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TSC Resources for Water Storage and Delivery System Operations and Maintenance

In the Western United States, we depend on a water storage and delivery infrastructure constructed over the past 150 years to provide water for agriculture, municipal use, industrial needs, power generation, and recreation. The increasing demands placed on the finite supply of water in the West make improved water management and water-use efficiency ever more important. One cannot manage a resource that cannot be measured or controlled. Thus, a key to improved water management is accurate measurement and control of water in our collection, distribution, and drainage systems.

The Estimating, Specifications, and Construction Management (86-68170) prepares life cycle cost estimates to plan the operation and maintenance of our facilities. We provide construction management advice, project scheduling, and project management.

Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory Group 86-68180

Hydraulic Equipment Group (86-68420) Group provides water delivery equipment.

The Hydropower Technical Services Group (86-68450) offers operation and maintenance programs for hydroelectric facilities, such as electrical and mechanical O&M reviews, safety, system stability, diagnostics and field testing, alignments for governors, automation assistance, modular supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA ), penstock inspection, and mechanical program support. Maintains REclamations Facilities Instructions, Standards, and Techniques (FIST) reports.

Instrumentation and Inspections Group (86-68360)

Water Resources Planning and Operations Support (86-68210) provides water management decision support systems that integrate data from many sources (weather, economics, ecological, hydrological, etc.) to model and analyze reservoir, river, and power interactions, including:

This real-time data is crucial to making operating decisions.

This group also provides water resource engineering and hydrology technical analyses in studies of improved water operations and management and investigations of improved water use and reduced water loss. Our experts can help you with:

Sedimentation and River Hydraulics (86-68240)

The Flood Hydrology (86-68250) Group determines hydrologic requirements for operating water control structures.



Please contact a client liaison (303) 445-2561 to help you get the most efficient services for your needs.