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Commission Voting Records

Commission Voting Records (CVR) for 1997

Document Number File Type Description Date
SECY-97-304 HTML Icon Response to Staff Requirements Memorandum: SECY-97-144, "Potential Policy Issues Raised by Non-Owner Operators" 02/04/1998
SECY-97-300 HTML Icon Proposed Strategy for Development of Regulations Governing Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in a Proposed Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada 03/11/1998
SECY-97-293 HTML Icon Walnut Creek Field Office (WCFO) Closure Plan 01/27/1998
SECY-97-288 HTML Icon Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences for Fiscal Year 1997 02/06/1998
SECY-97-287 HTML Icon Final Regulatory Guidance on Risk-Informed Regulation:policy Issues 03/19/1998
SECY-97-279 HTML Icon Generic and Cumulative Environmental Impacts of Transportation of High-Level Waste (HLW) in the Vicinity of an HLW Repository (SRM M970612) 01/13/1998
SECY-97-274 HTML Icon Response to Request for Reconsideration or Delay of Implementation of the Portion of the Final Policy Statement on Restructuring and Economic Deregulation of the Electric Utility Industry Addressing Joint and Several Liability of Owners 01/20/1998
SECY-97-273 HTML Icon Staff Requirements -- SECY-96-221 -- "Improving NRC'S Control Over, and Licensees' Accountability For, Generally and Specifically Licensed Devices" 04/13/1998
SECY-97-263 HTML Icon Request by New Mexico to Relinquish Authority for Sealed Source and Device Evaluation and Approval 12/02/97
SECY-97-260 HTML Icon Resolution of Public Comments in the Federal Register Notice "Safety Conscious Work Environment" 01/22/1998
SECY-97-254 HTML Icon Pilot Program With the State of Arizona 12/24/1997
SECY-97-253 PDF Icon Policy Options for Nuclear Power Reactor Financial Qualifications in Response to Restructuring of the Electric Utility Industry 01/15/1998
SECY-97-252 HTML Icon Final Rule - Deliberate Misconduct by Unlicensed Persons 12/12/1997
SECY-97-251 HTML Icon Proposed Rule on Nuclear Power Reactor Decommissioning Costs 02/04/1998
SECY-97-244 HTML Icon Waste Classification of the Trojan Reactor Vessel 01/22/1998
SECY-97-241 HTML Icon Redelegation of Authority 12/02/1997
SECY-97-237 HTML Icon Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Energy 11/13/1997
SECY-97-236 HTML Icon Proposed Retransfer of High Enriched Uranium (HEU) Scrap From Canada to The UK And Back to Canada For Medical Isotope Production at The NRU Reactor 10/21/1997
SECY-97-232 HTML Icon Final Rule on Exempt Distribution And Use of a Radioactive Drug Containing One Microcurie of Carbon 14 Urea (Parts 30 And 32) 11/05/1997
SECY-97-228 HTML Icon Final Amendments to 10 CFR Part 73, "Changes to Nuclear Power Plant Security Requirements" 11/05/1997
SECY-97-227 HTML Icon Status of Staff Actions on Standard Review Plans for Antitrust Reviews and Financial Qualifications and Decommissioning-Funding-Assurance Reviews 11/18/1997
SECY-97-220 HTML Icon Implementation of DSI 22 Research 12/05/1997
SECY-97-208 HTML Icon Elevation of The Core Damage Frequency Objective to a Fundamental Commission Safety Goal 10/16/1997
SECY-97-205 HTML Icon Integration and Evaluation of Results from Recent Lessons-Learned Reviews 03/24/1998
SECY-97-201 HTML Icon Changes to Paragraph (H) of 10 CFR Part 50.55a, "Codes And Standards" 10/08/1997
SECY-97-190 PDF Icon Draft Regulatory Guide And Standard Review Plan on Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection of Piping 10/01/1997
SECY-97-188 HTML Icon Formerly Licensed Sites Identified For Further Investigation in Agreement States 11/07/1997
SECY-97-186 HTML Icon Changes to The Financial Protection Requirements For Permanently Shutdown Nuclear Power Reactors, 10 CFR 50.54(w) And 10 CFR 140.11 10/06/1997
SECY-97-184 PDF Icon Proposed Reactor Export Licenses to Combustion Engineering, Inc. to Supply Major Components And Equipment For Four Nuclear Reactor Units in The Republic of Korea -- Applications XR162 And XR163 08/26/1997
SECY-97-173 HTML Icon Potential Revision to 10 CFR 50.65(a)(3) of the Maintenance Rule to Require Licensees to Perform Safety Assessments 12/17/1997
SECY-97-164 PDF Icon Shipment of Decommissioned Reactor Vessel, Containing Irradiated Internals, From The Trojan Nuclear Plant to Hanford Nuclear Reservation, Richland, Washington 08/26/1997
SECY-97-156 PDF Icon Application of Federal Government-Wide Conflict of Interest Requirements And NRC Enforcement Policy on Licensee Integrity Issues to Agreement State Programs 09/03/1997
SECY-97-155 PDF Icon Staff's Action Regarding Exemptions From 10 CFR 70.24 For Commercial Nuclear Power Plants 08/19/1997
SECY-97-154 PDF Icon Resolution of Licensing Support System (LSS) Issues And Draft Proposed Rule, 10 CFR Part 2, Subpart j 09/23/1997
SECY-97-149 PDF Icon Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee (NSRRC) 09/09/1997
SECY-97-148 PDF Icon Recommendation on Need for Rule on Advanced Light Water Reactor Severe Accident Performance 08/06/1997
SECY-97-147 PDF Icon Re-Evaluation of SECY-96-199 Issues; Plan to Better Focus Resources on High Priority Discrimination Cases 09/10/1997
SECY-97-146 HTML Icon NRC'S Mandated And Non-Mandated Activities And Revisions to Agency Policy on Performing Reimbursable Work For Others 11/05/1997
SECY-97-144 PDF Icon Potential Policy Issues Raised by Non-Owner Operators 08/29/1997


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