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SECY 98-147

June 25, 1998

For: The Commissioners
From: James L. Blaha, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO /s/

  Contents Enclosure
  Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
  Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B
  Nuclear Regulatory Research C
  Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D
  General Counsel E*
  Administration F
  Chief Information Officer G
  Chief Financial Officer H*
  Human Resources I
  Small Business & Civil Rights J
  Enforcement K*
  State Programs L*
  Public Affairs M
  International Programs N
  Office of the Secretary O
  Region I P
  Region II P
  Region III P
  Region IV P
  Executive Director for Operations Q*
  Congressional Affairs R
  *No input this week  

  James L. Blaha
Assistant for Operations, OEDO



Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Seabrook 1

Great Bay Power Corporation, which is a minority owner (12.1324%) of the Seabrook Station, once existed as an electric utility and, therefore, created an external sinking fund for their decommissioning obligation. It was later decided that Great Bay no longer fulfilled the requirements to exist as an electric utility. Therefore, as a non-utility, Great Bay was required to provide a surety method to guarantee any unfunded portion of their decommissioning obligation should Great Bay default.

The NRC granted Great Bay a temporary exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50.75 and subsequently a 1 year extension to give Great Bay the opportunity to re-establish itself either as an electric utility or to obtain the necessary decommissioning funding guarantee. That extension would have expired July 23, 1998. However, Senate Bill No. 140 was signed into law June 11, 1998, in the state of New Hampshire that makes the other owners of Seabrook Station proportionally joint guarantors of Great Bay's decommissioning obligation thereby providing the required surety method that should allow Great Bay to exist as a non-utility.

North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation, on behalf of Great Bay, has submitted a request for the Commission to find that the enactment of the legislation provides the reasonable assurance of decommissioning funding required by 10 CFR 50.75. A Commission Paper has been developed to present the details of the legislation and the long term effect on Great Bay.


The NRC staff issued the Improved Technical Specifications (ITS) for Brunswick Units 1 and 2, on Friday, June 5, 1998.

Management Changes

VEPCO has named Dave Christian to replace Mike Kansler as VP Operations, responsible for operations at the Surry and North Anna sites. Christian is replaced as Surry site VP by Gene Greycheck, formerly Superintendent of Operations and Maintenance at North Anna. Greycheck is replaced by Dave Heacock, formerly Superintendent of Nuclear Safety and Licensing at North Anna. Heacock is replaced by Chris Funderburk from the North Anna Operations Department. Both units were at full power on June 17, 1998.

On June 15, 1998, ComEd announced that Mr. William H. Bohlke will become the Engineering Vice President. Mr. Bohlke has over 20 years with Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation where, most recently, he was the Vice President and Director of Nuclear Operations in the company's Business Unit. In that position, he had responsibility for plant design, support of operating units in the U.S. and Canada, and decommissioning efforts. From 1990 to 1996,

Mr. Bohlke was the Vice President for Nuclear Engineering at Florida Power & Light Company. Mr. Bohlke will replace Mr. John Hosmer who is leaving the company to pursue other interests. Ameren/UE recently announced that Mr. Charles Naslund, Callaway Manager of Nuclear Engineering, will be leaving his position to become Assistant Vice President of Power Operations for Ameren/UE. No replacement has been announced.


Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Workshop for the Detection of Radioisotopes in Steel Scrap

On June 8-9, 1998, a representative from the Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety (IMNS) attended and delivered a presentation at the Workshop for the Detection of Radioisotopes in Steel Scrap in Dallas, Texas. The IMNS attendee's presentation concentrated on the issue of licensees losing or abandoning sealed sources and devices, and steps the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is taking to address the issue through rulemaking and interaction with other federal and state agencies and industry.

The Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Industrial Technology, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, sponsored the workshop to address the possibility of a zero tolerance approach to the issue of radioactive material in steel scrap. The goals of the workshop were to identify: (1) ways of improving existing technologies and/or equipment to better identify radioactive material in steel scrap; (2) new and innovative techniques in radiation monitoring instrumentation; and (3) other opportunities in the steel recycling process to identify or detect radioactive material. Other workshop participants included representatives of DOE, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), the Steel Manufacturers' Association (SMA), the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), and representatives from several steel manufacturing plants, national laboratories, radiation monitoring equipment manufacturers, and health physics consultants.

