 1998, the staff anticipates having a completed SE to the Commission on the proposed RI-IST program for Comanche Peak in March 1998.

Braidwood Unit 1

Commonwealth Edison (ComEd), the licensee for Braidwood Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 (Braidwood-1), briefed the staff on its plans to submit a modified version of its voltage-dependent growth rate methodology in support of its continued application of a 3.0-volt steam generator (SG) tube repair criteria. Braidwood-1 implements a plant-specific SG tube repair criteria with a higher voltage limit (i.e., 3.0 volts) than allowed per Generic Letter (GL) 95-05. The higher voltage repair limit was based on stabilization of the tube support plates (TSP) by expansion of selected tubes at the support plate intersections so that the TSPs could be credited as staying in place under postulated main steam line break (MSLB) conditions. Braidwood-1 implemented the 3.0-volt repair criteria at the end-of-cycle (EOC) 5. In the spring 1997 outage at the EOC 6, the licensee compared the actual bobbin coil eddy current voltage distribution of its outside diameter stress corrosion cracking (ODSCC) TSP indications with the predicted voltage distribution obtained during the previous outage. The licensee found the predicted voltage distribution was nonconservative with respect to the actual voltage distribution. As a result, the predicted leakage during a postulated MSLB event significantly underestimated the leakage calculated based on actual EOC conditions (6.99 gpm versus 11.5 gpm). However, 11.5 gpm was still less than the site allowable leakage. The licensee attributed the nonconservative prediction of the EOC voltage distribution to a voltage-dependent growth rate that appears to have occurred, in part, due to the higher voltage repair criteria in effect at Braidwood-1. For the current operating cycle (cycle 7), the licensee revised its prediction methodology and applied a voltage-dependent growth rate to predict the EOC-7 conditions. Based on EOC predictions that incorporated voltage-dependent growth rates, ComEd concluded the reactor coolant system dose equivalent iodine (DEI) levels should be reduced at Braidwood-1.

As part of the review and approval of the DEI level reduction license amendment request, the staff reviewed the voltage-dependent growth rate methodology ComEd used to revise the EOC predictions for the ODSCC TSP indications. Based on the information supplied by the licensee, the staff could not accept ComEd's proposed methodology. During the December 11, 1997 meeting, the licensee presented additional information to support its voltage-dependent growth rate methodology. The licensee presented all U.S. and a substantial amount of European data demonstrating the growth rate behavior of ODSCC indications greater than 3.0 volts. The data appears to support ComEd's ability to use a voltage-dependent growth rate methodology to conservatively predict the EOC conditions at Braidwood-1. The licensee plans to submit a supplemental DEI level reduction license amendment request mid-January and will include a technical report containing the information discussed during the subject meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting, the staff complimented ComEd on its efforts and indicated that it did not at that time find any impediment to conducting an expeditious review of the forthcoming technical report.

Kewaunee Alternative Repair Criteria for Hybrid Expansion Joint Sleeves

On December 9, 1997, Kewaunee staff presented an alternative method for defining the pressure boundary of Westinghouse hybrid expansion joint (HEJ) sleeves. The proposal is a modification to a previously staff accepted definition of the pressure boundary and the method to define it by nondestructive examination (NDE).

At issue in the original pressure boundary definition was the discovery of circumferential cracks (PWSCC) in the parent tube portion of the structural boundary of the HEJs. With the original pressure boundary definition, all HEJs with the observed cracks would be removed from service resulting in plugging or repair to upwards of 2,000 sleeved tubes.

After extensive analyses and laboratory testing, it was shown that the location of the cracks was not in an area critical to the strength of the joint. A full circumferential, full depth crack could exist in the parent tube at the location of the observed cracks while still satisfying NRC Regulatory Guide 1.121 margins. It was shown that the cracks could be accurately located with a new NDE probe.

The revised pressure boundary and inspection method was approved for use. However, it proved to be of minimal value to the licensee due to the discovery that the bulk of the PWSCC cracks were still within the revised pressure boundary by the matter of a few tens of thousandths of an inch.

