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TSC Resources for Hydraulics & Hydrology Research and Analyses

:Contact the Concrete Dams, Spillways, Outlets Group (86-68130) for:
bullet Hydraulic analyses for dams    bullet

Hydraulic design and analysis for high-velocity and high-pressure flow

bullet Hydraulic structure designs and modifications for dams   bullet Hydraulic/hydrologic quantitative analyses for potential failure modes and associated with cavitation, stagnation pressure, and overtopping conditions

The Water Treatment Engineering and Research Group (86-68221) offers research, designs, and analyses for solar ponds and solar powered pumping.

Seismotectonics and Geophysics Group, 86-68321
handles paleohydrology analyses.

The Water Resources Planning and Operations Support (86-68210)
can provide experts in:
bullet Canal system modeling    bullet Hydrologic GIS applications
bullet Stochastic hydrology applications   bullet Hydro-meteorological studies
bullet Flood analysis   bullet Hydrologic models
bullet River basin modeling   bullet Watershed modeling

This group also provides water resource engineering and hydrology technical analyses in studies of water availability and dependability. Our experts can help you with:

bullet Hydrologic analyses of precipitation –runoff relationships and development of reconstructed flows including undepleted flow conditions and runoff in ungaged basins    bullet Development, enhancement and application of advanced technologies and analysis tools such as river basin computer simulation models, water demand models, and improved hydrologic methods
bullet Analyses of aquifer/stream interaction   bullet Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of hydrologic data
bullet River/reservoir computer simulated water operations and water regulation   bullet Ground water flow analyses and basin recharge characteristics
bullet Ground water hydrology/hydraulics   bullet Aquifer/stream interaction analysis, ground-water flow models
bullet Ground water recharge   bullet  

The Flood Hydrology and Emergency Management Group (86-68250) can help you with:
bullet Hydrologic monitoring    bullet Probable maximum flood
bullet Hydrological aspects of dam safety   bullet Paleohydrology
bullet Hydrometeorology   bullet Flood frequency analyses

The Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Group (86-68240) can help you with:
bullet River hydraulics and mechanics
bullet River/reservoir responses to change
bullet Scour studies

Hydraulic Investigations and Laboratory Services (86-68560) applies hydraulic modeling, analysis, and field testing expertise to solve water resources, hydraulics, and fluid mechanics problems. To provide new water resource management tools for Reclamation projects, this group solves site-specific problems and pursues applied research in:



Please contact a client liaison (303) 445-2561 to help you get the most efficient services for your needs.