In addition to his presentation, the IMNS representative participated in a panel discussion with the representatives from SMA, AISI, ISRI, and PADEP concerning current and future regulation of sealed sources and devices. During the panel session, each panel member was provided an opportunity to make opening remarks and then answered questions from members of the audience. Questions raised generally concentrated on current regulations governing the general license, requirements for control and accountability of sealed sources and devices, and ways to improve these.

Workshop Addressing the Similarities and Differences Between Chemical and Radiation Risk Management

On June 8-9, 1998, Division of Waste Management staff and the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research participated in an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sponsored workshop intended to bring together a diverse group of risk managers to discuss the differences in approaches used in regulating chemical and radiation risks. Additional participants included representatives from EPA, Department of Energy, several states, industry (Nuclear Energy Institute, American Petroleum Institute), academia, and the Native American tribes. The goal of the workshop was to discuss the differences in the approaches to managing risk from radiation and chemicals, and to examine whether opportunities for harmonization exist. The workshop was productive in clarifying why there are differences in the approaches to managing risk and in identifying areas where harmonization was reasonable. Industry stressed the need for harmonization as a way to minimize costs and resources. A number of comments were offered on how the two approaches could be harmonized. For example, it was concluded that some of the differences could be due to differences in the area of risk assessment and that harmonization there might be achievable. Institutional controls and stakeholder participation were identified as areas that offer opportunities for harmonization. However, there was no overall consensus on what would achieve harmonization or whether harmonization was even necessary.

The workshop was conducted by the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), with a grant from EPA. ELI will publish a report in August 1998 on the workshop that includes the recommendations of the group. Once the paper is published, ELI plans on holding a public seminar to discuss the findings.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Hosts First Public Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards Meeting

On June 11, 1998, the second quarter meeting of the Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS) was held at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Headquarters. ISCORS was formed in 1995 to act as a high-level review and consensus building body within the federal government on issues associated with the management of radioactive material. Currently, ISCORS is made up of representatives of the NRC, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Departments of Defense, Energy, Transportation, Health and Human Services, and the Offices of Management and Budget and Science Technology Policy. States are represented by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This meeting was the first meeting of the ISCORS that was open to observation by members of the public. Approximately 60 individuals attended the meeting including federal agencies, environmental groups, consultants, trade organizations and the media. Issues discussed at the meeting included an update on BEIR VI, several workshops addressing risk harmonization, and current and future ISCORS activities, as well as reports from various subcommittees.


Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Shoreham Reactor Vessel Weld Evaluation

On Thursday, June 11, 1998, NRC staff participated in a meeting with staff members from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) , Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) , and Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) at EPRI's Charlotte office to discuss the status of work on the Shoreham vessel and finalize plans for the destructive work on the vessel. The purpose of NRC's participation in this work is to continue research on the development of estimates of fabrication flaw size and density distributions for the entire population of RPVs for use in fracture mechanics analysis.

In August 1997 Baltimore Gas Electric, who previously purchased segments of the Shoreham vessel, provided sections of the reactor vessel to PNNL, EPRI, and NSWC for use in performing ultrasonic and destructive examinations of both flawed and indication-free regions.

Discussions of the initial plan for NDE on the welds and plate portions of the Shoreham vessel determined that work is being performed very close to schedule. The NRC is funding PNNL to perform SAFT UT on a portion of the axial welds on the Shoreham vessel. EPRI is performing UT on the axial welds and circumferential vessel welds. Once the current UT exams are complete, PNNL and EPRI will swap the vessel pieces so that data from both UT exams (PNNL and EPRI) of the same pieces can be compared at the beginning of FY 1999. Prior to the swap of the vessel pieces, a cost effective cutting plan will be implemented to remove excess base metal and thus reduce the shipping costs associated with the vessel material swap. A final cutting plan will be submitted to PNNL the week of June 22, 1998.

When all welds in the vessel pieces have been examined by PNNL and EPRI, the results will be reviewed and pieces not required for further UT examination by PNNL and EPRI will be sent to NSWC. NSWC will perform destructive examination on the pieces containing welds and the remaining pieces will be held in storage. Subsequently, the results from the destructive examination will be compared with the results from the ultrasonic examination performed by PNNL and EPRI.


Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Incident Response Training Program

On June 16, 1998, the Incident Response Division conducted a third session of a new incident response training program. The Integrated Response Team Training program was presented to Reactor Safety Team, Protective Measures Team, and Liaison Team members. Participants were presented with a challenging scenario involving an externally initiated event at a power reactor. Feedback from training participants regarding the new training program has been positive.

State Outreach Session

On Friday, June 12, 1998, an IRD staff member conducted a State Outreach session in Columbus, Ohio, with representatives of the Ohio and Indiana Radiation Protection and Emergency Services organizations. Items discussed focused on NRC and Federal emergency response capabilities, the State Outreach and Exercise programs, and Price-Anderson and Stafford Act resources.

FRERP Course

On June 16-18, 1998, representatives from IRD lectured at the FEMA-sponsored Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan (FRERP) course in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The course is designed for State and Federal radiological emergency responders to better educate them in the resources and requirements of the FRERP.

Incident Response Program Self-Assessment Public Meeting

On June 16, 1998 a public meeting was held at NRC Headquarters to obtain external stakeholder input for the Incident Response Program self-assessment. The purpose of the meeting was to solicit input and ideas in order to improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of the program. Meeting participants included the Incident Response Function self-assessment (S/A) team, staff of the Incident Response Division (IRD), staff of the Office of State Programs, the Nuclear Energy Institute, representatives from the States of Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, and Georgia, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The current NRC incident response role, response functions, and response readiness activities were presented by the staff and participants, who also provided their views, issues, and ideas for improving the program in each area. The input received will be considered within the context of the scope and purpose of the ongoing self-assessment.

Event at WNP-2

On June 17, 1998, WNP-2 declared a Notification of Unusual Event due to internal flooding caused by a fire header line valve rupture. AEOD and NRR staff monitored the event from the Operations Center and provided support to Regional and site personnel.

Preliminary Notifications:



  3. PNO-I-98-022, North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation (Seabrook Station), PLANT SHUTDOWN AS REQUIRED BY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - MEDIA INTEREST



Office of Administration
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC)

On June 17, 1998, ADM/DFS approved USEC's Headquarters (HQs) security plan for the protection of classified matter. On June 19, 1998, DFS will meet with USEC HQs and DOE security staff to effect the transition of USEC HQs facility security responsibility to NRC.

Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)

The Information Security Oversight Office has requested that NRC representatives meet to discuss actions taken to implement the reciprocity issues mandated by the National Industrial Security Program (NISP). ISOO is gathering data for inclusion in the Annual Report to the President. This meeting is a follow up to meeting with industry, contractors and licensees about specific issues encountered in the Government's implementation of NISP programs. Representatives of DFS will meet with ISOO to present the status of NRC's implementation of this program on June 25, 1998.

Facility Projects

On June 16, 1998, ADM began the preliminary work on the OWFN garage repair project by "remapping" the garage. This process identifies all areas that need repair and repeats the process completed in 1995 for the original garage study. The "remapping" will be completed the week of June 22, 1998, and the repair work is expected to begin on June 29, 1998. Network bulletins will be issued to provide detailed information on the start of repair work and displays will be erected in both buildings.

Requirements for Shipping Packages Used to Transport Vitrified High-Level Waste

This final rule, published on June 15, 1998 (63 FR 32600), amends Part 71 to add vitrified high-level waste contained in a sealed canister to the forms of plutonium which are exempt from the double-containment packaging requirements for transportation of plutonium.

License Applications for Certain Items Containing Byproduct Material

This final rule, published on June 17, 1998 (63 FR 32969) amends Part 32 regulations governing licensing requirements for persons who incorporate byproduct material into certain items or who initially transfer certain items containing byproduct materials to allow the distribution of timepieces that contain less than 25 mCi of gaseous tritium light sources to be regulated according to the same requirements that regulate timepieces containing tritium paint.

This final rule simplifies the licensing process for distribution of certain timepieces containing tritium paint and accommodates the use of a new technology for self-illuminated timepieces.

Radiographer Certification--Certifying Entities

This rule notice, published on June 17, 1998 (63 FR 32971) recognizes the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) as a certifying entity and finds that ASNT's Industrial Radiography Radiation Safety Personnel certification program meets the criteria established in the NRC's regulations at Part 34 governing radiographic operations.