The proposal presented in the meeting of December 9, 1997, incorporates another new probe type and a different method of defining and locating the proposed pressure boundary edge. The licensee believes that this revision to the pressure boundary and the inspection method for locating it will allow a much higher percentage of HEJs with PWSCC at the lower hard rolled transition to be recovered or continued in service.

Data supporting the proposal is still in preparation. Structurally, it makes use of a minimum engagement length of the straight portion of the interference fit of the rolled HEJ. The present boundary requires an interference lip to be present beyond the end of the straight portion of the joint. A new probe would accurately measure the minimum engagement length and determine if any indication was within or outside the proposed boundary.

The licensee also indicated that the probe used for the revised method would reduce critical path time during the outage and make data interpretation simpler.

Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2

Beaver Valley Unit 2 was recently identified as a plant for which the fuel cladding may possibly exceed 17% cladding oxidation in certain accident situations. The initial indications were that the unit could possibly reach this 17% limit by December 17, 1997. Therefore, a plant-specific evaluation was performed by Westinghouse.

On December 11, 1997, the licensee informed the staff that based on Westinghouse analysis, the potential for fuel rod gap reopening and exceeding the 17% total localized oxidation criterion of 10 CFR 50.46 will not occur during the current fuel cycle for Beaver Valley Unit 2. The current fuel cycle is scheduled to be completed in mid-April 1998.

On December 16, 1997, the licensee's engineering organization concluded that the Unit 2 control room emergency air cleanup and pressurization system was operating outside its design basis in that it was not single failure proof. Therefore, the licensee initiated a plant shutdown. (Unit 1 shares a common control room with Unit 2 and is in a refueling outage.) During this outage, in addition to making modifications to the control room ventilation system to eliminate the single failure problems, the licensee plans to replace the "B" reactor coolant pump seal (as was done for the "A" and "C" pumps during a forced outage in July 1997), repair a leaking power-operated relief valve on the pressurizer, and install new flow orifices in the centrifugal/high head safety injection pumps to prevent accumulation of gases which have caused gas binding in Unit 1.

Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2

Operational Status - Salem Unit 2 is operating at 100% power, and Salem Unit 1 is shut down and has been refueled. The major items to occur this week include placing the steam generators in wet layup and putting the main turbine and feed pumps on their turning gears. Reactor coolant system fill is scheduled to occur next week. The licensee's latest schedule indicates that Unit 1 will be ready to enter Mode 4 on January 22, 1998, with restart in mid-February 1998. The completion of instrumentation and control activities remains the critical path to Mode 4.

Salem Assessment Panel - The Salem Assessment Panel met on December 16, 1997. If the current schedule continues to be met, the licensee is expected to submit a verbal notification of readiness for Mode 4 on December 24, 1997. Written notification will occur during the first week of January.

Licensing Actions - The staff issued the amendment for Salem Unit 1 that would increase the allowable band for control and shutdown rod demanded position versus indicated position from 12 steps to 18 steps when power level is not greater than 85% power. This is identical to the exigent amendment that was issued for Salem Unit 2 on September 10, 1997. On December 12, 1997, the licensee submitted an application for a one-time amendment to allow containment purging during the Unit 1 heatup in Modes 3 and 4. Although most of the insulation was pre-baked, the licensee expects offgassing of the insulation to impede personnel taking dimensional measurements of the new steam generators unless purging occurs.

Seabrook Station

The plant was shut down to Mode 5 on December 5, 1997, following the discovery of a one-drop-per-minute leak from the "B" residual heat removal (RHR) pump suction relief line. The leak occurred at a 3-inch pressure relief valve spool piece connected to the 12-inch RHR pump suction header. The spool piece was removed and subjected to leak rate testing and metallurgical analysis. The licensee has subsequently evaluated that the degraded spool piece was fully capable of carrying design loads and maintaining the structural integrity of the RHR system. Preliminary results indicate the cause of the leak was stress corrosion cracking (SCC) that resulted from chlorides leaching from a flame retardant material wrapped around the pipe to support welding operations conducted several years ago. The spool piece was replaced, and a plant walk down was conducted to determine if similar conditions existed on other piping sections. There were no similar conditions found, and the licensee determined that it was safe to return the plant to service.

