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TSC Resources for
Water Storage and Delivery System Research and analysis

Canals and pipelines

The TSC offers a wide variety of services to analyze and improve canal and pipeline performance, including:

Water Conveyance (86-68140) Group provides engineering support, including studies, design, and analysis, in water conveyance systems and facilities. This includes items such as:

Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory (86-68180) gives workshops on geosynthetics, canal lining, and seepage control.

Geotechnical Engineering (86-68311, 86-68312, 86-68313) groups provide many types of geotechnical services for dams, canals, pipelines, and other waterways.

Hydraulic Equipment (86-68420) provides water delivery equipment.

Water Resources Planning and Operations Support Group (86-68210) does canal system modeling and canal seepage testing analyses.

Lakes and Reservoirs

Environmental Applications and Research (86-68220) uses reservoir monitoring and research to assist in operating and managing many of Reclamation's 350 reservoirs and associated water systems. This ongoing research helps protect and improve reservoir water quality as well as related environmental, recreational, and fishery values.

River Systems

Water Resources Planning and Operations Support (86-68210) has developed the PRSYM Power and Reservoir Modeling System. This group also provides water resource engineering and hydrology technical analyses in studies of water availability and dependability. Our experts can help you with:

To assess river behavior for engineering modifications and river restoration, the Flood Hydrology and Meteorolgoy Group (86-68250) provides fluvial geomorphology studies.

Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Group (86-68240) conducts reservoir surveys and monitors river/reservoir responses to change.

Land Suitability and Water Quality Studies offer water quality models for rivers, canals, and other waterways.


Please contact a client liaison (303) 445-2561 to help you get the most efficient services for your needs.