Chief Information Officer
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Requests Received during the 5-Day Period of June 12, 1998 - June 18, 1998:

IMPAC list. (FOIA/PA-98-234)
Florida Power & Light, drug testing program investigations. (FOIA/PA-98-235)
South Carolina Bureau of Radiological Health, summary of 12/16/97 agreement state annual meeting with Division of Waste Management. (FOIA/PA-98-236)
Mailing list, NRC publications. (FOIA/PA-98-237)
Millstone, Team Inspection 50-423/97-82 held 2/9/94 through 2/20/98. (FOIA/PA-98-238)
Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act, NRC reporting requirements & DOE UMTRAP public participation/NRC involvement (1984 memos). (FOIA/PA-98-239)
Self, IG report. (FOIA/PA-98-240)
IMPAC list with addresses. (FOIA/PA-98-241)


Office of Human Resources
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Savings Bonds Campaign Training Conducted for Office Coordinators and Canvassers

On June 16, 1998, Henry Rubin conducted two Savings Bonds Campaign training sessions for Headquarters office coordinators and canvassers. Sally Spencer, Federal Savings Bonds Campaign Coordinator from the Department of Treasury, assisted in the training sessions. This year's campaign runs from June 16, 1998 to July 16, 1998.

Human Resources Development Council Policy Group Meeting Held at NRC

On June 17, 1998, Dr. Judith Lombard, Chair of the Human Resources Development Council Policy and Legislation Committee, conducted a meeting in the Professional Development Center for human resources development representatives from several Federal agencies. Items on the agenda included proposed legislation and Executive orders with human resources development implications such as learning technology, Alternative Dispute Resolution, privacy and personal information in Federal records, and plain language in Government writing. Eileen Mason and Lillian van Santen of the HR/HRD staff attended.




Office of Small Business & Civil Rights
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Annual EEO Counselor's Training Conference

The Annual EEO Counselors' Training Conference was held June 15-17, 1998 in Towson, Maryland, and was attended by 25 Agency EEO Counselors. The instructor, Mr. Robert Maddox, emphasized the following topics: "Conducting Effective Interviews and Writing Effective EEO Counselors' Reports." The luncheon speaker, Mr. Steven Stromberg, an Attorney from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of Federal Operations, presented a summary of the proposed changes to the complaint process. Presentations were also provided by the following employees: Ramon Suris-Fernandez, OGC; Michael Fox, HR; Patricia Kaplan, HR, as well as the Chairs of CAD, HEPAC, APAAC, the Selection Subcommittee and the Managing Diversity Subcommittee. Irene P. Little, Director, SBCR, presented Certificates of Appreciation and cash awards to the following EEO Counselors in recognition of their outstanding contributions and years of service as collateral-duty EEO counselors: Dennis Allison, AEOD; Cherie Siegel, AEOD; Dianne Griggs, OIP; Timothy McCartin, NMSS; I. Jean Lee, NRR; Cheryl Hausman, RIII; Jerome Schapker, RIII; and I. Linda McLean, RIV.

Quarterly Small Business Forum

On June 17, 1998, the Office of Small Business and Civil Rights conducted its second Quarterly Small Business Forum for FY 1998. The purpose of the Quarterly Forums is to provide opportunity for small businesses to learn about NRC's Procurement Preference Program, network with each other, and discuss possible teaming arrangements for doing business with the NRC or other Federal agencies. Three small businesses participated in the Forum and discussed their capabilities for and interest in doing business with the NRC. Information on "How to do Business with the NRC," and the Forecast of Contract Opportunities for Fiscal Year 1998 was provided to the participants. The next Small Business Forum will be held on August 12, 1998.


Office of Public Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Media Interest

There was press interest in the WNP-2 unusual event involving a ruptured valve and in the proposed enforcement actions at Calvert Cliffs.