On December 16, 1997, while in Mode 4 with the startup in progress, both trains of control room air conditioning were declared inoperable, and the licensee returned the plant to Mode 5 in accordance with the plant technical specifications. The licensee has elected to keep the unit shut down and to implement several previously planned modifications to the control room air conditioning system to improve system reliability. The system has a long history of unreliable operations. The modifications had been scheduled to be implemented in stages over the next several months while the plant was operating in Mode 1. The modifications are expected to take ten days to complete.

Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3

Prior to reactor startup and during the heatup from the refueling outage, a surveillance test of the check valve (1CP-14) in the Unit 1 common header from the "B" Low Pressure Injection (LPI) System and the "B" Core Flood Tank to the reactor vessel found that excessive seat leakage existed. The unit was cooled down to cold shutdown, and reactor vessel water level was reduced to allow inspection and repair of the valve internals. Various measurements determined that leakage was between 4.5 and 9.9 gpm. It was determined that the problem was caused by misalignment of the valve disc and seat following replacement of the hinge pin during the outage.

As a result of a self-initiated technical audit of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS), the licensee determined that certain input had not been considered in the calculations that affected the transport of debris to the reactor building emergency sump during operation of the ECCS in the recirculation mode. Inclusion of this input reduced the minimum available sump water level, increased flow velocities, increased transportability of containment debris, increased the potential for sump blockage, and reduced the net positive suction head available to the ECCS pumps. To correct the problem, strainers have been removed from the fuel transfer canal on Units 2 and 3, a flange has been removed from the reactor vessel annulus drain on Unit 2 (Unit 3 had no such flange.), and insulation has been removed from piping above the sump on Unit 3. (Unit 2 had no such insulation.) Removal of the insulation on Unit 3 required that power be reduced to approximately 30 percent. Similar measures will be taken on Unit 1 before restart from the refueling outage. The licensee determined that the sumps on all 3 units are operable. Region II and NRR are evaluating the licensee's past operability determination.


Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Virginia Power Meeting

On December 17, 1997, Spent Fuel Project Office staff members met with representatives of Virginia Power to discuss the status of efforts to construct and license an independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) at the licensee's North Anna Power Station. Representatives of Westinghouse, NAC International, Bechtel, and Consumers Energy attended as observers. The licensee described the status of efforts to construct the ISFSI storage pad and supporting facilities, summarized their responses to staff requests for additional information, and provided a projected schedule for providing additional licensing information. The staff expressed its strong interest in revising ISFSI technical specifications (TS) to reflect the format and conventions of the improved standard TS used for operating reactors. Both the staff and the licensee expressed interest in applying this initiative to the North Anna ISFSI TS. The licensee plans to load its first cask in June 1998.

Environmental Protection Agency's Stakeholders' Meeting

On December 11-12, 1997, Division of Waste Management staff members participated in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) stakeholders' meeting on establishing drinking water standards for radionuclides in Crystal City, Virginia. EPA is considering revising drinking water standards for alpha emitters, artificial beta-photon emitters, and radium-226/-228 as well as establishing a new standard for uranium. These standards must be established by November 2000 as mandated by a court stipulated agreement. A standard for radon will be established separately. The standards would be promulgated under the Safe Drinking Water Act for protection of public water systems and would not be applied under other EPA environmental programs without separate action by EPA.

