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NAACP Gives Congressman Yarmuth 96% Rating

(Washington, DC) Today, the NAACP released its annual Legislative Report Card, and Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) received an “A” with a 96 percent rating.

“The NAACP has long been a force for equality in this country, promoting the ideals of justice for all Americans,” Congressman Yarmuth said.  “I am proud to work with the NAACP to ensure that Louisville and the communities throughout this great nation afford vast opportunities all our citizens.”

“I am proud that we are represented by John Yarmuth, who has been tireless in his efforts to advocate for the interests and values of our community in Congress,” said Raoul Cunningham, President of the Louisville Branch of the NAACP.

In grading Congress, the NAACP selects and grades certain votes taken in the full House or Senate with the intent to provide insight into general voting patterns.  This year’s votes included the first minimum wage increase in a decade, legislation to make college more affordable, expanded small business loans, SCHIP, and legislation to preserve the COPS program. 

“The NAACP Legislative Report Card has been in existence since 1914 and has served as a presentation of key civil votes taken in the U.S. Congress,” added Cunningham.