Press Releases
98-89 Note To Editors: ACRS meetings on planning and procedures and advanced reactor designs
98-90 Commission Authorizes Restart of Millstone Unit 3 When Permitted by NRC Staff
98-91 Dr. Dana A. Powers Reappointed to NRC's Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
98-92 NRC Order to Virginia Electric Confirms Fire Barrier Corrective Actions at North Anna 1 and 2
98-93 Note to Editors: ACRS Reports
98-94 NRC Order to the Tennessee Valley Authority Confirms Agreement to Complete Fire Barrier Corrective Actions at Sequoyah 1 and 2
98-95 NRC Staff to Meet With the American Nuclear Society for Two-Day Workshop on Licensing Issues
I-98-70 NRC Schedules Meeting With Operator of Calvert Cliffs Plant to Discuss Apparent Violations Involving Radiological Controls
I-98-71 NRC Proposes $55,000 Fine Against GPU Nuclear Corporation for Violations Involving Emergency System at Oyster Creek Plant
I-98-72 Note to Editors: Millstone meetings June 30
II-98-48 NRC Staff Plans Performance Review Meeting at BWX Technologies' Naval Nuclear Fuel Division in Lynchburg, VA
IV-98-23 NRC Proposes to Fine Entergy $110,000 for Violations at Waterford 3 Nuclear Power Plant
IV-98-24 NRC Monitors Unusual Event at WNP-2
IV-98-25 NRC Sends Inspection Team to WNP-2


Office of International Programs
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

IAEA June 1998 Board of Governors Meeting

The regular IAEA Board of Governors meeting in Vienna June 8-12, 1998, proved more contentious than most, with agenda items including the recent nuclear tests by India and Pakistan topping the list. Also discussed were the IAEA budget for 1999 which was agreed to with slightly less than zero real growth, approval of the U.S. safeguards additional protocol, the proposed technical cooperation program and budget for 1998 and the matter of TC funding, a Turkish proposal for a new convention for the transport of nuclear materials and another convention to make mandatory the IAEA's transport regulations. The Board made no further progress on amending Article VI of the Statute to expand the size of the Board and to resolve the issue of Israel's membership in the Middle East and South Asia Regional Group. Finally, the Board endorsed the recommendations contained in a paper from the Secretariat on streamlining the work of the General Conference and agreed that they be transmitted to the General conference for its consideration. OIP Director, Carlton R. Stoiber, represented NRC on the US delegation.

Meeting of U.S.-Russia-IAEA Joint Group

On June 11-12, 1998, Carlton R. Stoiber represented the NRC at a meeting of the U.S.-Russia-IAEA Joint Group ("Trilateral Initiative") in Vienna. During Technical and Plenary meetings on the Trilateral Initiative, the U.S., Russia, and the IAEA addressed a number of technical, legal and administrative issues and agreed on the form of a Progress Report for Principals in September. Each provided comments on a draft model agreement produced by the IAEA. The U.S. delegation presented technical papers on instruments and information barriers for study and further discussion at a future experts meeting, for which the U.S. indicated it would issue invitations in August.


Office of the Secretary
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Documents Released to Public Date Subject
Decision Documents
1. SRM on SECY-98-119 6/15/98 Remaining Issues Related to Recovery of Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit 3, and Briefing on Remaining Issues Related to Proposed Restart of Millstone Unit 3, Friday, June 2, 1998
Comm. Voting Record on SECY-98-119 6/15/98 (same)

Commission Correspondence

  1. Letter to Congress and GAO dated June 10, 1998 provides the NRC's final FY 1998 fee rule.

  2. Letter to John F. Darke dated June 16, 1998 responds to request to audit via telephone conference connection the briefing of the NRC by the National Mining Association (Incoming of June 15, 1998, also released).

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Meeting Notice for July 8-10, 1998.

  2. Randall L. Herring; Docket No. 55-22234-SP; Designation of Presiding Officer (Bechhoefer).

  3. North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation (Seabrook Station Unit No. 1); Docket No. 50-443-LA; Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (Cotter/Kelber/Little).

  4. 10 CFR Part 71; Docket No. PRM-71-12; Petition from International Energy Consultants, Inc.; Extension of Comment Period.


Region I
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

West Valley Vitrification Project Phase I Milestone Reached

On June 10, 1998, the melter at the West Valley Demonstration Project completed the Phase I milestone for the project. With the completion of this phase, 9.32 million curies of radioactive strontium and cesium have been vitrified into glass logs and the level of liquid waste in tank 8D2 has been reduced to a depth of 18 inches or less. Phase II of vitrification continues, which includes processing as much as possible of the remaining curies in tanks 8D1 and 8D2.