Although EPA conducted the meeting to obtain early input from stakeholders that may be affected by revisions in the drinking water standards, EPA staff described its general approach for revising the standards. The gross alpha standard is expected to remain at 15 picoCuries per liter (pCi/l) and will exclude radium, radon, and uranium. EPA also appears prepared to retain the existing limit of 5 pCi/l for combined radium-226 and radium-228. For artificial beta and photon emitters, EPA is considering retaining the existing 4 millirem per year limit but specifying concentrations for each radionuclide that would equate to an annual dose of 4 millirem effective dose equivalent assuming a daily consumption of 2 liters of drinking water. However, EPA plans to consider the unit risk factors being developed in Federal Guidance Report 13 to ensure that these concentrations do not present excessive lifetime risks of mortality and morbidity. EPA's drinking water standard for uranium may be different from the one proposed in 1991 (i.e., 30 pCi/l) based on current information. Additional standards may also be established for other radionuclides such as Polonium-210, Lead-210, and Radium-224.

The NRC staff made a brief presentation at the meeting that questioned the appropriateness of applying the drinking water standards outside of the drinking water program such as for groundwater protection or restoration. EPA staff stated that they understood NRC's concern but only planned to consider application of the standards in the drinking water program as part of this rulemaking. EPA plans to issue a notice of data availability that would describe the basis for the draft final standards for public comment in mid-1998. EPA believes that reproposal of the standards at this time could significantly delay the schedule for completing the standards. Consequently, EPA does not currently plan to repropose the standards for comment but may need to do so based on the extent of the changes.

Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards Meeting

On December 11, 1997, the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS) met at the Department of Energy (DOE) in Washington, DC. Representatives from the NRC, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), DOE, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the Office of Management and Budget, and the State of New Jersey were in attendance.

The members discussed draft 1998 ISCORS planned accomplishments. At the suggestion of OSTP, the members agreed to develop a list of issues related to radiation protection standards. EPA discussed the status of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) activities and the Council of Radiation Control Program Directors' program to link orphan sources at scrap yards and steel mills with organizations who can recover them.

The ISCORS subcommittees reported on their respective activities and progress being made in their areas of responsibility. The Cleanup Subcommittee is reviewing NRC's draft decommissioning regulatory guide. The Mixed Waste Subcommittee is reviewing DOE's proposed Radiation Control Criteria and EPA's proposed regulatory framework to allow low-level radioactive mixed waste to be disposed in Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Subtitle C, facilities. The Sewage Subcommittee is completing preparations for the sewage sludge/ash survey and responding to comments on the draft guidance document for publicly- owned treatment works.

Construction of Cross-Drift at Yucca Mountain Begins

During the December 15, 1997, Quarterly Technical Meeting with the Department of Energy (DOE), it was announced that DOE has started construction of the so-called "east-west" or "cross-drift" within the Exploratory Studies Facility (ESF) at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The current ESF tunnel is located at the same level and close to but not in the proposed repository emplacement area itself. The purpose of the cross-drift is to explore the area to the west of the ESF by tunneling above and across the proposed waste emplacement area. Current plans call for using a new tunnel boring machine (TBM) to excavate a 15-foot diameter, 4,000-foot long tunnel to the vicinity of the Solitario Canyon Fault to the west of the ESF. DOE is using a drill and blast method of excavation to build the TBM starter tunnel. Starter tunnel construction is currently scheduled to end in February 1998; tunneling with the new TBM is scheduled to begin in April 1998.

Mixed Oxide Fuel Meeting

On December 16, 1997, at the request of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), the Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards (FCSS), Offices of the General Counsel and Nuclear Reactor Regulation staff members, and representatives from a utility industry consultant, a transporter, and an unaffiliated individual participated in a public meeting regarding the handling of mixed oxide fuel at power reactors. The discussion focused primarily on the potential changes in the reactor physical protection programs that might be necessary to adequately protect the fresh mixed oxide fuel. NEI representatives stated that their interest in this issue was related to the cost impacts of implementing substantive changes in the physical protection programs and taking those impacts into account in responses to the impending Department of Energy request for proposals. The FCSS staff indicated that consideration of this topic was at a very early stage, but it was clear that some upgrades may be necessary.


Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Limitorque Actuators

Limitorque actuators are used on most of the safety-related motor-operated valves in nuclear power plants. The results of RES-sponsored tests at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) on five different alternating current (ac) motor actuator assemblies showed that Limitorque's assumptions for the value of certain parameters, such as actuator efficiency and voltage, contained in the formula for predicting motor actuator output torque might predict a higher output torque than the motor actuator is capable of developing. This condition could prevent an MOV from either opening or closing to accomplish its intended design basis function when required. Information Notice 96-48 was previously issued to alert licensees of the preliminary findings from the RES tests. A Limitorque representative recently informed RES and NRR staff members that, in early 1998, Limitorque will modify the information provided to nuclear power plant licensees for predicting motor actuator output torque to reflect the RES research results and other data. The modified information will be applicable to ac motor actuators only. The results from another RES-sponsored test of a direct current (dc) motor actuator assembly are similar to the ac results; however, the staff agrees that it is premature to modify the Limitorque guidance on dc motor actuators based on the test results of one kind of dc motor actuator. RES is working to obtain additional dc motors for testing to help resolve this issue.


Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Air-Operated Valve/Motor-Operated Valve Users Meeting

On December 2 through 5, 1997, representatives from AEOD, NRR, and RES attended the First Joint Air-Operated Valve and Motor-Operated Valve Users Meeting in Clearwater, Florida. On December 4, 1997, a presentation was made to the Air-Operated Users Group on Air-Operated Valve Operating Experience. The presentation highlighted 14 recent events which exhibited multiple failures or had the potential for common-mode failures of air-operated valves and their supporting piece parts. The presentation was based on a study currently being performed in AEOD.


  1. PNO-I-97-073A, Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. (Haddam Neck 1), UPDATE OF OFFSITE SURVEYS FORCONTAMINATED BLOCKS
  3. PNO-I-97-077, Duquesne Light Co. (Beaver Valley 2), BEAVER VALLEY UNIT 2 SHUTDOWN GREATER THAN 72 HOURS
  7. PNO-III-97-098, Medcentral Health System, THERAPEUTIC MISADMINISTRATION
  8. PNO-IV-97-072, Micron Technology, LOSS OF Po-210 SOURCE


Office of Administration
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Contract Award

Contract No. NRC-04-98-048 entitled "Deterministic Effects on Occupational Exposure to Radiation" was awarded on a sole source basis to the University of Pittsburgh on December 17, 1997. The contractor will test the U.S. risk assessment models contained in the NUREG/CR-4214 documents and NUREG/CR-5351 using data obtained from Russian Federation archive for Mayak Production Association workers, validate or modify parameters used in the models, develop clinical diagnostic and prognostic information needed to treat acute radiation syndrome after acute and chronic exposure to external and internal radiation, and develop and evaluate new risk assessment models that are not described in NUREG/CR-4214. The total contract value for a base and three option years is $1,314,586. The following streamlining measures were utilized in the acquisition process: electronic submission of statement of work and waiver of audit.

Chromalloy Tallahassee; Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-40-26)

A notice of receipt of a petition for rulemaking submitted by Chromalloy Tallahassee was published in the Federal Register on December 10, 1997 (62 FR 65039). The petitioner requests that the Commission amend its regulations to establish an exemption from licensing requirements for the M1A1 Battle Tank Engine AGT 1500 which contains nickel-thorium. The comment period on this action will close February 23, 1998.

Peter G. Crane; Receipt of an Amended Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-50-63A)

A notice of receipt of an amended petition for rulemaking submitted by Peter G. Crane was published in the Federal Register on December 17, 1997 (62 FR 66038). In this amendment to his earlier petition, the petitioner stated that the rulemaking he seeks is an amendment to NRC's emergency planning regulations to require consideration of sheltering, evacuation, and the prophylactic use of potassium iodide for the general public in developing a range of emergency planning protective actions. The comment period for the amended petition closes January 16, 1997.