Region II
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Tennessee Valley Authority - Sequoyah and Watts Bar

On June 16, 1998, representatives from Tennessee Valley Authority met with Regional management to discuss the status of Sequoyah and Watts Bar Ice Condensers. TVA discussed their past problems at Sequoyah and subsequent corrective actions. In addition, they discussed a recent Sequoyah self-assessment and a review of industry operating experience which primarily focused on the issues from D.C. Cook. A summary of Watts Bar issues was discussed including recent preoperational resting and ice melting prior to initial plant operations.


Region III
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Management Meeting with Commonwealth Edison Company - LaSalle

On June 18, 1998, a management meeting was conducted in the Region III Office, Lisle, Illinois, between management representatives from Commonwealth Edison Company and members of the NRC staff. The meeting discussed the status and effectiveness of performance improvement activities implemented as a part of the La Salle County Nuclear Power Station's restart plan.

Predecisional Enforcement Conference with Commonwealth Edison Company - Quad Cities

On June 18, 1998, a Predecisional Enforcement Conference was conducted in the Region III Office, Lisle, Illinois, between management representatives of Commonwealth Edison Company and members of the NRC staff. The conference was conducted to discuss apparent violations at the Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station. The discussion focused on apparent violations of NRC fire protection requirements for the Quad Cities plant involving the capability to safely shut the plant down in the event of a fire. In September of last year, the utility shut down Unit 2 and Unit 1 was subsequently shut down in December for reviews of shutdown procedures and systems which would be used in the event of a fire affecting normal shutdown systems. Following the shutdowns last year, the two units remained out of service for improvements to the shutdown procedures and systems. On May 22, 1998, the NRC staff determined that the utility had made sufficient changes for units to return safely to operation.


Region IV
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998

Management Meeting for Callaway Plant

On June 16, 1998, the Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer of Union Electric Company, and members of his staff, met with the Regional Administrator and other NRC Region IV and NRR representatives to discuss overall performance at the Callaway Plant since the beginning of the current cycle of the Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance. The public meeting was held in the Region IV office in Arlington, Texas.

Public SALP Meeting at Wolf Creek Generating Station

On June 17, 1998, the Regional Administrator, accompanied by NRR and Region IV staff, conducted a public meeting at the Wolf Creek Generating Station to discuss the results of the latest Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance for the Wolf Creek Generating Station. Subsequent to the SALP meeting, the Regional Administrator and members of his staff met with state and local officials to discuss matters of mutual interest.

Augmented Inspection Team Dispatched to Washington Nuclear Plant-2

An augmented inspection team (AIT) was dispatched to Washington Nuclear Plant-2 on June 18. The AIT was dispatched in response to flooding of two separate emergency core cooling system pump rooms (affecting both Divisions I and II) inside the reactor building from a fire protection system valve rupture, which occurred on June 17. The five-person team includes a fire protection specialist from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and four regional specialists with expertise in plant operations, risk analysis, electrical systems, and mechanical systems. The AIT was initiated because: the initiating event, cause of the fire protection system valve failure, and plant and system responses were complex; the event involved two divisions of the emergency core cooling system; and the event may involve possible adverse generic implications.

Meeting with Union Electric Management

On June 15, 1998, the Region IV, and NRR staff conducted a meeting with Union Electric management and representatives the Callaway Plant. This meeting was held to discuss changes and improvements to the licensee's program for implementing requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.65, "Requirements for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants." The licensee also provided specific information relative to the findings identified during the Maintenance Rule Baseline inspection conducted at the facility.


Office of Congressional Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 19, 1998


Gerke 06/22
2154 RHOB
1:00 OMB, GAO, Private Sector Year 2000: Biggest Problems and Proposed Solutions Reps. Horn/Kucinich
Gov't Mgmnt, Info & Technology
Government Reform & Oversight
Gerke 06/22
342 DSOB
2:00 Jacob J. Lew Confirmation hearing to be OMB Director Senators Thompson/Glenn
Governmental Affairs
Gerke 06/24
2247 RHOB
10:00 OPM, GAO, Heritage Foundation, AFGE, NTEU Proposed Changes to Federal Employment System Reps. Mica/Cummings
Civil Service
Government Reform & Oversight

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