Chief Information Officer
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Requests Received during the 5-Day Period of December 12-18, 1997:

IMPAC listing (FOIA/PA-97-479)
Wolf Creek, violations (FOIA/PA-97-480)
North American Scientific & Theragenics, copies of registrations (FOIA/PA-97-481)
Hartley & Hartley Landfill, Bay County, MI (FOIA/PA-97-482)
Vacancy No. 9758017, engineer, Region II (FOIA/PA-97-483)


Chief Financial Officer
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Testimony to Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board

On December 18, 1997, the NRC and three other Federal agencies testified in a Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board public hearing on proposed Government-wide accounting standards for the accounting of software purchased or developed for agency use. OCFO/DAF staff members and a representative from the Office of the Chief Information Officer testified and responded to questions from the Board.

The Board issued an exposure draft in June 1997 providing an approach for the accounting of software purchased or developed for agency use. NRC proposed a different approach and questioned whether the Board-proposed approach would provide relevant information and provide benefits that exceed the cost of carrying our their proposed approach. The Board will consider the public hearing and earlier written comments and likely issue final accounting standards in 1998.


Office of Human Resources
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Staff Member Conducts Organizational Development Program in Region III

On December 19, 1997, August Spector met with the Region III Administrator and his Division Directors to conduct an organizational development (OD) program. The OD program is designed to help managers in Region III clarify their role and expectations as managers and executives.

Significant Changes Made to the Office of Human Resources (HR) Home Page

In order to enhance its value to the NRC staff, significant changes have been made to the HR Home Page. These include a directory of who to call based on your organization and the creation of an area for HR policies and yellow announcements. In the near future, another area will be added, which will be dedicated to "expert" systems.


*Transferred from Region IV


Office of Public Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Media Interest

There was press interest in the Maine Yankee notification of apparent violations and demand for information, and in the Three Mile Island Enforcement Conference.

School Volunteers Program

Cheryl Trottier, RES, helped students at Lisbon Elementary School with their science projects on nuclear energy.

Debbie Jackson, NRR, has been tutoring students at John Carroll Elementary School and assisting with science fair projects.

Press Releases
97-183 NRC Notifies Users of Amersham Model 660 of Potential Problems, Compensatory Measures
97-184 NRC Identifies Several Apparent Violations at Maine Yankee Following Three Investigations; Issues Demand for Information to Consultants Yankee Atomic and Duke Engineering
97-185 Note to Editors: ACRS Meeting January 22
97-186 Note to Editors: ACRS Meeting January 21
I-97-158 NRC, Niagara Mohawk to Discuss Apparent Violations at Nine Mile Point Plants Involving Radioactive Materials
I-97-159 NRC, Northeast Utilities to Discuss Apparent Violations at Millstone
I-97-160 NRC Schedules Predecisional Enforcement Conference on Three Mile Island Plant
II-97-88 NRC Staff Proposes $55,000 Fine Against Robinson Nuclear Power Plant
III-97-109 NRC Staff Proposes $55,000 Fine Against Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc. for Radiation Safety Violations


Office of the Secretary
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Decision Documents Released to the Public
Document Date Subject
1.SECY-97-220 09/30/97 Implementation of DSI 22 Research
- SRM on 97-220 12/05/97 (same)
- Commission Voting Record on 97-220 12/05/97 (same)

2.SECY-97-252 10/27/97 Final Rule - Deliberate Misconduct by Unlicensed Persons
- Commission Voting Record on 97-252 12/12/97 (same)
Negative Consent Documents Released to the Public
1.SECY-97-243 10/21/97 U.S. - Russia Joint Coordinating Committee for Radiation Effects Research Project 2.3: "Deterministic Effects of Occupational Exposure to Radiation"
2.SECY-97-262 11/04/97 Rulemaking Plan - Minor Revision of 10 CFR Part 72.106 to Conform Dose Limits to 10 CFR Part 20 Methodology
- SRM on 97-262 12/09/97 (same)
3.SECY-97-240 10/17/97 Proposed Rulemaking Activity Plan
Information Papers Released to the Public
1.SECY-97-285 12/10/97 Discussion of Resident Inspector Demographics and the Balance Between Expertise and Objectivity
2.SECY-97-286 12/12/97 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 5, 1997

Commission Correspondence Released to the Public
  1. Letter to EPA Administrator, Carol M. Browner, dated 12/12/97, concerns the document OSWER No. 9200.4-18 entitled "Establishment of Cleanup Levels for CERCLA Sites with Radioactive Contamination"
  2. Letter to Secretary of Education, Richard W. Riley, provides the FY 1999 Annual Federal Plan of Executive Agency Actions to Assist Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  3. Letters to Joseph Caravalho, Jr., M.D.; Sergeant Jackquclyn L. Woods; and Florence Houn, M.D., M.P.H., concern service on screening panels for advisory committee members
  4. Letter to Representative Zach Wamp, dated 12/9/97, concerns the effect that terminating shipments of diffuse concentrations of special nuclear material waste would have on Department of Energy facilities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. State of New Mexico Relinquishment of Sealed Source and Device Evaluation and Approval Authority and Reassumption by the Commission
  2. 10 CFR Part 50; Codes and Standards; IEEE National Consensus Standard, Withdrawal
  3. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Subcommittee Meeting on Human Factors, Revised Meeting Notice
  4. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Subcommittee Meeting on Fire Protection, Notice of Meeting on January 22, 1998
  5. Conam Inspection, Inc., Docket No. 030-31373-CivP; Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Notice of Hearing


Region I
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Haines and Kibblehouse Enforcement Conference

On December 12, 1997, Region I conducted a Pre-decisional Enforcement Conference with Windsor Services Inc. (of Reading, Pennsylvania) and Haines and Kibblehouse, Inc., (of Skippack, Pennsylvania), two separate but inter-related moisture-density gauge licensees. Inspection of both licensees found a variety of violations indicating inadequate management attention to the program. Windsor Services provided corrective actions for four of the five apparent violations and additional information which will be considered by the NRC in determining whether to cite the fifth apparent violation. Haines and Kibblehouse provided corrective actions for the thirteen apparent violations identified in the inspection report. The Haines and Kibblehouse violations included one case of inadequate security of a gauge at a field site. The staff is reviewing enforcement action.


Region II
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Carolina Power and Light Company - Brunswick

Representatives from Carolina Power and Light Company's Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant attended a Pre-decisional Enforcement Conference in the Regional Office. The licensee discussed their actions in response to exceeding the maximum drywell temperature assumed in an engineering analysis in June 1997 and their response to operating experience information regarding bypassing the pressure suppression function of primary containment. This Enforcement Conference was open to the public.

Florida Power Corporation - Crystal River 3

Two major team inspections exited from their inspection activities at Crystal River 3. The first team had inspected Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP). This inspection included procedural reviews, simulator performance of emergency scenarios, and field verification and validation of the EOPs. The team left the licensee with four technical issues which required resolution. The licensee has indicated that they will be ready for the team to review the answers to these four issues on January 5, 1998.

The second team inspection was Phase I of an Operational Safety Team Inspection (OSTI). The OSTI found that the licensee was ready to return to operations. This team inspected operations, maintenance, health physics/radiation protection, and surveillances. Phase II of the OSTI is planed during critical operation of the plant.

The Region II staff briefed the staff of Congresswoman Thurman of Florida by telephone bridge through the Office of Congressional Affairs on the status of Crystal River inspections. The Congresswoman's staff requested a further update on her behalf when plant heatup was begun and when the Confirmatory Action Letter was released and the plant started up.

Framatome Cogema Fuels

On December 19, 1997, representatives of Region II and NMSS met with representatives of Framatome Cogema Fuels to discuss the results of the Licensee Performance Review (LPR) conducted by the NRC. The NRC representa-tives highlighted the need to improve implementation of management controls for licensed programs. Licensee management discussed actions underway in the Areas Needing Improvement identified in the LPR.


Region III
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

American Electric Power Management Changes -- D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Station

On December 17, 1997, American Electric Power announced several management changes affecting the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Station. The following appointments are effective January 15, 1998: John Sampson was elected Vice President of Indiana Michigan Power Company and will assume the role of Site Vice President at the Cook plant and retain the title of Plant Manager; A. Alan Blind, currently Site Vice President, will become Vice President-Nuclear Engineering; and James Kobyra, currently Chief Nuclear Engineer, will assume the new position of Steam Generator Replacement Project Manager.

American Electric Power Management Meeting - D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Station

On December 16, 1997, a meeting was conducted in the training building at the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Station site between management representatives from American Electric Power Company and members of the NRC staff. The meeting discussion focused on the readiness for restart of the two Cook reactors. The NRC Region III Regional Administrator participated in the meeting.

The Cook reactors have been shut down since September 9 of this year to resolve questions on the ability of certain emergency systems to operate during the long-term reactor cooling mode following a potential major reactor accident. These issues and related matters were identified during an NRC design inspection in August and September of this year and during additional inspections and reviews by the NRC Region III staff.

A Confirmatory Action Letter was issued to the utility on September 19, 1997, as a result of the NRC inspection findings. The letter confirms the utility's agreement to evaluate and resolve the issues related to the functioning of certain safety systems and components prior to starting up either of the units. On December 2, 1997, the utility submitted its formal response to the NRC.

Predecisional Enforcement Conference with Consumers Energy Company - Palisades Nuclear Power Station

On December 19, 1997, a Predecisional Enforcement Conference was conducted in the Region III Office located in, Lisle, Illinois, between management representatives of Commonwealth Edison Company and members of the NRC staff. The conference was conducted to discuss the apparent violations associated with the temporary disabling of the control rod system at the Palisades Nuclear Power Station. The apparent violation involved an October 17, 1997, incident in which the entire reactor control rod drive system was taken out of service for maintenance while the plant was in operation. The NRC Region III Regional Administrator participated in the conference.

Commonwealth Edison Company Management Meeting - Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station

On December 19, 1997, a management meeting was conducted in the Region III Office located in, Lisle, Illinois, between management representatives from Commonwealth Edison Company and members of the NRC staff. The meeting discussion focused on the utility's progress in correcting deficiencies in the fire protection safe shutdown procedures. The Region III Regional Admini-strator participated in the meeting.

Commonwealth Edison Company Management Meeting - LaSalle Nuclear Power Station

On December 17, 1997, a management meeting was conducted in the Mazon Emergency Operations Facility located in, Mazon, Illinois, between management representatives from Commonwealth Edison Company and members of the NRC staff. The meeting discussion focused on the status and effectiveness of restart plan plant performance improvement actions for the LaSalle Nuclear Power Station. The Region III Regional Administrator participated in the meeting.

Regional Administrator Site Visits

During the week of December 15, 1997, the Region III Regional Administrator toured the Point Beach Nuclear Power Station in Wisconsin and three Ohio sites -- the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Advanced Medical Systems, and Chemetron Corporation.


Region IV
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 19, 1997

Meeting with Texas Utilities Electric (Comanche Peak)

On December 15, 1997, Mr. C. L. Terry, Group Vice President, Nuclear Production, and his staff met with the Regional Administrator and members of his staff to discuss the results of the recent Unit 2 refueling/maintenance outage at Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station. The meeting included discussions of core alteration problems, maintenance challenges, design modifications, industrial safety problems, and a comparison of station outages.

Meeting with Pacific Gas & Electric Company (Diablo Canyon)

On December 16, 1997, the Regional Administrator and other members of the Region IV staff met with Pacific Gas & Electric Company (Diablo Canyon). This meeting was held to discuss the licensee's on-line maintenance philosophy and the upcoming Unit 2 refueling outage. In addition, lessons learned from the Unit 2 startup transformer replacement were discussed.

Pre-decisional Enforcement Conference with University of South Dakota

In December 12, 1997, a public meeting was held in the Region IV Office with the University of South Dakota representatives and regional management. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss ten apparent violations identified during an inspection on October 9, 1997. Based upon the nature and number of the apparent violations, the NRC was concerned about the implementation of the program in the area of management oversight and control of the radiation safety program.